Source code for sharpy.linear.assembler.linearbeam

Linear State Beam Element Class

import h5py

from sharpy.linear.utils.ss_interface import BaseElement, linear_system, LinearVector
import sharpy.linear.src.lingebm as lingebm
import numpy as np
import sharpy.utils.settings as settings
import sharpy.utils.algebra as algebra
import sharpy.structure.utils.modalutils as modalutils
from sharpy.linear.utils.ss_interface import VectorVariable, OutputVariable, InputVariable
import sharpy.linear.src.libss as libss

[docs]@linear_system class LinearBeam(BaseElement): r""" State space member Define class for linear state-space realisation of GEBM flexible-body equations from SHARPy ``timestep_info`` class and with the nonlinear structural information. State-space models can be defined in continuous or discrete time (dt required). Modal projection, either on the damped or undamped modal shapes, is also available. The beam state space has information on the states which will depend on whether the system is modal or expressed in physical coordinates. If ``modal`` the state variables will be ``q`` and ``q_dot`` representing the modal displacements and the time derivatives. If ``nodal`` and free-flying, the state variables will be ``eta`` for the flexible degrees of freedom (displacements and CRVs for each node (dim6)), ``V`` representing the linear velocities at the A frame (dim3), ``W`` representing the angular velocities at the ``A`` frame (dim3), and ``orient`` representing the orientation variable of the ``A`` frame with respect to ``G`` Notes on the settings: a. ``modal_projection={True,False}``: determines whether to project the states onto modal coordinates. Projection over damped or undamped modal shapes can be obtained selecting: - ``proj_modes = {'damped','undamped'}`` while - ``inout_coords={'modes','nodal'}`` determines whether the modal state-space inputs/outputs are modal coords or nodal degrees-of-freedom. If ``modes`` is selected, the ``Kin`` and ``Kout`` gain matrices are generated to transform nodal to modal dofs b. ``dlti={True,False}``: if true, generates discrete-time system. The continuous to discrete transformation method is determined by:: discr_method={ 'newmark', # Newmark-beta 'zoh', # Zero-order hold 'bilinear'} # Bilinear (Tustin) transformation DLTIs can be obtained directly using the Newmark-:math:`\beta` method ``discr_method='newmark'`` ``newmark_damp=xx`` with ``xx<<1.0`` for full-states descriptions (``modal_projection=False``) and modal projection over the undamped structural modes (``modal_projection=True`` and ``proj_modes``). The Zero-order holder and bilinear methods, instead, work in all descriptions, but require the continuous state-space equations. """ sys_id = "LinearBeam" settings_types = dict() settings_default = dict() settings_description = dict() settings_options = dict() settings_default['modal_projection'] = True settings_types['modal_projection'] = 'bool' settings_description['modal_projection'] = 'Use modal projection' settings_default['inout_coords'] = 'nodes' settings_types['inout_coords'] = 'str' settings_description['inout_coords'] = 'Beam state space input/output coordinates' settings_options['inout_coords'] = ['nodes', 'modes'] settings_types['num_modes'] = 'int' settings_default['num_modes'] = 10 settings_description['num_modes'] = 'Number of modes to retain' settings_default['discrete_time'] = True settings_types['discrete_time'] = 'bool' settings_description['discrete_time'] = 'Assemble beam in discrete time' settings_default['dt'] = 0.001 settings_types['dt'] = 'float' settings_description['dt'] = 'Discrete time system integration time step' settings_default['proj_modes'] = 'undamped' settings_types['proj_modes'] = 'str' settings_description['proj_modes'] = 'Use ``undamped`` or ``damped`` modes' settings_options['proj_modes'] = ['damped', 'undamped'] settings_default['discr_method'] = 'newmark' settings_types['discr_method'] = 'str' settings_description['discr_method'] = 'Discrete time assembly system method:' settings_options['discr_method'] = ['newmark', 'zoh', 'bilinear'] settings_default['newmark_damp'] = 1e-4 settings_types['newmark_damp'] = 'float' settings_description['newmark_damp'] = 'Newmark damping value. For systems assembled using ``newmark``' settings_default['use_euler'] = True settings_types['use_euler'] = 'bool' settings_description['use_euler'] = 'Use euler angles for rigid body parametrisation' settings_default['print_info'] = True settings_types['print_info'] = 'bool' settings_description['print_info'] = 'Display information on screen' settings_default['gravity'] = False settings_types['gravity'] = 'bool' settings_description['gravity'] = 'Linearise gravitational forces' settings_types['remove_dofs'] = 'list(str)' settings_default['remove_dofs'] = [] settings_description['remove_dofs'] = 'Remove desired degrees of freedom (flexible DOFs, ' \ 'linear velocities, rotational velocities, orientation)' settings_options['remove_dofs'] = ['eta', 'V', 'W', 'orient'] settings_types['remove_sym_modes'] = 'bool' settings_default['remove_sym_modes'] = False settings_description['remove_sym_modes'] = 'Remove symmetric modes if wing is clamped' settings_types['remove_rigid_states'] = 'bool' settings_default['remove_rigid_states'] = False settings_description['remove_rigid_states'] = '(For Stability Derivatives) - Remove RIGID STATES from SS leaving' \ ' input/output channels unchanged' settings_table = settings.SettingsTable() __doc__ += settings_table.generate(settings_types, settings_default, settings_description, settings_options) def __init__(self): self.sys = None # The actual object = None # The state space object self.clamped = None self.tsstruct0 = None self.settings = dict() self.state_variables = None self.linearisation_vectors = dict() def initialise(self, data, custom_settings=None): if custom_settings: self.settings = custom_settings else: try: self.settings = data.settings['LinearAssembler']['linear_system_settings'] except KeyError: pass settings.to_custom_types(self.settings, self.settings_types, self.settings_default, self.settings_options, no_ctype=True) self.settings['rigid_modes_ppal_axes'] = data.settings['Modal']['rigid_modes_ppal_axes'] # use the same value as in Modal solver beam = lingebm.FlexDynamic(data.linear.tsstruct0, data.structure, self.settings) self.sys = beam self.tsstruct0 = data.linear.tsstruct0 # State variables - for the purposes of dof removal PRIOR to first order system assembly num_dof_flex = self.sys.structure.num_dof.value num_dof_rig = self.sys.Mstr.shape[0] - num_dof_flex # Variables described in class docstring. If modified, remember to change docstring if num_dof_rig == 0: state_variable_list = [ VectorVariable('eta', size=num_dof_flex, index=0), ] else: state_variable_list = [ VectorVariable('eta', size=num_dof_flex, index=0), # flexible dofs VectorVariable('V', size=3, index=1), # translational velocities VectorVariable('W', size=3, index=2), # angular velocities VectorVariable('orient', size=num_dof_rig - 6, index=3), # orientation ] self.state_variables = LinearVector(state_variable_list) if num_dof_rig == 0: self.clamped = True self.linearisation_vectors['eta'] = self.tsstruct0.q self.linearisation_vectors['eta_dot'] = self.tsstruct0.dqdt self.linearisation_vectors['forces_struct'] = self.tsstruct0.steady_applied_forces.reshape(-1, order='C') # B frame
[docs] def assemble(self, t_ref=None): """ Assemble the beam state-space system. Args: t_ref (float): Scaling factor to non-dimensionalise the beam's time step. Returns: """ if self.settings['gravity']: self.sys.linearise_gravity_forces() # follower force effect self.sys.linearise_applied_forces() if self.settings['remove_dofs']: self.trim_nodes(self.settings['remove_dofs']) if self.settings['modal_projection'] and self.settings['remove_sym_modes'] and self.clamped: self.remove_symmetric_modes() if t_ref is not None: self.sys.scale_system_normalised_time(t_ref) self.sys.assemble() # TODO: remove integrals of the rigid body modes (and change mode shapes to account for this in the coupling matrices) # Option to remove certain dofs via dict: i.e. dofs to remove # Map dofs to equations # Boundary conditions # Same with modal, remove certain modes. Need to specify that modes to keep refer to flexible ones only if self.sys.SSdisc: = self.sys.SSdisc elif self.sys.SScont: = self.sys.SScont if self.settings['remove_rigid_states']: # Temporary - should be incorporated into StabilityDerivatives and the coupled system reassembled self.remove_rigid_states() return
def remove_rigid_states(self): if self.sys.clamped: return if self.settings['use_euler']: num_rig_dof = 9 else: num_rig_dof = 10 if self.sys.modal: =[num_rig_dof:, num_rig_dof:] =[num_rig_dof:, :] =[:, num_rig_dof:]'q',[0].size - num_rig_dof) retain_state = np.zeros(( - 9, retain_state[[0].size,[0].size] = \ np.eye([0].size) retain_state[[0].size:,[0].size + 9:] = \ np.eye([0].size) = = ='q_dot',[1].size - 9) else: retain_state = np.zeros(( - 2 * num_rig_dof, eta_size =[0].size retain_state[:eta_size, :eta_size] = np.eye(eta_size) retain_state[eta_size: 2 * eta_size, eta_size + 9: 2 * eta_size + 9] = np.eye(eta_size) = = ='beta_bar')'beta') def x0(self): x = np.concatenate((self.tsstruct0.q, self.tsstruct0.dqdt)) return x
[docs] def trim_nodes(self, trim_list=list): """ Removes degrees of freedom from the second order system. Args: trim_list (list): List of degrees of freedom to remove ``eta``, ``V``, ``W`` or ``orient`` """ num_dof_flex = self.sys.structure.num_dof.value n_dofs = self.state_variables.size self.state_variables.remove(*trim_list) removed_dofs = n_dofs - self.state_variables.size trim_matrix = np.zeros((n_dofs, n_dofs - removed_dofs)) for variable in self.state_variables: trim_matrix[variable.rows_loc, variable.cols_loc] = 1 # Update matrices self.sys.Mstr = self.sys.Cstr = self.sys.Kstr =
[docs] def remove_symmetric_modes(self): """ Removes symmetric modes when the wing is clamped at the midpoint. It will force the wing tip displacements in ``z`` to be postive for all modes. Updates the mode shapes matrix, the natural frequencies and the number of modes. """ # Group modes into symmetric and anti-symmetric modes modes_sym = np.zeros_like(self.sys.U) # grouped modes total_modes = self.sys.num_modes for i in range(total_modes//2): je = 2*i jo = 2*i + 1 modes_sym[:, je] = 1./np.sqrt(2)*(self.sys.U[:, je] + self.sys.U[:, jo]) modes_sym[:, jo] = 1./np.sqrt(2)*(self.sys.U[:, je] - self.sys.U[:, jo]) self.sys.U = modes_sym # Remove anti-symmetric modes # Wing 1 and 2 nodes # z-displacement index ind_w1 = [6*i + 2 for i in range(self.sys.structure.num_node // 2)] # Wing 1 nodes are in the first half rows ind_w1_x = [6*i for i in range(self.sys.structure.num_node // 2)] # Wing 1 nodes are in the first half rows ind_w1_y = [6*i + 1 for i in range(self.sys.structure.num_node // 2)] # Wing 1 nodes are in the first half rows ind_w2 = [6*i + 2 for i in range(self.sys.structure.num_node // 2, self.sys.structure.num_node - 1)] # Wing 2 nodes are in the second half rows sym_mode_index = [] for i in range(self.sys.num_modes//2): found_symmetric = False for j in range(2): ind = 2*i + j # Maximum z displacement for wings 1 and 2 ind_max_w1 = np.argmax(np.abs(modes_sym[ind_w1, ind])) ind_max_w2 = np.argmax(np.abs(modes_sym[ind_w2, ind])) z_max_w1 = modes_sym[ind_w1, ind][ind_max_w1] z_max_w2 = modes_sym[ind_w2, ind][ind_max_w2] z_max_diff = np.abs(z_max_w1 - z_max_w2) if z_max_diff < np.abs(z_max_w1 + z_max_w2): sym_mode_index.append(ind) if found_symmetric: raise NameError('Symmetric Mode previously found') found_symmetric = True self.sys.U = modes_sym[:, sym_mode_index] # make all elastic modes have a positive z component at the wingtip self.sys.U = modalutils.mode_sign_convention(self.sys.structure.boundary_conditions, self.sys.U, rigid_body_motion=not self.clamped, use_euler=self.settings['use_euler']) self.sys.freq_natural = self.sys.freq_natural[sym_mode_index] self.sys.num_modes = len(self.sys.freq_natural)
[docs] def unpack_ss_vector(self, x_n, u_n, struct_tstep): """ Warnings: Under development. Missing: * Accelerations * Double check the cartesian rotation vector * Tangential operator for the moments Takes the state :math:`x = [\eta, \dot{\eta}]` and input vectors :math:`u = N` of a linearised beam and returns a SHARPy timestep instance, including the reference values. Args: x_n (np.ndarray): Structural beam state vector in nodal space y_n (np.ndarray): Beam input vector (nodal forces) struct_tstep (utils.datastructures.StructTimeStepInfo): Reference timestep used for linearisation Returns: utils.datastructures.StructTimeStepInfo: new timestep with linearised values added to the reference value """ # check if clamped vdof = self.sys.structure.vdof num_node = struct_tstep.num_node num_dof = 6*sum(vdof >= 0) if self.sys.clamped: clamped = True rig_dof = 0 else: clamped = False if self.settings['use_euler']: rig_dof = 9 else: rig_dof = 10 q = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.q) q = np.zeros((num_dof + rig_dof)) dqdt = np.zeros_like(q) dqddt = np.zeros_like(q) pos = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.pos) pos_dot = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.pos_dot) psi = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.psi) psi_dot = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.psi_dot) for_pos = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.for_pos) for_vel = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.for_vel) for_acc = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.for_acc) quat = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.quat) gravity_forces = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.gravity_forces) total_gravity_forces = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.total_gravity_forces) steady_applied_forces = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.steady_applied_forces) unsteady_applied_forces = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.unsteady_applied_forces) q[:num_dof + rig_dof] = x_n[:num_dof + rig_dof] dqdt[:num_dof + rig_dof] = x_n[num_dof + rig_dof:] # Missing the forces # dqddt = - # for i_node in vdof[vdof >= 0]: # pos[i_node + 1, :] = q[6*i_node: 6*i_node + 3] # pos_dot[i_node + 1, :] = dqdt[6*i_node + 0: 6*i_node + 3] # # TODO: CRV of clamped node and double check that the CRV takes this form # for i_elem in range(struct_tstep.num_elem): # for i_node in range(struct_tstep.num_node_elem): # psi[i_elem, i_node, :] = np.linalg.inv(algebra.crv2tan(struct_tstep.psi[i_elem, i_node]).T).dot(q[i_node + 3: i_node + 6]) # psi_dot[i_elem, i_node, :] = dqdt[i_node + 3: i_node + 6] pos, psi, pos_dot, psi_dot = self.unpack_flex_dof(q, dqdt) if not clamped: for_vel = dqdt[-rig_dof: -rig_dof + 6] if self.settings['use_euler']: euler = dqdt[-4:-1] quat = algebra.euler2quat(euler) else: quat = dqdt[-4:] for_pos = q[-rig_dof:-rig_dof + 6] for_acc = dqddt[-rig_dof:-rig_dof + 6] if u_n is not None: cba_m = algebra.get_transformation_matrix('ba') for i_node in vdof[vdof >= 0]: i_elem = self.sys.structure.node_master_elem[i_node, 0] i_local_node = self.sys.structure.node_master_elem[i_node, 1] cba = cba_m(struct_tstep.psi[i_elem, i_local_node]) steady_applied_forces[i_node+1, :3] =[6*i_node: 6*i_node + 3]) steady_applied_forces[i_node+1, 3:] =[6*i_node + 3: 6*i_node + 6]) i_elem = self.sys.structure.node_master_elem[0, 0] i_local_node = self.sys.structure.node_master_elem[0, 1] cba = cba_m(struct_tstep.psi[i_elem, i_local_node]) steady_applied_forces[0, :3] =[-10:-7]) - np.sum(steady_applied_forces[1:, :3], 0) steady_applied_forces[0, 3:] =[-7:-4]) - np.sum(steady_applied_forces[1:, 3:], 0) # gravity forces - careful - debug C_grav = np.zeros((q.shape[0], q.shape[0])) K_grav = np.zeros_like(C_grav) try: Crr = self.sys.Crr_grav Csr = self.sys.Csr_grav C_grav[:-rig_dof, -rig_dof:] = Csr # TODO: sort out changing q vector with euler C_grav[-rig_dof:, -rig_dof:] = Crr K_grav[-rig_dof:, :-rig_dof] = self.sys.Krs_grav K_grav[:-rig_dof, :-rig_dof] = self.sys.Kss_grav fgrav = - for i in range(gravity_forces.shape[0]-1): #add bc at node - doing it manually here gravity_forces[i+1, :] = fgrav[6*i:6*(i+1)] gravity_forces[0, :] = fgrav[-rig_dof:-rig_dof+6] - np.sum(gravity_forces[1:], 0) except AttributeError: pass current_time_step = struct_tstep.copy() current_time_step.q[:len(q)] = q + struct_tstep.q[:len(q)] current_time_step.dqdt[:len(q)] = dqdt + struct_tstep.dqdt[:len(q)] current_time_step.dqddt[:len(q)] = dqddt + struct_tstep.dqddt[:len(q)] current_time_step.pos = pos + struct_tstep.pos current_time_step.pos_dot = pos + struct_tstep.pos_dot current_time_step.psi = psi + struct_tstep.psi current_time_step.psi_dot = psi_dot + struct_tstep.psi_dot current_time_step.for_vel = for_vel + struct_tstep.for_vel current_time_step.for_acc = for_acc + struct_tstep.for_acc current_time_step.for_pos = for_pos + struct_tstep.for_pos current_time_step.gravity_forces = gravity_forces + struct_tstep.gravity_forces current_time_step.total_gravity_forces = total_gravity_forces + struct_tstep.total_gravity_forces current_time_step.unsteady_applied_forces = unsteady_applied_forces + struct_tstep.unsteady_applied_forces new_quat = quat + struct_tstep.quat current_time_step.quat = new_quat/np.linalg.norm(new_quat) current_time_step.steady_applied_forces = steady_applied_forces + struct_tstep.steady_applied_forces return current_time_step
[docs] def unpack_flex_dof(self, eta, eta_dot=None): """ Unpacks a vector of structural displacements and velocities into a SHARPy familiar form of pos, psi and their time derivatives Args: eta (np.array): Vector of structural displacements eta_dot (np.array (Optional): Vector of structural velocities Returns: tuple: Containing ``pos``, ``psi``, ``pos_dot``, ``psi_dot`` if ``eta_dot`` is provided, else only the displacements are returned """ vdof = self.sys.structure.vdof if np.max(np.abs(eta.imag)) > 0: dtype=complex else: dtype=float pos = np.zeros_like(self.tsstruct0.pos, dtype=dtype) psi = np.zeros_like(self.tsstruct0.psi, dtype=dtype) pos_dot = np.zeros_like(self.tsstruct0.pos_dot, dtype=dtype) psi_dot = np.zeros_like(self.tsstruct0.psi_dot, dtype=dtype) return_vels = True if eta_dot is None: return_vels = False eta_dot = np.zeros_like(eta) for i_node in vdof[vdof >= 0]: pos[i_node + 1, :] = eta[6*i_node: 6*i_node + 3] pos_dot[i_node + 1, :] = eta_dot[6*i_node + 0: 6*i_node + 3] # TODO: CRV of clamped node and double check that the CRV takes this form for i_elem in range(self.tsstruct0.num_elem): for i_node in range(self.tsstruct0.num_node_elem): psi[i_elem, i_node, :] = np.linalg.inv( algebra.crv2tan(self.tsstruct0.psi[i_elem, i_node]).T).dot(eta[i_node + 3: i_node + 6]) psi_dot[i_elem, i_node, :] = eta_dot[i_node + 3: i_node + 6] if return_vels: return pos, psi, pos_dot, psi_dot else: return pos, psi
[docs] def recover_accelerations(self, full_ss): """ For a system with displacement and velocity outputs (``full_ss``), recover the accelerations and append them as new output channels. This function produces an output gain that should then be connected in series to the desired system Args: full_ss (libss.StateSpace): State space for which to provide output gain to recover accelerations Returns: libss.Gain: Gain adding the accelerations as new output channels """ n_in = full_ss.outputs n_out = full_ss.outputs + // 2 acc_gain = np.zeros((n_out, n_in)) input_variables = LinearVector.transform(full_ss.output_variables, to_type=InputVariable) output_variables = full_ss.output_variables.copy() acceleration_variables = [] for var in[]: new_var = var.copy() += '_dot' output_variables.append(new_var) acceleration_variables.append(new_var) acc_gain[:n_in, :n_in] = np.eye(n_in) acc_gain[,] =[] acc_gain[,] =[, :] acceleration_recovery = libss.Gain(acc_gain, input_vars=input_variables, output_vars=output_variables) if self.sys.modal: output_variables = [] for var in self.sys.Kout.output_variables[self.sys.Kout.output_variables.num_variables//2:]: new_var = var.copy() += '_dot' output_variables.append(new_var) modal_gain = libss.Gain(self.sys.U, input_vars=LinearVector.transform(LinearVector(acceleration_variables), to_type=InputVariable), output_vars=LinearVector(output_variables)) self.sys.acceleration_modal_gain = modal_gain return acceleration_recovery
def save_reduced_order_bases(self, file_name): gain = libss.Gain(self.sys.U) def save_structural_matrices(self, file_name): with h5py.File(file_name, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('m', data=self.sys.Mstr) f.create_dataset('c', data=self.sys.Cstr) f.create_dataset('k', data=self.sys.Kstr)