Source code for sharpy.utils.generate_cases

Generate cases

This library provides functions and classes to help in the definition of SHARPy cases


    tests in: tests/utils/generate_cases
    examples: test/coupled/multibody/fix_node_velocity_wrtG/test_fix_node_velocity_wrtG


    To use this library: import sharpy.utils.generate_cases as generate_cases


import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import os
import sys
import pandas as pd
import scipy.integrate
from copy import deepcopy

import sharpy.utils.algebra as algebra
import sharpy.utils.solver_interface as solver_interface
import sharpy.utils.generator_interface as generator_interface
import sharpy.utils.controller_interface as controller_interface
import sharpy.structure.utils.lagrangeconstraints as lagrangeconstraints
import sharpy.utils.cout_utils as cout

if not cout.check_running_unittest():
    cout.cout_wrap.print_screen = True
    cout.cout_wrap.print_file = False

#########################  AUX FUNCTIONS  ############################
def get_airfoil_camber(x, y, n_points_camber):

    Define the camber of an airfoil based on its coordinates

        x (np.array): x coordinates of the airfoil surface
        y (np.array): y coordinates of the airfoil surface
        n_points_camber (int): number of points to define the camber line

        camber_x (np.array): x coordinates of the camber line
        camber_y (np.array): y coordinates of the camber line

        The x and y vectors are expected in XFOIL format: TE - suction side - LE - pressure side - TE

    # Returns the airfoil camber for a given set of coordinates (XFOIL format expected)

    x = np.array(x, dtype=float)
    y = np.array(y, dtype=float)
    n = len(x)
    imin_x = 0

    # Look for the minimum x (it will be assumed as the LE position
    for i in range(n):
        if(x[i] < x[imin_x]):
            imin_x = i

    x_suction = np.zeros((imin_x+1, ))
    y_suction = np.zeros((imin_x+1, ))
    x_pressure = np.zeros((n-imin_x, ))
    y_pressure = np.zeros((n-imin_x, ))

    for i in range(0, imin_x+1):
        x_suction[i] = x[imin_x-i]
        y_suction[i] = y[imin_x-i]

    for i in range(imin_x, n):
        x_pressure[i-imin_x] = x[i]
        y_pressure[i-imin_x] = y[i]

    # Compute the camber coordinates
    camber_y = np.zeros((n_points_camber, ))
    camber_x = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n_points_camber)

    # camber_y=0.5*(np.interp(camber_x,x[imin_x::-1],y[imin_x::-1])+np.interp(camber_x,x[imin_x:],y[imin_x:]))
    camber_y = 0.5*(np.interp(camber_x, x_suction, y_suction) +
                    np.interp(camber_x, x_pressure, y_pressure))

    # The function should be called as: camber_x, camber_y = get_airfoil_camber(x,y)
    return camber_x, camber_y

def from_node_list_to_elem_matrix(node_list, connectivities):

    Convert list of properties associated to nodes to matrix of properties associated
    to elements based on the connectivities

    The 'ith' value of the 'node_list' array stores the property of the 'ith' node.
    The 'jth' 'kth' value of the 'elem_matrix' array stores the property of the 'kth' node
    within the 'jth' element

        node_list (np.array): Properties of the nodes
        connectivities (np.array): Connectivities between the nodes to form elements

        elem_matrix (np.array): Properties of the elements


    num_elem = len(connectivities)
    # TODO: change the "3" for self.num_node_elem
    elem_matrix = np.zeros((num_elem, 3), dtype=node_list.dtype)
    for ielem in range(num_elem):
        elem_matrix[ielem, :] = node_list[connectivities[ielem, :]]

    return elem_matrix

def from_node_array_to_elem_matrix(node_array, connectivities):

    Same as the previous function but with an array as input

    num_elem = len(connectivities)
    prop_size = node_array.shape[1:]
    # TODO: change the "3" for self.num_node_elem
    elem_matrix = np.zeros(prop_size + (num_elem, 3), dtype=node_array.dtype)
    for ielem in range(num_elem):
        for inode_in_elem in range(3):
            elem_matrix[:, ielem, inode_in_elem] = node_array[connectivities[ielem, inode_in_elem], :]

    return elem_matrix

def read_column_sheet_type01(excel_file_name, excel_sheet, column_name):

    This function reads a column from an excel file with the following format:

        - First row: column_name
        - Second row: units (not read, not checked)
        - Third row: type of data (see below)

        excel_file_name (string): File name
        excel_sheet (string): Name of the sheet inside the excel file
        column_name (string): Name of the column

        var: Data in the excel file according to the type of data defined in the third row


    xls = pd.ExcelFile(excel_file_name)
    excel_db = pd.read_excel(xls, sheet_name=excel_sheet)
    num_elem = excel_db.index.stop - 2

    except KeyError:
        return None

    if excel_db[column_name][1] == 'one_int':
        var = excel_db[column_name][2]
    elif excel_db[column_name][1] == 'one_float':
        var = excel_db[column_name][2]
    elif excel_db[column_name][1] == 'one_str':
        var = excel_db[column_name][2]
    elif excel_db[column_name][1] == 'vec_int':
        var = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=int)
    elif excel_db[column_name][1] == 'vec_float':
        var = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=float)
    elif excel_db[column_name][1] == 'vec_str':
        var = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=object)
        raise RuntimeError("ERROR: not recognized number type")

    if 'vec' in excel_db[column_name][1]:
        for i in range(2, excel_db.index.stop):
            var[i - 2] = excel_db[column_name][i]

    return var

def get_factor_geometric_progression(a0, Sn_target, n):
    This function provides the factor in a geometric series which first element
    is 'a0', has 'n' points and the sum of the spacings is 'Sn_target' approximately.

    .. math::

        \sum_{k=1}^n a_0 r^{k-1} = \frac{a_0 (1 - r^n)}{1 - r}

    # Given an initial value,

    tol = 1e-12
    max_it = 1000

    # Case of uniform distribution
    if abs(a0*n - Sn_target) < tol:
        return 1.

    # First estimation for r
    if a0*n < Sn_target:
        r = 1.1
        r = 0.9

    # Iterative computation
    error = 2.*tol
    Sn_temp = a0*(1-r**n)/(1-r)
    it = 0
    while ((error > tol) and (it < max_it)):
        derivative = ((1-n*r**(n-1))*(1-r) + (1-r**n))/(1-r)**2
        r += (Sn_target - Sn_temp)/a0/derivative
        Sn_temp = a0*(1-r**n)/(1-r)
        error = abs(Sn_temp - Sn_target)/Sn_target
        it += 1

    if it == max_it:
        message = ("Maximum iterations reached. Sn target:%f . Sn obtained:%f . Relative error: %f" % (Sn_target, Sn_temp, error))
        cout.cout_wrap(message, 3)

    return r

def get_ielem_inode(connectivities, inode):

    num_elem, num_node_in_elem = connectivities.shape

    for ielem in range(num_elem):
        for inode_in_elem in range(num_node_in_elem):
            if connectivities[ielem, inode_in_elem] == inode:
                return ielem, inode_in_elem

    raise RuntimeError("ERROR: cannot find ielem and inode_in_elem")

def get_aoacl0_from_camber(x, y):
    This section provies the angle of attack of zero lift for a thin
    airfoil which camber line is defined by 'x' and 'y' coordinates

    Check Theory of wing sections. Abbott. pg 69

    # Scale
    c = x[-1] - x[0]
    xc = (x - x[0])/c
    yc = (y - y[0])/c

    # Remove the first and last points that may give rise to problems
    xc = xc[1:-1]
    yc = yc[1:-1]

    f1 = 1./(np.pi*(1-xc)*np.sqrt(xc*(1-xc)))
    int = yc*f1

    return -scipy.integrate.trapz(int, xc)

def get_mu0_from_camber(x, y):
    This funrcion provides the constant :math:`\mu_0` for a thin
    airfoil which camber line is defined by 'x' and 'y' coordinates

    Check Theory of wing sections. Abbott. pg 69

    # Scale
    c = x[-1] - x[0]
    xc = (x - x[0])/c
    yc = (y - y[0])/c

    # Remove the first and last points that may give rise to problems
    xc = xc[1:-1]
    yc = yc[1:-1]

    f2 = (1. - 2*xc)/np.sqrt(xc*(1. - xc))
    int = yc*f2

    return scipy.integrate.trapz(int, xc)

def list_methods(class_instance, print_info=True, clean=True):

    list = []
    for str in dir(class_instance):
        func = getattr(class_instance, str)
        if callable(func):
            if clean:
                if not str.startswith("__"):

    if print_info:
        for str in list:

    return list

def set_variable_dict(dictionary, variable, set_value):

    if variable in dictionary:
        dictionary[variable] = set_value

    for key, value in dictionary.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            set_variable_dict(value, variable, set_value)

def define_or_concatenate(variable, value, axis=0):
    if variable is None, value is assigned
    If variable is an array, value is concatenated along axis
    if variable is None:
        variable = value
        variable = np.concatenate((variable, value), axis=axis)
    return variable

###############  STRUCTURAL INFORMATION  #############################
[docs]class StructuralInformation(): """ StructuralInformation Structural information needed to build a case """ def __init__(self): """ __init__ Initialization """ # Variables to write in the h5 file self.num_node_elem = None self.num_node = None self.num_elem = None self.coordinates = None self.connectivities = None self.elem_stiffness = None self.stiffness_db = None self.elem_mass = None self.mass_db = None self.frame_of_reference_delta = None self.structural_twist = None self.boundary_conditions = None self.beam_number = None self.body_number = None self.app_forces = None self.lumped_mass_nodes = None self.lumped_mass = None self.lumped_mass_inertia = None self.lumped_mass_position = None self.lumped_mass_mat = None self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes = None
[docs] def copy(self): """ copy Returns a copy of the object Returns: copied(StructuralInformation): new object with the same properties """ copied = StructuralInformation() # Variables to write in the h5 file copied.num_node_elem = self.num_node_elem copied.num_node = self.num_node copied.num_elem = self.num_elem copied.coordinates = self.coordinates.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.connectivities = self.connectivities.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.elem_stiffness = self.elem_stiffness.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.stiffness_db = self.stiffness_db.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.elem_mass = self.elem_mass.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.mass_db = self.mass_db.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.frame_of_reference_delta = self.frame_of_reference_delta.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.structural_twist = self.structural_twist.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.boundary_conditions = self.boundary_conditions.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.beam_number = self.beam_number.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.body_number = self.body_number.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.app_forces = self.app_forces.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) if isinstance(self.lumped_mass_nodes, np.ndarray): copied.lumped_mass_nodes = self.lumped_mass_nodes.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.lumped_mass = self.lumped_mass.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.lumped_mass_inertia = self.lumped_mass_inertia.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.lumped_mass_position = self.lumped_mass_position.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) if isinstance(self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes, np.ndarray): copied.lumped_mass_mat_nodes = self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.lumped_mass_mat = self.lumped_mass_mat.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) return copied
[docs] def set_to_zero(self, num_node_elem, num_node, num_elem, num_mass_db=None, num_stiffness_db=None, num_lumped_mass=0, num_lumped_mass_mat=0): """ set_to_zero Sets to zero all the variables Args: num_node_elem (int): number of nodes per element num_node (int): number of nodes num_elem (int): number of elements num_mass_db (int): number of different mass matrices in the case num_stiffness_db (int): number of different stiffness matrices in the case num_lumped_mass (int): number of lumped masses in the case num_lumped_mass_mat (int): number of lumped masses given as matrices """ if num_mass_db is None: num_mass_db = self.num_elem if num_stiffness_db is None: num_stiffness_db = self.num_elem self.num_node_elem = num_node_elem self.num_node = num_node self.num_elem = num_elem self.coordinates = np.zeros((num_node, 3), dtype=float) self.connectivities = np.zeros((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=int) self.elem_stiffness = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=int) self.stiffness_db = np.zeros((num_stiffness_db, 6, 6), dtype=float) self.elem_mass = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=int) self.mass_db = np.zeros((num_mass_db, 6, 6), dtype=float) self.frame_of_reference_delta = np.zeros((num_elem, num_node_elem, 3), dtype=float) self.structural_twist = np.zeros((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) self.boundary_conditions = np.zeros((num_node,), dtype=int) self.beam_number = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=int) self.body_number = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=int) self.app_forces = np.zeros((num_node, 6), dtype=int) if not num_lumped_mass == 0: self.lumped_mass_nodes = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass,), dtype=int) self.lumped_mass = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass,), dtype=float) self.lumped_mass_inertia = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass, 3, 3), dtype=float) self.lumped_mass_position = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass, 3), dtype=float) if not num_lumped_mass_mat == 0: self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass_mat,), dtype=int) self.lumped_mass_mat = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass_mat, 6, 6), dtype=float)
[docs] def generate_full_structure(self, num_node_elem, num_node, num_elem, coordinates, connectivities, elem_stiffness, stiffness_db, elem_mass, mass_db, frame_of_reference_delta, structural_twist, boundary_conditions, beam_number, app_forces, lumped_mass_nodes=None, lumped_mass=None, lumped_mass_inertia=None, lumped_mass_position=None, lumped_mass_mat_nodes=None, lumped_mass_mat=None): """ generate_full_structure Defines the whole case from the appropiated variables Args: num_node_elem (int): number of nodes per element num_node (int): number of nodes num_elem (int): number of elements coordinates (np.array): nodes coordinates connectivities (np.array): element connectivities elem_stiffness (np.array): element stiffness index stiffness_db (np.array): Stiffness matrices elem_mass (np.array): element mass index mass_db (np.array): Mass matrices frame_of_reference_delta (np.array): element direction of the y axis in the BFoR wrt the AFoR structural_twist (np.array): element based twist boundary_conditions (np.array): node boundary condition beam_number (np.array): node beam number app_forces (np.array): steady applied follower forces at the nodes lumped_mass_nodes (np.array): nodes with lumped masses lumped_mass (np.array): value of the lumped masses lumped_mass_inertia (np.array): inertia of the lumped masses lumped_mass_position (np.array): position of the lumped masses lumped_mass_mat_nodes (np.array): nodes with lumped masses given by matrices lumped_mass_mat (np.array): value of the lumped masses given by matrices """ self.num_node_elem = num_node_elem self.num_node = num_node self.num_elem = num_elem self.coordinates = coordinates self.connectivities = connectivities self.elem_stiffness = elem_stiffness self.stiffness_db = stiffness_db self.elem_mass = elem_mass self.mass_db = mass_db self.frame_of_reference_delta = frame_of_reference_delta self.structural_twist = structural_twist self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions self.beam_number = beam_number self.body_number = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=int) self.app_forces = app_forces if isinstance(self.lumped_mass_nodes, np.ndarray): self.lumped_mass_nodes = lumped_mass_nodes self.lumped_mass = lumped_mass self.lumped_mass_inertia = lumped_mass_inertia self.lumped_mass_position = lumped_mass_position if isinstance(self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes, np.ndarray): self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes = lumped_mass_mat_nodes self.lumped_mass_mat = lumped_mass_mat
def generate_1to1_from_vectors(self, num_node_elem, num_node, num_elem, coordinates, stiffness_db, mass_db, frame_of_reference_delta, vec_node_structural_twist, num_lumped_mass=0, num_lumped_mass_mat=0): self.num_node_elem = num_node_elem self.num_node = num_node self.num_elem = num_elem self.coordinates = coordinates self.create_simple_connectivities() self.elem_stiffness = np.linspace(0,self.num_elem - 1, self.num_elem, dtype=int) self.stiffness_db = stiffness_db self.elem_mass = np.linspace(0,self.num_elem - 1, self.num_elem, dtype=int) self.mass_db = mass_db self.create_frame_of_reference_delta(y_BFoR=frame_of_reference_delta) self.structural_twist = from_node_list_to_elem_matrix(vec_node_structural_twist, self.connectivities) self.boundary_conditions = np.zeros((self.num_node,), dtype=int) self.beam_number = np.zeros((self.num_elem,), dtype=int) self.body_number = np.zeros((self.num_elem,), dtype=int) self.app_forces = np.zeros((self.num_node, 6), dtype=float) if not num_lumped_mass == 0: self.lumped_mass_nodes = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass,), dtype=int) self.lumped_mass = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass,), dtype=float) self.lumped_mass_inertia = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass, 3, 3), dtype=float) self.lumped_mass_position = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass, 3), dtype=float) if not num_lumped_mass_mat == 0: self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass_mat,), dtype=int) self.lumped_mass_mat = np.zeros((num_lumped_mass_mat, 6, 6), dtype=float)
[docs] def create_frame_of_reference_delta(self, y_BFoR='y_AFoR'): """ create_frame_of_reference_delta Define the coordinates of the yB axis in the AFoR Args: y_BFoR (string): Direction of the yB axis """ if y_BFoR == 'x_AFoR': yB = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) elif y_BFoR == 'y_AFoR': yB = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) elif y_BFoR == 'z_AFoR': yB = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) else: cout.cout_wrap("WARNING: y_BFoR not recognized, using the default value: y_BFoR = y_AFoR", 3) # y vector of the B frame of reference self.frame_of_reference_delta = np.zeros((self.num_elem, self.num_node_elem, 3), dtype=float) for ielem in range(self.num_elem): for inode in range(self.num_node_elem): # TODO: do i need to use the connectivities? self.frame_of_reference_delta[ielem, inode, :] = yB
[docs] def create_mass_db_from_vector(self, vec_mass_per_unit_length, vec_mass_iner_x, vec_mass_iner_y, vec_mass_iner_z, vec_pos_cg_B, vec_mass_iner_yz=None): """ create_mass_db_from_vector Create the mass matrices from the vectors of properties Args: vec_mass_per_unit_length (np.array): masses per unit length vec_mass_iner_x (np.array): inertias around the x axis vec_mass_iner_y (np.array): inertias around the y axis vec_mass_iner_z (np.array): inertias around the z axis vec_pos_cg_B (np.array): position of the masses vec_mass_iner_yz (np.array): inertias around the yz axis """ if vec_mass_iner_yz is None: vec_mass_iner_yz = np.zeros_like(vec_mass_per_unit_length) self.mass_db = np.zeros((len(vec_mass_per_unit_length), 6, 6), dtype=float) mass = np.zeros((6, 6),) for i in range(len(vec_mass_per_unit_length)): mass[0:3, 0:3] = np.eye(3)*vec_mass_per_unit_length[i] mass[0:3, 3:6] = -1.0*vec_mass_per_unit_length[i]*algebra.skew(vec_pos_cg_B[i]) mass[3:6, 0:3] = -1.0*mass[0:3, 3:6] mass[3:6, 3:6] = np.diag([vec_mass_iner_x[i], vec_mass_iner_y[i], vec_mass_iner_z[i]]) mass[4, 5] = vec_mass_iner_yz[i] mass[5, 4] = vec_mass_iner_yz[i] self.mass_db[i] = mass
[docs] def create_stiff_db_from_vector(self, vec_EA, vec_GAy, vec_GAz, vec_GJ, vec_EIy, vec_EIz, vec_EIyz=None): """ create_stiff_db_from_vector Create the stiffness matrices from the vectors of properties Args: vec_EA (np.array): Axial stiffness vec_GAy (np.array): Shear stiffness in the y direction vec_GAz (np.array): Shear stiffness in the z direction vec_GJ (np.array): Torsional stiffness vec_EIy (np.array): Bending stiffness in the y direction vec_EIz (np.array): Bending stiffness in the z direction vec_EIyz (np.array): Bending stiffness in the yz direction """ if vec_EIyz is None: vec_EIyz = np.zeros_like(vec_EA) self.stiffness_db = np.zeros((len(vec_EA), 6, 6),) for i in range(len(vec_EA)): self.stiffness_db[i] = np.diag([vec_EA[i], vec_GAy[i], vec_GAz[i], vec_GJ[i], vec_EIy[i], vec_EIz[i]]) self.stiffness_db[i][4, 5] = vec_EIyz[i] self.stiffness_db[i][5, 4] = vec_EIyz[i]
[docs] def create_simple_connectivities(self): """ create_simple_connectivities Create the matrix of connectivities for one single beam with the nodes ordered in increasing xB direction """ self.connectivities = np.zeros((self.num_elem, self.num_node_elem), dtype=int) for ielem in range(self.num_elem): self.connectivities[ielem, :] = (np.array([0, 2, 1], dtype=int) + ielem*(self.num_node_elem - 1))
[docs] def rotate_around_origin(self, axis, angle): """ rotate_around_origin Rotates a structure Args: axis (np.array): axis of rotation angle (float): angle of rotation in radians """ rot = algebra.rotation_matrix_around_axis(axis, angle) for inode in range(len(self.coordinates)): self.coordinates[inode, :] =, self.coordinates[inode, :]) for ielem in range(self.num_elem): for inode in range(self.num_node_elem): self.frame_of_reference_delta[ielem, inode, :] =, self.frame_of_reference_delta[ielem, inode, :])
[docs] def compute_basic_num_elem(self): """ compute_basic_num_elem It computes the number of elements when no nodes are shared between beams """ if ((self.num_node-1) % (self.num_node_elem-1)) == 0: self.num_elem = int((self.num_node-1)/(self.num_node_elem-1)) else: raise RuntimeError("The number of nodes cannot be converted into " + self.num_node_elem + "-noded elements")
[docs] def compute_basic_num_node(self): """ compute_basic_num_node It computes the number of nodes when no nodes are shared between beams """ self.num_node = self.num_elem*(self.num_node_elem-1) + 1
[docs] def generate_uniform_sym_beam(self, node_pos, mass_per_unit_length, mass_iner, EA, GA, GJ, EI, num_node_elem=3, y_BFoR='y_AFoR', num_lumped_mass=0, num_lumped_mass_mat=0): """ generate_uniform_sym_beam Generates the input data for SHARPy of a uniform symmetric beam Args: node_pos (np.array): coordinates of the nodes mass_per_unit_length (float): mass per unit length mass_iner (float): Inertia of the mass EA (float): Axial stiffness GA (float): Shear stiffness GJ (float): Torsional stiffness EI (float): Bending stiffness num_node_elem (int): number of nodes per element y_BFoR (str): orientation of the yB axis num_lumped_mass (int): number of lumped masses """ self.generate_uniform_beam(node_pos, mass_per_unit_length, mass_iner, mass_iner, mass_iner, np.zeros((3,),), EA, GA, GA, GJ, EI, EI, num_node_elem, y_BFoR, num_lumped_mass, num_lumped_mass_mat)
[docs] def generate_uniform_beam(self, node_pos, mass_per_unit_length, mass_iner_x, mass_iner_y, mass_iner_z, pos_cg_B, EA, GAy, GAz, GJ, EIy, EIz, num_node_elem=3, y_BFoR='y_AFoR', num_lumped_mass=0, num_lumped_mass_mat=0): """ generate_uniform_beam Generates the input data for SHARPy of a uniform beam Args: node_pos (np.array): coordinates of the nodes mass_per_unit_length (float): mass per unit length mass_iner_x (float): Inertia of the mass in the x direction mass_iner_y (float): Inertia of the mass in the y direction mass_iner_z (float): Inertia of the mass in the z direction pos_cg_B (np.array): position of the masses EA (np.array): Axial stiffness GAy (np.array): Shear stiffness in the y direction GAz (np.array): Shear stiffness in the z direction GJ (np.array): Torsional stiffness EIy (np.array): Bending stiffness in the y direction EIz (np.array): Bending stiffness in the z direction num_node_elem (int): number of nodes per element y_BFoR (str): orientation of the yB axis num_lumped_mass (int): number of lumped masses num_lumped_mass_mat (int): number of lumped masses given as matrices """ self.num_node = len(node_pos) self.num_node_elem = num_node_elem self.compute_basic_num_elem() self.set_to_zero(self.num_node_elem, self.num_node, self.num_elem, 1, 1, num_lumped_mass, num_lumped_mass_mat) self.coordinates = node_pos self.create_simple_connectivities() # self.create_mass_db_from_vector(np.ones((num_elem,),)*mass_per_unit_length, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*mass_iner_x, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*mass_iner_y, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*mass_iner_z, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*pos_cg_B]) # self.create_stiff_db_from_vector(np.ones((num_elem,),)*EA, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*GAy, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*GAz, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*GJ, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*EIy, # np.ones((num_elem,),)*EIz) self.create_mass_db_from_vector(np.array([mass_per_unit_length]), np.array([mass_iner_x]), np.array([mass_iner_y]), np.array([mass_iner_z]), np.array([pos_cg_B])) self.create_stiff_db_from_vector(np.array([EA]), np.array([GAy]), np.array([GAz]), np.array([GJ]), np.array([EIy]), np.array([EIz])) self.create_frame_of_reference_delta(y_BFoR) self.boundary_conditions = np.zeros((self.num_node), dtype=int)
[docs] def add_lumped_mass(self, node, mass=None, inertia=None, pos=None, mat=None): """ Add lumped mass to structure node(int): Node where the lumped mass is to be placed For lumped masses: mass(float): Mass inertia(np.array): 3x3 inertia matrix pos(np.array): 3 coordinates of the mass position For lumped masses described as a 6x6 matrix: mat(np.array): 6x6 mass and inertia matrix """ if (mass is not None) and (inertia is not None): if pos is None: pos = np.zeros((3)) if mat is not None: raise ValueError("mass, inertia and mat cannot be defined at the same time") self.lumped_mass_nodes = define_or_concatenate(self.lumped_mass_nodes, np.array([node]), axis=0) self.lumped_mass = define_or_concatenate(self.lumped_mass, np.array([mass]), axis=0) self.lumped_mass_inertia = define_or_concatenate(self.lumped_mass_inertia, np.array([inertia]), axis=0) self.lumped_mass_position = define_or_concatenate(self.lumped_mass_position, np.array([pos]), axis=0) elif (mat is not None): self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes = define_or_concatenate(self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes, np.array([node]), axis=0) self.lumped_mass_mat = define_or_concatenate(self.lumped_mass_mat, np.array([mat]), axis=0)
[docs] def assembly_structures(self, *args): """ assembly_structures This function concatenates structures to be writen in the same h5 File Args: *args: list of StructuralInformation() to be meged into 'self' Notes: The structures does NOT merge any node (even if nodes are defined at the same coordinates) """ total_num_beam = max(self.beam_number)+1 total_num_body = max(self.body_number)+1 total_num_node = self.num_node total_num_elem = self.num_elem total_num_stiff = self.stiffness_db.shape[0] total_num_mass = self.mass_db.shape[0] for structure_to_add in args: self.coordinates = np.concatenate((self.coordinates, structure_to_add.coordinates), axis=0) self.connectivities = np.concatenate((self.connectivities, structure_to_add.connectivities + total_num_node), axis=0) assert self.num_node_elem == structure_to_add.num_node_elem, "num_node_elem does NOT match" self.stiffness_db = np.concatenate((self.stiffness_db, structure_to_add.stiffness_db), axis=0) self.elem_stiffness = np.concatenate((self.elem_stiffness, structure_to_add.elem_stiffness + total_num_stiff), axis=0) self.mass_db = np.concatenate((self.mass_db, structure_to_add.mass_db), axis=0) self.elem_mass = np.concatenate((self.elem_mass, structure_to_add.elem_mass + total_num_mass), axis=0) self.frame_of_reference_delta = np.concatenate((self.frame_of_reference_delta, structure_to_add.frame_of_reference_delta), axis=0) self.structural_twist = np.concatenate((self.structural_twist, structure_to_add.structural_twist), axis=0) self.boundary_conditions = np.concatenate((self.boundary_conditions, structure_to_add.boundary_conditions), axis=0) self.beam_number = np.concatenate((self.beam_number, structure_to_add.beam_number + total_num_beam), axis=0) self.body_number = np.concatenate((self.body_number, structure_to_add.body_number + total_num_body), axis=0) self.app_forces = np.concatenate((self.app_forces, structure_to_add.app_forces), axis=0) # self.body_number = np.concatenate((self.body_number, structure_to_add.body_number), axis=0) if isinstance(self.lumped_mass_nodes, np.ndarray) and isinstance(structure_to_add.lumped_mass_nodes, np.ndarray): self.lumped_mass_nodes = np.concatenate((self.lumped_mass_nodes, structure_to_add.lumped_mass_nodes + total_num_node), axis=0) self.lumped_mass = np.concatenate((self.lumped_mass, structure_to_add.lumped_mass), axis=0) self.lumped_mass_inertia = np.concatenate((self.lumped_mass_inertia, structure_to_add.lumped_mass_inertia), axis=0) self.lumped_mass_position = np.concatenate((self.lumped_mass_position, structure_to_add.lumped_mass_position), axis=0) elif isinstance(structure_to_add.lumped_mass_nodes, np.ndarray): self.lumped_mass_nodes = structure_to_add.lumped_mass_nodes + total_num_node self.lumped_mass = structure_to_add.lumped_mass self.lumped_mass_inertia = structure_to_add.lumped_mass_inertia self.lumped_mass_position = structure_to_add.lumped_mass_position if isinstance(self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes, np.ndarray) and isinstance(structure_to_add.lumped_mass_mat_nodes, np.ndarray): self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes = np.concatenate((self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes, structure_to_add.lumped_mass_mat_nodes + total_num_node), axis=0) self.lumped_mass_mat = np.concatenate((self.lumped_mass_mat, structure_to_add.lumped_mass_mat), axis=0) elif isinstance(structure_to_add.lumped_mass_mat_nodes, np.ndarray): self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes = structure_to_add.lumped_mass_mat_nodes + total_num_node self.lumped_mass_mat = structure_to_add.lumped_mass_mat total_num_stiff += structure_to_add.stiffness_db.shape[0] total_num_mass += structure_to_add.mass_db.shape[0] total_num_beam += max(structure_to_add.beam_number) + 1 total_num_body += max(structure_to_add.body_number) + 1 total_num_node += structure_to_add.num_node total_num_elem += structure_to_add.num_elem self.num_node = total_num_node self.num_elem = total_num_elem
[docs] def check_StructuralInformation(self): """ check_StructuralInformation Check some properties of the StructuralInformation() Notes: These conditions have to be to correctly define a case but they are not the only ones """ # CHECKING if(self.elem_stiffness.shape[0] != self.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Element stiffness must be defined for each element") if(self.elem_mass.shape[0] != self.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Element mass must be defined for each element") if(self.frame_of_reference_delta.shape[0] != self.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The first dimension of FoR does not match the number of elements") if(self.frame_of_reference_delta.shape[1] != self.num_node_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The second dimension of FoR does not match the number of nodes element") if(self.frame_of_reference_delta.shape[2] != 3): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The third dimension of FoR must be 3") if(self.structural_twist.shape[0] != self.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The structural twist must be defined for each element") if(self.boundary_conditions.shape[0] != self.num_node): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The boundary conditions must be defined for each node") if(self.beam_number.shape[0] != self.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The beam number must be defined for each element") if(self.app_forces.shape[0] != self.num_node): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The first dimension of the applied forces matrix does not match the number of nodes") if(self.app_forces.shape[1] != 6): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The second dimension of the applied forces matrix must be 6") default = StructuralInformation() for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not hasattr(default, attr): raise RuntimeError(("StructuralInformation has no attribute named '%s'" % attr))
[docs] def generate_fem_file(self, route, case_name): """ generate_fem_file Writes the h5 file with the structural information Args: route (string): path of the case case_name (string): name of the case """ # TODO: check variables that are not defined self.check_StructuralInformation() # Writting the file with h5.File(route + '/' + case_name + '.fem.h5', 'a') as h5file: # TODO: include something to write only exsisting variables h5file.create_dataset('coordinates', data=self.coordinates) h5file.create_dataset('connectivities', data=self.connectivities) h5file.create_dataset('num_node_elem', data=self.num_node_elem) h5file.create_dataset('num_node', data=self.num_node) h5file.create_dataset('num_elem', data=self.num_elem) h5file.create_dataset('stiffness_db', data=self.stiffness_db) h5file.create_dataset('elem_stiffness', data=self.elem_stiffness) h5file.create_dataset('mass_db', data=self.mass_db) h5file.create_dataset('elem_mass', data=self.elem_mass) h5file.create_dataset('frame_of_reference_delta', data=self.frame_of_reference_delta) h5file.create_dataset('structural_twist', data=self.structural_twist) h5file.create_dataset('boundary_conditions', data=self.boundary_conditions) h5file.create_dataset('beam_number', data=self.beam_number) h5file.create_dataset('body_number', data=self.body_number) h5file.create_dataset('app_forces', data=self.app_forces) # h5file.create_dataset('body_number', data=self.body_number) if isinstance(self.lumped_mass_nodes, np.ndarray): h5file.create_dataset('lumped_mass_nodes', data=self.lumped_mass_nodes) h5file.create_dataset('lumped_mass', data=self.lumped_mass) h5file.create_dataset('lumped_mass_inertia', data=self.lumped_mass_inertia) h5file.create_dataset('lumped_mass_position', data=self.lumped_mass_position) if isinstance(self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes, np.ndarray): h5file.create_dataset('lumped_mass_mat_nodes', data=self.lumped_mass_mat_nodes) h5file.create_dataset('lumped_mass_mat', data=self.lumped_mass_mat)
###################################################################### ############### BLADE AERODYNAMIC INFORMATION ###################### ######################################################################
[docs]class AerodynamicInformation(): """ AerodynamicInformation Aerodynamic information needed to build a case Note: It should be defined after the StructuralInformation of the case """ def __init__(self): """ __init__ Initialization """ self.aero_node = None self.chord = None self.twist = None self.sweep = None self.surface_m = None self.surface_distribution = None self.m_distribution = None self.elastic_axis = None self.airfoil_distribution = None # TODO: allow airfoils to be of different length (like user_defined_m_distribution) self.airfoils = None self.user_defined_m_distribution = [None] # TODO: Define the following variables at some point # self.control_surface = None # self.control_surface_type = None # self.control_surface_deflection = None # self.control_surface_chord = None # self.control_surface_hinge_coords = None self.polars = None self.first_twist = [None]
[docs] def copy(self): """ copy Returns a copy of the object Returns: copied(AerodynamicInformation): new object with the same properties """ copied = AerodynamicInformation() copied.aero_node = self.aero_node.astype(dtype=bool, copy=True) copied.chord = self.chord.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.twist = self.twist.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.sweep = self.sweep.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.surface_m = self.surface_m.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.surface_distribution = self.surface_distribution.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.m_distribution = self.m_distribution copied.elastic_axis = self.elastic_axis.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.airfoil_distribution = self.airfoil_distribution.astype(dtype=int, copy=True) copied.airfoils = self.airfoils.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.user_defined_m_distribution = self.user_defined_m_distribution.copy() if self.polars is not None: copied.polars = self.polars.copy() copied.first_twist = self.first_twist.copy() return copied
[docs] def set_to_zero(self, num_node_elem, num_node, num_elem, num_airfoils=1, num_surfaces=0, num_points_camber=100): """ set_to_zero Sets to zero all the variables Args: num_node_elem (int): number of nodes per element num_node (int): number of nodes num_elem (int): number of elements num_airfoils (int): number of different airfoils num_surfaces (int): number of aerodynamic surfaces num_points_camber (int): number of points to define the camber line of the airfoil """ self.aero_node = np.zeros((num_node,), dtype=bool) self.chord = np.ones((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) self.twist = np.zeros((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) self.sweep = np.zeros((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) # TODO: SHARPy does not ignore the surface_m when the surface is not aerodynamic self.surface_m = np.array([], dtype=int) # self.surface_m = np.array([], dtype=int) self.surface_distribution = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=int) - 1 self.m_distribution = 'uniform' self.elastic_axis = np.zeros((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) self.airfoil_distribution = np.zeros((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=int) self.airfoils = np.zeros((num_airfoils, num_points_camber, 2), dtype=float) for iairfoil in range(num_airfoils): self.airfoils[iairfoil, :, 0] = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_points_camber) self.first_twist = [True]
[docs] def generate_full_aerodynamics(self, aero_node, chord, twist, sweep, surface_m, surface_distribution, m_distribution, elastic_axis, airfoil_distribution, airfoils, first_twist): """ generate_full_aerodynamics Defines the whole case from the appropiated variables Args: aero_node (np.array): defines if a node has aerodynamic properties or not chord (np.array): chord of the elements twist (np.array): twist of the elements sweep (np.array): sweep of the elements surface_m (np.array): Number of panels in the chord direction surface_distribution (np.array): Surface at which each element belongs m_distribution (str): distribution of the panels along the chord elastic_axis (np.array): position of the elastic axis in the chord airfoil_distribution (np.array): airfoil at each element node airfoils (np.array): coordinates of the camber lines of the airfoils first_twist (list(bool)): Apply the twist rotation before the sweep """ self.aero_node = aero_node self.chord = chord self.twist = twist self.sweep = sweep self.surface_m = surface_m self.surface_distribution = surface_distribution self.m_distribution = m_distribution self.elastic_axis = elastic_axis self.airfoil_distribution = airfoil_distribution self.airfoils = airfoils self.first_twist = first_twist
[docs] def create_aerodynamics_from_vec(self, StructuralInformation, vec_aero_node, vec_chord, vec_twist, vec_sweep, vec_surface_m, vec_surface_distribution, vec_m_distribution, vec_elastic_axis, vec_airfoil_distribution, airfoils, user_defined_m_distribution=None, first_twist=True): """ create_aerodynamics_from_vec Defines the whole case from the appropiated variables in vector form (associated to nodes) Args: StructuralInformation (StructuralInformation): Structural infromation of the case vec_aero_node (np.array): defines if a node has aerodynamic properties or not vec_chord (np.array): chord of the nodes vec_twist (np.array): twist of the nodes vec_sweep (np.array): sweep of the nodes vec_surface_m (np.array): Number of panels in the chord direction vec_surface_distribution (np.array): Surface at which each element belongs vec_m_distribution (np.array): distribution of the panels along the chord vec_elastic_axis (np.array): position of the elastic axis in the chord vec_airfoil_distribution (np.array): airfoil at each element node airfoils (np.array): coordinates of the camber lines of the airfoils first_twist (bool): Apply the twist rotation before the sweep """ self.aero_node = vec_aero_node self.chord = from_node_list_to_elem_matrix(vec_chord, StructuralInformation.connectivities) self.twist = from_node_list_to_elem_matrix(vec_twist, StructuralInformation.connectivities) self.sweep = from_node_list_to_elem_matrix(vec_sweep, StructuralInformation.connectivities) self.elastic_axis = from_node_list_to_elem_matrix(vec_elastic_axis, StructuralInformation.connectivities) self.airfoil_distribution = from_node_list_to_elem_matrix(vec_airfoil_distribution, StructuralInformation.connectivities) self.surface_m = vec_surface_m self.surface_distribution = vec_surface_distribution self.m_distribution = vec_m_distribution self.airfoils = airfoils # TODO: this may not work for different surfaces if vec_m_distribution == 'user_defined': udmd_by_elements = from_node_array_to_elem_matrix(user_defined_m_distribution, StructuralInformation.connectivities) self.user_defined_m_distribution = [udmd_by_elements] self.first_twist = [first_twist]
[docs] def create_one_uniform_aerodynamics(self, StructuralInformation, chord, twist, sweep, num_chord_panels, m_distribution, elastic_axis, num_points_camber, airfoil, first_twist=True): """ create_one_uniform_aerodynamics Defines the whole case from the appropiated variables constant at every point Args: StructuralInformation (StructuralInformation): Structural infromation of the case chord (float): chord twist (float): twist sweep (float): sweep num_chord_panels (int): Number of panels in the chord direction m_distribution (str): distribution of the panels along the chord elastic_axis (float): position of the elastic axis in the chord num_points_camber (int): Number of points to define the camber line airfoils (np.array): coordinates of the camber lines of the airfoils first_twist (bool): Apply the twist rotation before the sweep """ num_node = StructuralInformation.num_node num_node_elem = StructuralInformation.num_node_elem num_elem = StructuralInformation.num_elem self.aero_node = np.ones((num_node,), dtype = bool) self.chord = chord*np.ones((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) self.twist = twist*np.ones((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) self.sweep = sweep*np.ones((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) # TODO: SHARPy does not ignore the surface_m when the surface is not aerodynamic #self.surface_m = np.array([0], dtype = int) self.surface_m = np.array([num_chord_panels], dtype=int) self.surface_distribution = np.zeros((num_elem,), dtype=int) self.m_distribution = m_distribution self.elastic_axis = elastic_axis*np.ones((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=float) self.airfoil_distribution = np.zeros((num_elem, num_node_elem), dtype=int) self.airfoils = np.zeros((1, num_points_camber, 2), dtype=float) self.airfoils = airfoil if m_distribution == 'user_defined': self.user_defined_m_distribution = [] self.user_defined_m_distribution.append(np.zeros((num_chord_panels + 1, num_elem, num_node_elem))) self.first_twist = [first_twist]
[docs] def change_airfoils_discretezation(self, airfoils, new_num_nodes): """ change_airfoils_discretezation Changes the discretization of the matrix of airfoil coordinates Args: airfoils (np.array): Matrix with the x-y coordinates of all the airfoils to be modified new_num_nodes (int): Number of points that the output coordinates will have Return: new_airfoils (np.array): Matrix with the x-y coordinates of all the airfoils with the new discretization """ nairfoils = airfoils.shape[0] new_airfoils = np.zeros((nairfoils, new_num_nodes, 2), dtype=float) for iairfoil in range(nairfoils): new_airfoils[iairfoil, :, 0] = np.linspace(airfoils[iairfoil, 0, 0], airfoils[iairfoil, -1, 0], new_num_nodes) new_airfoils[iairfoil, :, 1] = np.interp(new_airfoils[iairfoil, :, 0], airfoils[iairfoil, :, 0], airfoils[iairfoil, :, 1]) return new_airfoils
[docs] def assembly_aerodynamics(self, *args): """ assembly_aerodynamics This function concatenates aerodynamic properties to be writen in the same h5 File Args: *args: list of AerodynamicInformation() to be meged into 'self' """ total_num_airfoils = len(self.airfoils[:, 0, 0]) # total_num_surfaces = len(self.surface_m) total_num_surfaces = np.sum(self.surface_m != -1) # TODO: check why I only need one definition of m and not one per surface for aerodynamics_to_add in args: self.chord = np.concatenate((self.chord, aerodynamics_to_add.chord), axis=0) self.twist = np.concatenate((self.twist, aerodynamics_to_add.twist), axis=0) self.sweep = np.concatenate((self.sweep, aerodynamics_to_add.sweep), axis=0) # self.m_distribution = np.concatenate((self.m_distribution, aerodynamics_to_add.m_distribution), axis=0) assert self.m_distribution == aerodynamics_to_add.m_distribution, "m_distribution does not match" for isurf in range(len(aerodynamics_to_add.surface_distribution)): if aerodynamics_to_add.surface_distribution[isurf] != -1: # print(self.surface_distribution) # print(aerodynamics_to_add.surface_distribution[isurf]) self.surface_distribution = np.concatenate((self.surface_distribution, np.array([aerodynamics_to_add.surface_distribution[isurf]], dtype=int) + total_num_surfaces), axis=0) else: self.surface_distribution = np.concatenate((self.surface_distribution, np.array([aerodynamics_to_add.surface_distribution[isurf]], dtype=int)), axis=0) self.surface_m = np.concatenate((self.surface_m, aerodynamics_to_add.surface_m), axis=0) self.aero_node = np.concatenate((self.aero_node, aerodynamics_to_add.aero_node), axis=0) self.elastic_axis = np.concatenate((self.elastic_axis, aerodynamics_to_add.elastic_axis), axis=0) # np.concatenate((self.airfoil_distribution, aerodynamics_to_add.airfoil_distribution), axis=0) self.airfoil_distribution = np.concatenate((self.airfoil_distribution, aerodynamics_to_add.airfoil_distribution + total_num_airfoils), axis=0) # TODO: this should NOT be needed according to SHARPy input files. Modify at some point if (self.airfoils.shape[1] == aerodynamics_to_add.airfoils.shape[1]): self.airfoils = np.concatenate((self.airfoils, aerodynamics_to_add.airfoils), axis=0) elif (self.airfoils.shape[1] > aerodynamics_to_add.airfoils.shape[1]): cout.cout_wrap("WARNING: redefining the discretization of airfoil camber line", 3) new_airfoils = self.change_airfoils_discretezation(aerodynamics_to_add.airfoils, self.airfoils.shape[1]) self.airfoils = np.concatenate((self.airfoils, new_airfoils), axis=0) elif (self.airfoils.shape[1] < aerodynamics_to_add.airfoils.shape[1]): cout.cout_wrap("WARNING: redefining the discretization of airfoil camber line", 3) new_airfoils = self.change_airfoils_discretezation(self.airfoils, aerodynamics_to_add.airfoils.shape[1]) self.airfoils = np.concatenate((new_airfoils, aerodynamics_to_add.airfoils), axis=0) if self.m_distribution.lower() == 'user_defined': self.user_defined_m_distribution = self.user_defined_m_distribution + aerodynamics_to_add.user_defined_m_distribution if self.polars is not None: self.polars = np.array([self.polars, aerodynamics_to_add.polars]) total_num_airfoils += len(aerodynamics_to_add.airfoils[:, 0, 0]) # total_num_surfaces += len(aerodynamics_to_add.surface_m) total_num_surfaces += np.sum(aerodynamics_to_add.surface_m != -1) self.first_twist.extend(aerodynamics_to_add.first_twist)
# self.num_airfoils = total_num_airfoils # self.num_surfaces = total_num_surfaces
[docs] def interpolate_airfoils_camber(self, pure_airfoils_camber, r_pure_airfoils, r, n_points_camber): """ interpolate_airfoils_camber Create the camber of the airfoil at each node position from the camber of the pure airfoils present in the blade Args: pure_airfoils_camber (np.array): xy coordinates of the camber lines of the pure airfoils r_pure_airfoils (np.array): radial position of the pure airfoils r (np.array): radial positions to compute the camber lines through linear interpolation Returns: airfoils_camber (np.array): camber lines at the new radial positions """ num_node = len(r) airfoils_camber = np.zeros((num_node, n_points_camber, 2),) for inode in range(num_node): # camber_x, camber_y = get_airfoil_camber(x,y) iairfoil = 0 while(r[inode] > r_pure_airfoils[iairfoil]): iairfoil += 1 if(iairfoil == len(r_pure_airfoils)): iairfoil -= 1 break # print("interpolating between: ", iairfoil-1, "and", iairfoil) beta = min((r[inode]-r_pure_airfoils[iairfoil-1])/(r_pure_airfoils[iairfoil]-r_pure_airfoils[iairfoil-1]), 1.0) beta = max(0.0, beta) airfoils_camber[inode, :, 0] = (1 - beta)*pure_airfoils_camber[iairfoil-1, :, 0] + beta*pure_airfoils_camber[iairfoil, :, 0] airfoils_camber[inode, :, 1] = (1 - beta)*pure_airfoils_camber[iairfoil-1, :, 1] + beta*pure_airfoils_camber[iairfoil, :, 1] return airfoils_camber
[docs] def interpolate_airfoils_camber_thickness(self, pure_airfoils_camber, thickness_pure_airfoils, blade_thickness, n_points_camber): """ interpolate_airfoils_camber_thickness Create the camber of the airfoil at each node position from the camber of the pure airfoils present in the blade based on the thickness Args: pure_airfoils_camber (np.array): xy coordinates of the camber lines of the pure airfoils thicknesss_pure_airfoils (np.array): thickness of the pure airfoils blade_thickness (np.array): thickness of the blade positions Returns: airfoils_camber (np.array): camber lines at the new radial positions """ num_node = len(blade_thickness) airfoils_camber = np.zeros((num_node, n_points_camber, 2),) for inode in range(num_node): # camber_x, camber_y = get_airfoil_camber(x,y) iairfoil = 0 while(blade_thickness[inode] < thickness_pure_airfoils[iairfoil]): iairfoil += 1 if(iairfoil == len(thickness_pure_airfoils)): iairfoil -= 1 break beta = min((blade_thickness[inode] - thickness_pure_airfoils[iairfoil - 1])/(thickness_pure_airfoils[iairfoil] - thickness_pure_airfoils[iairfoil - 1]), 1.0) beta = max(0.0, beta) airfoils_camber[inode, :, 0] = (1 - beta)*pure_airfoils_camber[iairfoil-1, :, 0] + beta*pure_airfoils_camber[iairfoil, :, 0] airfoils_camber[inode, :, 1] = (1 - beta)*pure_airfoils_camber[iairfoil-1, :, 1] + beta*pure_airfoils_camber[iairfoil, :, 1] return airfoils_camber
[docs] def check_AerodynamicInformation(self, StructuralInformation): """ check_AerodynamicInformation Check some properties of the AerodynamicInformation() Notes: These conditions have to be to correctly define a case but they are not the only ones """ # CHECKING if(self.aero_node.shape[0] != StructuralInformation.num_node): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Aero node must be defined for each node") if(self.airfoil_distribution.shape[0] != StructuralInformation.num_elem or self.airfoil_distribution.shape[1] != StructuralInformation.num_node_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Airfoil distribution must be defined for each element/local node") if(self.chord.shape[0] != StructuralInformation.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The first dimension of the chord matrix does not match the number of elements") if(self.chord.shape[1] != StructuralInformation.num_node_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The second dimension of the chord matrix does not match the number of nodes per element") if(self.elastic_axis.shape[0] != StructuralInformation.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The first dimension of the elastic axis matrix does not match the number of elements") if(self.elastic_axis.shape[1] != StructuralInformation.num_node_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The second dimension of the elastic axis matrix does not match the number of nodes per element") if(self.surface_distribution.shape[0] != StructuralInformation.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The surface distribution must be defined for each element") if(self.twist.shape[0] != StructuralInformation.num_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The first dimension of the aerodynamic twist does not match the number of elements") if(self.twist.shape[1] != StructuralInformation.num_node_elem): raise RuntimeError("ERROR: The second dimension of the aerodynamic twist does not match the number nodes per element") default = AerodynamicInformation() for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not hasattr(default, attr): raise RuntimeError(("AerodynamicInformation has no attribute named '%s'" % attr))
[docs] def generate_aero_file(self, route, case_name, StructuralInformation): """ generate_aero_file Writes the h5 file with the aerodynamic information Args: route (string): path of the case case_name (string): name of the case """ self.check_AerodynamicInformation(StructuralInformation) with h5.File(route + '/' + case_name + '.aero.h5', 'a') as h5file: h5file.create_dataset('aero_node', data=self.aero_node) chord_input = h5file.create_dataset('chord', data=self.chord) chord_input .attrs['units'] = 'm' twist_input = h5file.create_dataset('twist', data=self.twist) twist_input.attrs['units'] = 'rad' h5file.create_dataset('surface_m', data=self.surface_m) h5file.create_dataset('surface_distribution', data=self.surface_distribution) h5file.create_dataset('m_distribution', data=self.m_distribution.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) h5file.create_dataset('elastic_axis', data=self.elastic_axis) h5file.create_dataset('airfoil_distribution', data=self.airfoil_distribution) h5file.create_dataset('sweep', data=self.sweep) h5file.create_dataset('first_twist', data=np.array(self.first_twist)) airfoils_group = h5file.create_group('airfoils') for iairfoil in range(len(self.airfoils)): airfoils_group.create_dataset("%d" % iairfoil, data=self.airfoils[iairfoil, :, :]) if self.polars is not None: polars_group = h5file.create_group('polars') for iairfoil in range(len(self.airfoils)): polars_group.create_dataset("%d" % iairfoil, data=self.polars[iairfoil]) if self.m_distribution.lower() == 'user_defined': udmd_group = h5file.create_group('user_defined_m_distribution') for isurf in range(len(self.user_defined_m_distribution)): udmd_group.create_dataset("%d" % isurf, data=self.user_defined_m_distribution[isurf])
# control_surface_input = h5file.create_dataset('control_surface', data=control_surface) # control_surface_deflection_input = h5file.create_dataset('control_surface_deflection', data=control_surface_deflection) # control_surface_chord_input = h5file.create_dataset('control_surface_chord', data=control_surface_chord) # control_surface_types_input = h5file.create_dataset('control_surface_type', data=control_surface_type) ###################################################################### ############### BLADE AEROELASTIC INFORMATION ###################### ######################################################################
[docs]class AeroelasticInformation(): """ AeroelasticInformation Structural and aerodynamic information needed to build a case """ def __init__(self): """ __init__ Initialization """ self.StructuralInformation = StructuralInformation() self.AerodynamicInformation = AerodynamicInformation()
[docs] def generate(self, StructuralInformation, AerodynamicInformation): """ generate Generates an object from the structural and the aerodynamic information Args: StructuralInformation (StructuralInformation): structural information AerodynamicInformation (AerodynamicInformation): aerodynamic information """ self.StructuralInformation = StructuralInformation.copy() self.AerodynamicInformation = AerodynamicInformation.copy()
[docs] def assembly(self, *args): """ assembly This function concatenates structures and aerodynamic properties to be writen in the same h5 File Args: *args: list of AeroelasticInformation() to be meged into 'self' Notes: """ list_of_SI = [] list_of_AI = [] for AEI in args: list_of_SI.append(AEI.StructuralInformation) list_of_AI.append(AEI.AerodynamicInformation) self.StructuralInformation.assembly_structures(*list_of_SI) self.AerodynamicInformation.assembly_aerodynamics(*list_of_AI)
[docs] def remove_duplicated_points(self, tol, skip=[]): """ remove_duplicated_points Removes the points that are closer than 'tol' and modifies the aeroelastic information accordingly Args: tol (float): tolerance. Maximum distance between nodes to be merged skip (list): nodes to keep (do not remove) Notes: This function will not work if an element or an aerdoynamic surface is completely eliminated This function only checks geometrical proximity, not aeroelastic properties as a merging criteria """ def find_connectivities_index(connectivities, iprev_node): icon = 0 jcon = 0 found = False while ((icon < connectivities.shape[0]) and (not found)): jcon = 0 while ((jcon < connectivities.shape[1]) and (not found)): if connectivities[icon, jcon] == iprev_node: found = True jcon += 1 icon += 1 return icon-1, jcon-1 replace_matrix = ( np.zeros((self.StructuralInformation.num_node, 4), dtype=int) - np.array([1, 1, 1, 0])) # Fill the first three columns for inode in range(self.StructuralInformation.num_node): for iprev_node in range(inode): if ((np.linalg.norm( self.StructuralInformation.coordinates[inode, :] - self.StructuralInformation.coordinates[iprev_node, :]) < tol) and ( inode not in skip)): cout.cout_wrap(("WARNING: Replacing node %d by node %d" % (inode, iprev_node)), 3) replace_matrix[inode, 0] = iprev_node replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2] = ( find_connectivities_index( self.StructuralInformation.connectivities, iprev_node)) break # Fill the last column for inode in range(self.StructuralInformation.num_node): if not (replace_matrix[inode, 0] == -1): # 'inode' is a node to be replaced replace_matrix[inode, 3] = -1 for inode2 in range(inode + 1, self.StructuralInformation.num_node): if not (replace_matrix[inode2, 0] == -1): # 'inode2' is also a node to be replaced replace_matrix[inode2, 3] = -1 else: replace_matrix[inode2, 3] += 1 nodes_to_keep = replace_matrix[:, 0] == -1 # Delete the structural variables associated to the node self.StructuralInformation.coordinates = ( self.StructuralInformation.coordinates[nodes_to_keep, :]) # self.StructuralInformation.elem_stiffness = ( # self.StructuralInformation.elem_stiffness[nodes_to_keep]) # self.StructuralInformation.elem_mass = ( # self.StructuralInformation.elem_mass[nodes_to_keep]) # self.StructuralInformation.structural_twist = ( # self.StructuralInformation.structural_twist[nodes_to_keep]) self.StructuralInformation.boundary_conditions = ( self.StructuralInformation.boundary_conditions[nodes_to_keep]) # self.StructuralInformation.beam_number = ( # self.StructuralInformation.beam_number[nodes_to_keep]) self.StructuralInformation.app_forces = ( self.StructuralInformation.app_forces[nodes_to_keep, :]) # self.StructuralInformation.frame_of_reference_delta = ( # self.StructuralInformation.frame_of_reference_delta[nodes_to_keep,:,:]) self.AerodynamicInformation.aero_node = ( self.AerodynamicInformation.aero_node[nodes_to_keep]) # Delete lumped masses if isinstance(self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes, np.ndarray): lumped_to_keep = nodes_to_keep[self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes] self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes = ( self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes[lumped_to_keep]) self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass = ( self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass[lumped_to_keep]) self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_inertia = ( self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_inertia[lumped_to_keep]) self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_position = ( self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_position[lumped_to_keep, :]) # Modify connectivities and matrices in ielem,inode_in_elem shape for icon in range(self.StructuralInformation.num_elem): for jcon in range(self.StructuralInformation.num_node_elem): inode = self.StructuralInformation.connectivities[icon, jcon] if not replace_matrix[inode, 0] == -1: # inode to be replaced self.StructuralInformation.connectivities[icon, jcon] = self.StructuralInformation.connectivities[replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2]] self.StructuralInformation.structural_twist[icon, jcon] = ( self.StructuralInformation.structural_twist[replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2]]) self.AerodynamicInformation.chord[icon, jcon] = ( self.AerodynamicInformation.chord[replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2]]) self.AerodynamicInformation.twist[icon, jcon] = ( self.AerodynamicInformation.twist[replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2]]) self.AerodynamicInformation.sweep[icon, jcon] = ( self.AerodynamicInformation.sweep[replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2]]) self.AerodynamicInformation.elastic_axis[icon, jcon] = ( self.AerodynamicInformation.elastic_axis[replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2]]) self.AerodynamicInformation.airfoil_distribution[icon, jcon] = ( self.AerodynamicInformation.airfoil_distribution[replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2]]) else: # inode NOT to be replace self.StructuralInformation.connectivities[icon, jcon] -= replace_matrix[inode, 3] if isinstance(self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes, np.ndarray): for ilumped in range(len(self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes)): inode = self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes[ilumped] if not replace_matrix[inode, 0] == -1: self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes[ilumped] = self.StructuralInformation.connectivities[replace_matrix[inode, 1], replace_matrix[inode, 2]] else: self.StructuralInformation.lumped_mass_nodes[ilumped] -= replace_matrix[inode, 3] self.StructuralInformation.num_node = nodes_to_keep.sum()
# TODO: this function will not work if elements or aerodynamic surfaces are completely eliminated
[docs] def copy(self): """ copy Returns a copy of the object Returns: copied(AeroelasticInformation): new object with the same properties """ copied = AeroelasticInformation() copied.StructuralInformation = self.StructuralInformation.copy() copied.AerodynamicInformation = self.AerodynamicInformation.copy() return copied
def check(self): default = AeroelasticInformation() for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not hasattr(default, attr): raise RuntimeError(("AeroelasticInformation has no attribute named '%s'" % attr))
[docs] def generate_h5_files(self, route, case_name): """ write_h5_files Writes the structural and aerodynamic h5 files """ self.check() self.StructuralInformation.generate_fem_file(route, case_name) self.AerodynamicInformation.generate_aero_file(route, case_name, self.StructuralInformation)
###################################################################### ###################### SOLVERS INFORMATION ######################### ######################################################################
[docs]class SimulationInformation(): """ SimulationInformation Simulation information needed to build a case """ def __init__(self): """ __init__ Initialization """ self.solvers = dict() # self.preprocessors = dict() self.postprocessors = dict() self.with_dynamic_forces = False self.dynamic_forces = None self.with_forced_vel = False self.for_vel = None self.for_acc = None
[docs] def set_default_values(self): """ set_default_values Set the default values for all the solvers """ self.solvers = dict() aux_solvers = solver_interface.dictionary_of_solvers(print_info=False) aux_solvers.update(generator_interface.dictionary_of_generators(print_info=False)) aux_solvers.update(controller_interface.dictionary_of_controllers(print_info=False)) for solver in aux_solvers: if solver == 'PreSharpy': solver_name = 'SHARPy' else: solver_name = solver self.solvers[solver_name] = deepcopy(aux_solvers[solver]) if solver in ['GridLoader', 'NonliftingbodygridLoader']: # Skip this solver as no default values for GridLoader exist. continue
def check(self): default = SimulationInformation() default.set_default_values() for solver in self.solvers['SHARPy']['flow']: for key in self.solvers[solver]: if key not in default.solvers[solver]: raise RuntimeError(("solver '%s' has no key named '%s'" % (solver, key)))
[docs] def define_num_steps(self, num_steps): """ define_num_steps Set the number of steps in the simulation for all the solvers Args: num_steps (int): number of steps """ for solver in self.solvers: if 'n_time_steps' in self.solvers[solver]: self.solvers[solver]['n_time_steps'] = num_steps if 'num_steps' in self.solvers[solver]: self.solvers[solver]['num_steps'] = num_steps
[docs] def define_uinf(self, unit_vector, norm): """ define_uinf Set the inflow velocity in the simulation for all the solvers Args: unit_vector (np.array): direction of the inflow velocity norm (float): Norm of the inflow velocity """ # Make sure uinf = unit_vector*norm norm = np.linalg.norm(uinf) unit_vector = uinf / norm self.solvers['AerogridLoader']['freestream_dir'] = unit_vector self.solvers['AerogridPlot']['u_inf'] = norm self.solvers['SteadyVelocityField']['u_inf'] = norm self.solvers['SteadyVelocityField']['u_inf_direction'] = unit_vector
# self.solvers['StaticUvlm']['velocity_field_input'] = {'u_inf': norm, # 'u_inf_direction': unit_vector} # self.solvers['StepUvlm']['velocity_field_input'] = {'u_inf': norm, # 'u_inf_direction': unit_vector}
[docs] def set_variable_all_dicts(self, variable, set_value): """ set_variable_all_dicts Defines the value of a variable in all the available solvers Args: variable (str): variable name set_value ( ): value """ set_variable_dict(self.solvers, variable, set_value)
[docs] def generate_solver_file(self): """ generate_solver_file Generates the solver file Args: route (string): path of the case case_name (string): name of the case """ import configobj self.check() config = configobj.ConfigObj() config.filename = self.solvers['SHARPy']['route'] + '/' + self.solvers['SHARPy']['case'] + '.sharpy' config['SHARPy'] = self.solvers['SHARPy'] # for k, v in self.solvers['SHARPy'].items(): # config[k] = v # Loop through the solvers defined in "flow" and write them for solver in self.solvers['SHARPy']['flow']: config[solver] = self.solvers[solver] config.write()
[docs] def generate_dyn_file(self, num_steps): """ generate_dyn_file Generates the dynamic file Args: route (string): path of the case case_name (string): name of the case num_steps (int): number of steps """ with h5.File(self.solvers['SHARPy']['route'] + '/' + self.solvers['SHARPy']['case'] + '.dyn.h5', 'a') as h5file: if self.with_dynamic_forces: h5file.create_dataset( 'dynamic_forces', data=self.dynamic_forces) if self.with_forced_vel: # TODO: check coherence velocity-acceleration h5file.create_dataset( 'for_vel', data=self.for_vel) h5file.create_dataset( 'for_acc', data=self.for_acc) h5file.create_dataset( 'num_steps', data=num_steps)
###################################################################### ######################### CLEAN FILES ############################## ###################################################################### def clean_test_files(route, case_name): """ clean_test_files Removes the previous h5 files Args: route (string): path of the case case_name (string): name of the case """ fem_file_name = route + '/' + case_name + '.fem.h5' if os.path.isfile(fem_file_name): os.remove(fem_file_name) dyn_file_name = route + '/' + case_name + '.dyn.h5' if os.path.isfile(dyn_file_name): os.remove(dyn_file_name) aero_file_name = route + '/' + case_name + '.aero.h5' if os.path.isfile(aero_file_name): os.remove(aero_file_name) lagrange_file_name = route + '/' + case_name + '.mb.h5' if os.path.isfile(lagrange_file_name): os.remove(lagrange_file_name) solver_file_name = route + '/' + case_name + '.sharpy' if os.path.isfile(solver_file_name): os.remove(solver_file_name) flightcon_file_name = route + '/' + case_name + '.flightcon.txt' if os.path.isfile(flightcon_file_name): os.remove(flightcon_file_name) ###################################################################### ##################### MULTIBODY INFORMATION ######################## ###################################################################### class BodyInformation(): def __init__(self): self.body_number = None self.FoR_position = None self.FoR_velocity = None self.FoR_acceleration = None self.FoR_movement = None self.quat = None def copy(self): copied = BodyInformation() copied.body_number = self.body_number copied.FoR_position = self.FoR_position.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.FoR_velocity = self.FoR_velocity.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.FoR_acceleration = self.FoR_acceleration.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) copied.FoR_movement = self.FoR_movement copied.quat = self.quat.astype(dtype=float, copy=True) def check(self): default = BodyInformation() for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not hasattr(default, attr): raise RuntimeError(("BodyInformation has no attribute named '%s'" % attr)) class LagrangeConstraint(): def __init__(self): # Shared by all boundary conditions self.behaviour = None # Each BC will have its own variables def check(self): default = lagrangeconstraints.lc_from_string(self.behaviour) default.__init__(default) required_parameters = default.required_parameters for param in required_parameters: try: getattr(self, param) except: raise RuntimeError(("'%s' parameter required in '%s' lagrange constraint" % (param, self.behaviour))) has_behaviour = False for param, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not param in ['behaviour', 'scalingFactor', 'penaltyFactor']: if param not in required_parameters: raise RuntimeError(("'%s' parameter is not required in '%s' lagrange constraint" % (param, self.behaviour))) if param == 'behaviour': has_behaviour = True if not has_behaviour: raise RuntimeError(("'behaviour' parameter is required in '%s' lagrange constraint" % self.behaviour)) def generate_multibody_file(list_LagrangeConstraints, list_Bodies, route, case_name): # Check for body in list_Bodies: body.check() for lc in list_LagrangeConstraints: lc.check() with h5.File(route + '/' + case_name + '.mb.h5', 'a') as h5file: # Write the constraints h5file.create_dataset('num_constraints', data=len(list_LagrangeConstraints)) iconstraint = 0 for constraint in list_LagrangeConstraints: # Create the group associated to the constraint constraint_id = h5file.create_group('constraint_%02d' % iconstraint) # Write general parameters constraint_id.create_dataset("behaviour", data=constraint.behaviour.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) # Write parameters associated to the specific type of boundary condition default = lagrangeconstraints.lc_from_string(constraint.behaviour) default.__init__(default) required_parameters = default.required_parameters for param in required_parameters: constraint_id.create_dataset(param, data=getattr(constraint, param)) try: constraint_id.create_dataset("scalingFactor", data=getattr(constraint, "scalingFactor")) except: pass try: constraint_id.create_dataset("penaltyFactor", data=getattr(constraint, "penaltyFactor")) except: pass iconstraint += 1 # Write the body information h5file.create_dataset('num_bodies', data=len(list_Bodies)) ibody = 0 for body in list_Bodies: # Create the group associated to the body body_id = h5file.create_group('body_%02d' % ibody) # Write general parameters body_id.create_dataset("body_number", data=body.body_number) body_id.create_dataset("FoR_position", data=body.FoR_position) body_id.create_dataset("FoR_velocity", data=body.FoR_velocity) body_id.create_dataset("FoR_acceleration", data=body.FoR_acceleration) body_id.create_dataset("FoR_movement", data=body.FoR_movement) body_id.create_dataset("quat", data=body.quat) ibody += 1