Source code for sharpy.linear.assembler.linearbeam

Linear State Beam Element Class


from sharpy.linear.utils.ss_interface import BaseElement, linear_system, LinearVector
import sharpy.linear.src.lingebm as lingebm
import numpy as np
import sharpy.utils.settings as settings
import sharpy.utils.algebra as algebra
import sharpy.structure.utils.modalutils as modalutils

[docs]@linear_system class LinearBeam(BaseElement): r""" State space member Define class for linear state-space realisation of GEBM flexible-body equations from SHARPy ``timestep_info`` class and with the nonlinear structural information. State-space models can be defined in continuous or discrete time (dt required). Modal projection, either on the damped or undamped modal shapes, is also avaiable. Notes on the settings: a. ``modal_projection={True,False}``: determines whether to project the states onto modal coordinates. Projection over damped or undamped modal shapes can be obtained selecting: - ``proj_modes = {'damped','undamped'}`` while - ``inout_coords={'modes','nodal'}`` determines whether the modal state-space inputs/outputs are modal coords or nodal degrees-of-freedom. If ``modes`` is selected, the ``Kin`` and ``Kout`` gain matrices are generated to transform nodal to modal dofs b. ``dlti={True,False}``: if true, generates discrete-time system. The continuous to discrete transformation method is determined by:: discr_method={ 'newmark', # Newmark-beta 'zoh', # Zero-order hold 'bilinear'} # Bilinear (Tustin) transformation DLTIs can be obtained directly using the Newmark-:math:`\beta` method ``discr_method='newmark'`` ``newmark_damp=xx`` with ``xx<<1.0`` for full-states descriptions (``modal_projection=False``) and modal projection over the undamped structural modes (``modal_projection=True`` and ``proj_modes``). The Zero-order holder and bilinear methods, instead, work in all descriptions, but require the continuous state-space equations. """ sys_id = "LinearBeam" settings_types = dict() settings_default = dict() settings_description = dict() settings_options = dict() settings_default['modal_projection'] = True settings_types['modal_projection'] = 'bool' settings_description['modal_projection'] = 'Use modal projection' settings_default['inout_coords'] = 'nodes' settings_types['inout_coords'] = 'str' settings_description['inout_coords'] = 'Beam state space input/output coordinates' settings_options['inout_coords'] = ['nodes', 'modes'] settings_types['num_modes'] = 'int' settings_default['num_modes'] = 10 settings_description['num_modes'] = 'Number of modes to retain' settings_default['discrete_time'] = True settings_types['discrete_time'] = 'bool' settings_description['discrete_time'] = 'Assemble beam in discrete time' settings_default['dt'] = 0.001 settings_types['dt'] = 'float' settings_description['dt'] = 'Discrete time system integration time step' settings_default['proj_modes'] = 'undamped' settings_types['proj_modes'] = 'str' settings_description['proj_modes'] = 'Use ``undamped`` or ``damped`` modes' settings_options['proj_modes'] = ['damped', 'undamped'] settings_default['discr_method'] = 'newmark' settings_types['discr_method'] = 'str' settings_description['discr_method'] = 'Discrete time assembly system method:' settings_options['discr_method'] = ['newmark', 'zoh', 'bilinear'] settings_default['newmark_damp'] = 1e-4 settings_types['newmark_damp'] = 'float' settings_description['newmark_damp'] = 'Newmark damping value. For systems assembled using ``newmark``' settings_default['use_euler'] = False settings_types['use_euler'] = 'bool' settings_description['use_euler'] = 'Use euler angles for rigid body parametrisation' settings_default['print_info'] = True settings_types['print_info'] = 'bool' settings_description['print_info'] = 'Display information on screen' settings_default['gravity'] = False settings_types['gravity'] = 'bool' settings_description['gravity'] = 'Linearise gravitational forces' settings_types['remove_dofs'] = 'list(str)' settings_default['remove_dofs'] = [] settings_description['remove_dofs'] = 'Remove desired degrees of freedom' settings_options['remove_dofs'] = ['eta', 'V', 'W', 'orient'] settings_types['remove_sym_modes'] = 'bool' settings_default['remove_sym_modes'] = False settings_description['remove_sym_modes'] = 'Remove symmetric modes if wing is clamped' settings_table = settings.SettingsTable() __doc__ += settings_table.generate(settings_types, settings_default, settings_description, settings_options) def __init__(self): self.sys = None # The actual object = None # The state space object self.clamped = None self.tsstruct0 = None self.settings = dict() self.state_variables = None self.linearisation_vectors = dict() def initialise(self, data, custom_settings=None): if custom_settings: self.settings = custom_settings else: try: self.settings = data.settings['LinearAssembler']['linear_system_settings'] except KeyError: pass settings.to_custom_types(self.settings, self.settings_types, self.settings_default, self.settings_options, no_ctype=True) self.settings['rigid_modes_cg'] = data.settings['Modal']['rigid_modes_cg'] # use the same value as in Modal solver beam = lingebm.FlexDynamic(data.linear.tsstruct0, data.structure, self.settings) self.sys = beam self.tsstruct0 = data.linear.tsstruct0 # State variables num_dof_flex = self.sys.structure.num_dof.value num_dof_rig = self.sys.Mstr.shape[0] - num_dof_flex state_db = {'eta': [0, num_dof_flex], 'V_bar': [num_dof_flex, num_dof_flex + 3], 'W_bar': [num_dof_flex + 3, num_dof_flex + 6], 'orient_bar': [num_dof_flex + 6, num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig], 'dot_eta': [num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig, 2 * num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig], 'V': [2 * num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig, 2 * num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig + 3], 'W': [2 * num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig + 3, 2 * num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig + 6], 'orient': [2 * num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig + 6, 2 * num_dof_flex + 2 * num_dof_rig]} self.state_variables = LinearVector(state_db, self.sys_id) if num_dof_rig == 0: self.clamped = True self.linearisation_vectors['eta'] = self.tsstruct0.q self.linearisation_vectors['eta_dot'] = self.tsstruct0.dqdt self.linearisation_vectors['forces_struct'] = self.tsstruct0.steady_applied_forces.reshape(-1, order='C')
[docs] def assemble(self, t_ref=None): """ Assemble the beam state-space system. Args: t_ref (float): Scaling factor to non-dimensionalise the beam's time step. Returns: """ if self.settings['gravity']: self.sys.linearise_gravity_forces() # follower force effect self.sys.linearise_applied_forces() if self.settings['remove_dofs']: self.trim_nodes(self.settings['remove_dofs']) if self.settings['modal_projection'] and self.settings['remove_sym_modes'] and self.clamped: self.remove_symmetric_modes() if t_ref is not None: self.sys.scale_system_normalised_time(t_ref) self.sys.assemble() # TODO: remove integrals of the rigid body modes (and change mode shapes to account for this in the coupling matrices) # Option to remove certain dofs via dict: i.e. dofs to remove # Map dofs to equations # Boundary conditions # Same with modal, remove certain modes. Need to specify that modes to keep refer to flexible ones only if self.sys.SSdisc: = self.sys.SSdisc elif self.sys.SScont: = self.sys.SScont return
def x0(self): x = np.concatenate((self.tsstruct0.q, self.tsstruct0.dqdt)) return x def trim_nodes(self, trim_list=list): num_dof_flex = self.sys.structure.num_dof.value num_dof_rig = self.sys.Mstr.shape[0] - num_dof_flex # Dictionary containing DOFs and corresponding equations dof_db = {'eta': [0, num_dof_flex, 1], 'V': [num_dof_flex, num_dof_flex + 3, 2], 'W': [num_dof_flex + 3, num_dof_flex + 6, 3], 'orient': [num_dof_flex + 6, num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig, 4], 'yaw': [num_dof_flex + 8, num_dof_flex + num_dof_rig, 1]} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Better to place in a function available to all elements since it will equally apply # Therefore, the dof_db should be a class attribute # Take away alongside the vector variable class # All variables vec_db = dict() for item in dof_db: vector_var = VectorVariable(item, dof_db[item], 'LinearBeam') vec_db[item] = vector_var used_vars_db = vec_db.copy() # Variables to remove removed_dofs = 0 removed_db = dict() for item in trim_list: removed_db[item] = vec_db[item] removed_dofs += vec_db[item].size del used_vars_db[item] # Update variables position for rem_item in removed_db: for item in used_vars_db: if used_vars_db[item].rows_loc[0] < removed_db[rem_item].first_pos: continue else: # Update order and position used_vars_db[item].first_pos -= removed_db[rem_item].size used_vars_db[item].end_pos -= removed_db[rem_item].size self.state_variables = used_vars_db # TODO: input and output variables ### ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Map dofs to equations trim_matrix = np.zeros((num_dof_rig+num_dof_flex, num_dof_flex+num_dof_rig-removed_dofs)) for item in used_vars_db: trim_matrix[used_vars_db[item].rows_loc, used_vars_db[item].cols_loc] = 1 # Update matrices self.sys.Mstr = self.sys.Cstr = self.sys.Kstr =
[docs] def remove_symmetric_modes(self): """ Removes symmetric modes when the wing is clamped at the midpoint. It will force the wing tip displacements in ``z`` to be postive for all modes. Updates the mode shapes matrix, the natural frequencies and the number of modes. """ # Group modes into symmetric and anti-symmetric modes modes_sym = np.zeros_like(self.sys.U) # grouped modes total_modes = self.sys.num_modes for i in range(total_modes//2): je = 2*i jo = 2*i + 1 modes_sym[:, je] = 1./np.sqrt(2)*(self.sys.U[:, je] + self.sys.U[:, jo]) modes_sym[:, jo] = 1./np.sqrt(2)*(self.sys.U[:, je] - self.sys.U[:, jo]) self.sys.U = modes_sym # Remove anti-symmetric modes # Wing 1 and 2 nodes # z-displacement index ind_w1 = [6*i + 2 for i in range(self.sys.structure.num_node // 2)] # Wing 1 nodes are in the first half rows ind_w1_x = [6*i for i in range(self.sys.structure.num_node // 2)] # Wing 1 nodes are in the first half rows ind_w1_y = [6*i + 1 for i in range(self.sys.structure.num_node // 2)] # Wing 1 nodes are in the first half rows ind_w2 = [6*i + 2 for i in range(self.sys.structure.num_node // 2, self.sys.structure.num_node - 1)] # Wing 2 nodes are in the second half rows sym_mode_index = [] for i in range(self.sys.num_modes//2): found_symmetric = False for j in range(2): ind = 2*i + j # Maximum z displacement for wings 1 and 2 ind_max_w1 = np.argmax(np.abs(modes_sym[ind_w1, ind])) ind_max_w2 = np.argmax(np.abs(modes_sym[ind_w2, ind])) z_max_w1 = modes_sym[ind_w1, ind][ind_max_w1] z_max_w2 = modes_sym[ind_w2, ind][ind_max_w2] z_max_diff = np.abs(z_max_w1 - z_max_w2) if z_max_diff < np.abs(z_max_w1 + z_max_w2): sym_mode_index.append(ind) if found_symmetric: raise NameError('Symmetric Mode previously found') found_symmetric = True self.sys.U = modes_sym[:, sym_mode_index] # make all elastic modes have a positive z component at the wingtip self.sys.U = modalutils.mode_sign_convention(self.sys.structure.boundary_conditions, self.sys.U, rigid_body_motion=not self.clamped, use_euler=self.settings['use_euler']) self.sys.freq_natural = self.sys.freq_natural[sym_mode_index] self.sys.num_modes = len(self.sys.freq_natural)
[docs] def unpack_ss_vector(self, x_n, u_n, struct_tstep): """ Warnings: Under development. Missing: * Accelerations * Double check the cartesian rotation vector * Tangential operator for the moments Takes the state :math:`x = [\eta, \dot{\eta}]` and input vectors :math:`u = N` of a linearised beam and returns a SHARPy timestep instance, including the reference values. Args: x_n (np.ndarray): Structural beam state vector in nodal space y_n (np.ndarray): Beam input vector (nodal forces) struct_tstep (utils.datastructures.StructTimeStepInfo): Reference timestep used for linearisation Returns: utils.datastructures.StructTimeStepInfo: new timestep with linearised values added to the reference value """ # check if clamped vdof = self.sys.structure.vdof num_node = struct_tstep.num_node num_dof = 6*sum(vdof >= 0) if self.sys.clamped: clamped = True rig_dof = 0 else: clamped = False if self.settings['use_euler']: rig_dof = 9 else: rig_dof = 10 q = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.q) q = np.zeros((num_dof + rig_dof)) dqdt = np.zeros_like(q) dqddt = np.zeros_like(q) pos = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.pos) pos_dot = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.pos_dot) psi = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.psi) psi_dot = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.psi_dot) for_pos = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.for_pos) for_vel = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.for_vel) for_acc = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.for_acc) quat = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.quat) gravity_forces = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.gravity_forces) total_gravity_forces = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.total_gravity_forces) steady_applied_forces = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.steady_applied_forces) unsteady_applied_forces = np.zeros_like(struct_tstep.unsteady_applied_forces) q[:num_dof + rig_dof] = x_n[:num_dof + rig_dof] dqdt[:num_dof + rig_dof] = x_n[num_dof + rig_dof:] # Missing the forces # dqddt = - for i_node in vdof[vdof >= 0]: pos[i_node + 1, :] = q[6*i_node: 6*i_node + 3] pos_dot[i_node + 1, :] = dqdt[6*i_node + 0: 6*i_node + 3] # TODO: CRV of clamped node and double check that the CRV takes this form for i_elem in range(struct_tstep.num_elem): for i_node in range(struct_tstep.num_node_elem): psi[i_elem, i_node, :] = np.linalg.inv(algebra.crv2tan(struct_tstep.psi[i_elem, i_node]).T).dot(q[i_node + 3: i_node + 6]) psi_dot[i_elem, i_node, :] = dqdt[i_node + 3: i_node + 6] if not clamped: for_vel = dqdt[-rig_dof: -rig_dof + 6] if self.settings['use_euler']: euler = dqdt[-4:-1] quat = algebra.euler2quat(euler) else: quat = dqdt[-4:] for_pos = q[-rig_dof:-rig_dof + 6] for_acc = dqddt[-rig_dof:-rig_dof + 6] if u_n is not None: for i_node in vdof[vdof >= 0]: steady_applied_forces[i_node+1] = u_n[6*i_node: 6*i_node + 6] steady_applied_forces[0] = u_n[-10:-4] - np.sum(steady_applied_forces[1:, :], 0) # gravity forces - careful - debug C_grav = np.zeros((q.shape[0], q.shape[0])) K_grav = np.zeros_like(C_grav) try: Crr = self.sys.Crr_grav Csr = self.sys.Csr_grav C_grav[:-rig_dof, -rig_dof:] = Csr # TODO: sort out changing q vector with euler C_grav[-rig_dof:, -rig_dof:] = Crr K_grav[-rig_dof:, :-rig_dof] = self.sys.Krs_grav K_grav[:-rig_dof, :-rig_dof] = self.sys.Kss_grav fgrav = - for i in range(gravity_forces.shape[0]-1): #add bc at node - doing it manually here gravity_forces[i+1, :] = fgrav[6*i:6*(i+1)] gravity_forces[0, :] = fgrav[-rig_dof:-rig_dof+6] - np.sum(gravity_forces[1:], 0) except AttributeError: pass current_time_step = struct_tstep.copy() current_time_step.q[:len(q)] = q + struct_tstep.q[:len(q)] current_time_step.dqdt[:len(q)] = dqdt + struct_tstep.dqdt[:len(q)] current_time_step.dqddt[:len(q)] = dqddt + struct_tstep.dqddt[:len(q)] current_time_step.pos = pos + struct_tstep.pos current_time_step.pos_dot = pos + struct_tstep.pos_dot current_time_step.psi = psi + struct_tstep.psi current_time_step.psi_dot = psi_dot + struct_tstep.psi_dot current_time_step.for_vel = for_vel + struct_tstep.for_vel current_time_step.for_acc = for_acc + struct_tstep.for_acc current_time_step.for_pos = for_pos + struct_tstep.for_pos current_time_step.gravity_forces = gravity_forces + struct_tstep.gravity_forces current_time_step.total_gravity_forces = total_gravity_forces + struct_tstep.total_gravity_forces current_time_step.unsteady_applied_forces = unsteady_applied_forces + struct_tstep.unsteady_applied_forces new_quat = quat + struct_tstep.quat current_time_step.quat = new_quat/np.linalg.norm(new_quat) current_time_step.steady_applied_forces = steady_applied_forces + struct_tstep.steady_applied_forces return current_time_step
class VectorVariable(object): def __init__(self, name, pos_list, var_system): = name self.var_system = var_system self.first_pos = pos_list[0] self.end_pos = pos_list[1] self.rows_loc = np.arange(self.first_pos, self.end_pos, dtype=int) # Original location, should not update # add methods to reorganise into SHARPy method? @property def cols_loc(self): return np.arange(self.first_pos, self.end_pos, dtype=int) @property def size(self): return self.end_pos - self.first_pos if __name__=='__main__': print(LinearBeam.__doc__)