Source code for sharpy.linear.src.linuvlm

Linear UVLM solver classes

Contains classes to assemble a linear UVLM system. The three main classes are:

* :class:`~sharpy.linear.src.linuvlm.Static`: : for static VLM solutions.

* :class:`~sharpy.linear.src.linuvlm.Dynamic`: for dynamic UVLM solutions.

* :class:`~sharpy.linear.src.linuvlm.DynamicBlock`: a more efficient representation of ``Dynamic`` using lists for the
  different blocks in the UVLM equations


    Maraniello, S., & Palacios, R.. State-Space Realizations and Internal Balancing in Potential-Flow
    Aerodynamics with Arbitrary Kinematics. AIAA Journal, 57(6), 1–14. 2019.


import time
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as scalg
import scipy.sparse as sparse

import sharpy.linear.src.interp as interp
import sharpy.linear.src.multisurfaces as multisurfaces
import sharpy.linear.src.assembly as ass
import sharpy.linear.src.libss as libss

import sharpy.linear.src.libsparse as libsp
import sharpy.rom.utils.librom as librom
import sharpy.utils.algebra as algebra
import sharpy.utils.settings as settings
import sharpy.utils.cout_utils as cout
import sharpy.utils.exceptions as exceptions
from sharpy.utils.constants import vortex_radius_def

settings_types_static = dict()
settings_default_static = dict()

settings_types_static['vortex_radius'] = 'float'
settings_default_static['vortex_radius'] = vortex_radius_def

settings_types_static['cfl1'] = 'bool'
settings_default_static['cfl1'] = True

settings_types_dynamic = dict()
settings_default_dynamic = dict()

settings_types_dynamic['dt'] = 'float'
settings_default_dynamic['dt'] = 0.1

settings_types_dynamic['integr_order'] = 'int'
settings_default_dynamic['integr_order'] = 2

settings_types_dynamic['density'] = 'float'
settings_default_dynamic['density'] = 1.225

settings_types_dynamic['ScalingDict'] = 'dict'
settings_default_dynamic['ScalingDict'] = {'length': 1.0,
                                           'speed': 1.0,
                                           'density': 1.0}

settings_types_dynamic['remove_predictor'] = 'bool'
settings_default_dynamic['remove_predictor'] = True

settings_types_dynamic['use_sparse'] = 'bool'
settings_default_dynamic['use_sparse'] = True

settings_types_dynamic['density'] = 'float'
settings_default_dynamic['density'] = 1.225

settings_types_dynamic['velocity_field_generator'] = 'str'
settings_default_dynamic['velocity_field_generator'] = 'SteadyVelocityField'

settings_types_dynamic['velocity_field_input'] = 'dict'
settings_default_dynamic['velocity_field_input'] = {}

settings_types_dynamic['physical_model'] = 'bool'
settings_default_dynamic['physical_model'] = True

settings_types_dynamic['track_body'] = 'bool'
settings_default_dynamic['track_body'] = False

settings_types_dynamic['track_body_number'] = 'int'
settings_default_dynamic['track_body_number'] = -1

settings_types_dynamic['vortex_radius'] = 'float'
settings_default_dynamic['vortex_radius'] = vortex_radius_def

settings_types_dynamic['cfl1'] = 'bool'
settings_default_dynamic['cfl1'] = True

[docs]class Static(): """ Static linear solver """ def __init__(self, tsdata, custom_settings=None, for_vel=np.zeros((6,))): cout.cout_wrap('Initialising Static linear UVLM solver class...') t0 = time.time() if custom_settings is None: settings_here = settings_default_static else: settings_here = custom_settings settings.to_custom_types(settings_here, settings_types_static, settings_default_static) self.vortex_radius = settings_here['vortex_radius'] self.cfl1 = settings_here['cfl1'] MS = multisurfaces.MultiAeroGridSurfaces(tsdata, self.vortex_radius, for_vel=for_vel) MS.get_ind_velocities_at_collocation_points() MS.get_input_velocities_at_collocation_points() MS.get_ind_velocities_at_segments() MS.get_input_velocities_at_segments() # define total sizes self.K = sum(MS.KK) self.K_star = sum(MS.KK_star) self.Kzeta = sum(MS.KKzeta) self.Kzeta_star = sum(MS.KKzeta_star) self.MS = MS # define input perturbation self.zeta = np.zeros((3 * self.Kzeta)) self.zeta_dot = np.zeros((3 * self.Kzeta)) self.u_ext = np.zeros((3 * self.Kzeta)) # profiling output self.prof_out = './' self.time_init_sta = time.time() - t0 cout.cout_wrap('\t\t\t...done in %.2f sec' % self.time_init_sta)
[docs] def assemble_profiling(self): """ Generate profiling report for assembly and save it in self.prof_out. To read the report: import pstats p=pstats.Stats(self.prof_out) """ import cProfile cProfile.runctx('self.assemble()', globals(), locals(), filename=self.prof_out)
[docs] def assemble(self): """ Assemble global matrices """ cout.cout_wrap('\tAssembly of static linear UVLM equations started...', 1) MS = self.MS t0 = time.time() # ----------------------------------------------------------- state eq. List_uc_dncdzeta = ass.uc_dncdzeta(MS.Surfs) List_nc_dqcdzeta_coll, List_nc_dqcdzeta_vert = \ ass.nc_dqcdzeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) List_AICs, List_AICs_star = ass.AICs(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star, target='collocation', Project=True) List_Wnv = [] for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_Wnv.append( interp.get_Wnv_vector(MS.Surfs[ss], MS.Surfs[ss].aM, MS.Surfs[ss].aN)) ### zeta derivatives self.Ducdzeta = np.block(List_nc_dqcdzeta_vert) del List_nc_dqcdzeta_vert self.Ducdzeta += scalg.block_diag(*List_nc_dqcdzeta_coll) del List_nc_dqcdzeta_coll self.Ducdzeta += scalg.block_diag(*List_uc_dncdzeta) del List_uc_dncdzeta # # omega x zeta terms List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert = ass.nc_domegazetadzeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) self.Ducdzeta += scalg.block_diag(*List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert) del List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert ### input velocity derivatives self.Ducdu_ext = scalg.block_diag(*List_Wnv) del List_Wnv ### Condense Gammaw terms for ss_out in range(MS.n_surf): K = MS.KK[ss_out] for ss_in in range(MS.n_surf): N_star = MS.NN_star[ss_in] aic = List_AICs[ss_out][ss_in] # bound aic_star = List_AICs_star[ss_out][ss_in] # wake # fold aic_star: sum along chord at each span-coordinate aic_star_fold = np.zeros((K, N_star)) for jj in range(N_star): aic_star_fold[:, jj] += np.sum(aic_star[:, jj::N_star], axis=1) aic[:, -N_star:] += aic_star_fold self.AIC = np.block(List_AICs) # ---------------------------------------------------------- output eq. ### Zeta derivatives # ... at constant relative velocity self.Dfqsdzeta = scalg.block_diag( *ass.dfqsdzeta_vrel0(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star)) # ... induced velocity contrib. List_coll, List_vert = ass.dfqsdvind_zeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_vert[ss][ss] += List_coll[ss] self.Dfqsdzeta += np.block(List_vert) del List_vert, List_coll ### Input velocities self.Dfqsdu_ext = scalg.block_diag( *ass.dfqsduinput(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star)) ### Gamma derivatives # ... at constant relative velocity List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0, List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0 = \ ass.dfqsdgamma_vrel0(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) self.Dfqsdgamma = scalg.block_diag(*List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0) self.Dfqsdgamma_star = scalg.block_diag(*List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0) del List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0, List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0 # ... induced velocity contrib. List_dfqsdvind_gamma, List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star = \ ass.dfqsdvind_gamma(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) self.Dfqsdgamma += np.block(List_dfqsdvind_gamma) self.Dfqsdgamma_star += np.block(List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star) del List_dfqsdvind_gamma, List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star self.time_asbly = time.time() - t0 cout.cout_wrap('\t\t\t...done in %.2f sec' % self.time_asbly, 1)
[docs] def solve(self): r""" Solve for bound :math:`\\Gamma` using the equation; .. math:: \\mathcal{A}(\\Gamma^n) = u^n # ... at constant rotation speed ``self.Dfqsdzeta+=scalg.block_diag(*ass.dfqsdzeta_omega(MS.Surfs,MS.Surfs_star))`` """ MS = self.MS t0 = time.time() ### state bv =, self.u_ext - self.zeta_dot) + \, self.zeta) self.gamma = np.linalg.solve(self.AIC, -bv) ### retrieve gamma over wake gamma_star = [] Ktot = 0 for ss in range(MS.n_surf): Ktot += MS.Surfs[ss].maps.K N = MS.Surfs[ss].maps.N Mstar = MS.Surfs_star[ss].maps.M gamma_star.append(np.concatenate(Mstar * [self.gamma[Ktot - N:Ktot]])) gamma_star = np.concatenate(gamma_star) ### compute steady force self.fqs =, self.gamma) + \, gamma_star) + \, self.zeta) + \, self.u_ext - self.zeta_dot) self.time_sol = time.time() - t0 cout.cout_wrap('\tSolution done in %.2f sec' % self.time_sol, 1)
[docs] def reshape(self): """ Reshapes state/output according to SHARPy format """ MS = self.MS if not hasattr(self, 'gamma') or not hasattr(self, 'fqs'): raise NameError('State and output not found') self.Gamma = [] self.Fqs = [] Ktot, Kzeta_tot = 0, 0 for ss in range(MS.n_surf): M, N = MS.Surfs[ss].maps.M, MS.Surfs[ss].maps.N K, Kzeta = MS.Surfs[ss].maps.K, MS.Surfs[ss].maps.Kzeta iivec = range(Ktot, Ktot + K) self.Gamma.append(self.gamma[iivec].reshape((M, N))) iivec = range(Kzeta_tot, Kzeta_tot + 3 * Kzeta) self.Fqs.append(self.fqs[iivec].reshape((3, M + 1, N + 1))) Ktot += K Kzeta_tot += 3 * Kzeta
[docs] def total_forces(self, zeta_pole=np.zeros((3,))): """ Calculates total force (Ftot) and moment (Mtot) (about pole zeta_pole). """ if not hasattr(self, 'Gamma') or not hasattr(self, 'Fqs'): self.reshape() self.Ftot = np.zeros((3,)) self.Mtot = np.zeros((3,)) for ss in range(self.MS.n_surf): M, N = self.MS.Surfs[ss].maps.M, self.MS.Surfs[ss].maps.N for nn in range(N + 1): for mm in range(M + 1): zeta_node = self.MS.Surfs[ss].zeta[:, mm, nn] fnode = self.Fqs[ss][:, mm, nn] self.Ftot += fnode self.Mtot += np.cross(zeta_node - zeta_pole, fnode)
# for cc in range(3): # self.Ftot[cc]+=np.sum(self.Fqs[ss][cc,:,:])
[docs] def get_total_forces_gain(self, zeta_pole=np.zeros((3,))): r""" Calculates gain matrices to calculate the total force (Kftot) and moment (Kmtot, Kmtot_disp) about the pole zeta_pole. Being :math:`f` and :math:`\zeta` the force and position at the vertex (m,n) of the lattice these are produced as: * ``ftot=sum(f) -> dftot += df`` * ``mtot-sum((zeta-zeta_pole) x f) -> dmtot += cross(zeta0-zeta_pole) df - cross(f0) dzeta`` """ self.Kftot = np.zeros((3, 3 * self.Kzeta)) self.Kmtot = np.zeros((3, 3 * self.Kzeta)) self.Kmtot_disp = np.zeros((3, 3 * self.Kzeta)) Kzeta_start = 0 for ss in range(self.MS.n_surf): M, N = self.MS.Surfs[ss].maps.M, self.MS.Surfs[ss].maps.N for nn in range(N + 1): for mm in range(M + 1): jjvec = [Kzeta_start + np.ravel_multi_index((cc, mm, nn), (3, M + 1, N + 1)) for cc in range(3)] self.Kftot[[0, 1, 2], jjvec] = 1. self.Kmtot[np.ix_([0, 1, 2], jjvec)] = algebra.skew( self.MS.Surfs[ss].zeta[:, mm, nn] - zeta_pole) self.Kmtot_disp[np.ix_([0, 1, 2], jjvec)] = algebra.skew( -self.MS.Surfs[ss].fqs[:, mm, nn]) Kzeta_start += 3 * self.MS.KKzeta[ss]
[docs] def get_sect_forces_gain(self): """ Gains to computes sectional forces. Moments are computed w.r.t. mid-vertex (chord-wise index M/2) of each section. """ Ntot = 0 for ss in range(self.MS.n_surf): Ntot += self.MS.NN[ss] + 1 self.Kfsec = np.zeros((3 * Ntot, 3 * self.Kzeta)) self.Kmsec = np.zeros((3 * Ntot, 3 * self.Kzeta)) Kzeta_start = 0 II_start = 0 for ss in range(self.MS.n_surf): M, N = self.MS.MM[ss], self.MS.NN[ss] for nn in range(N + 1): zeta_sec = self.MS.Surfs[ss].zeta[:, :, nn] # section indices iivec = [II_start + np.ravel_multi_index((cc, nn), (3, N + 1)) for cc in range(3)] # iivec = [II_start + cc+6*nn for cc in range(6)] # iivec = [II_start + cc*(N+1) + nn for cc in range(6)] for mm in range(M + 1): # vertex indices jjvec = [Kzeta_start + np.ravel_multi_index((cc, mm, nn), (3, M + 1, N + 1)) for cc in range(3)] # sectional force self.Kfsec[iivec, jjvec] = 1.0 # sectional moment dx, dy, dz = zeta_sec[:, mm] - zeta_sec[:, M // 2] self.Kmsec[np.ix_(iivec, jjvec)] = np.array([[0, -dz, dy], [dz, 0, -dx], [-dy, dx, 0]]) Kzeta_start += 3 * self.MS.KKzeta[ss] II_start += 3 * (N + 1)
[docs] def get_rigid_motion_gains(self, zeta_rotation=np.zeros((3,))): """ Gains to reproduce rigid-body motion such that grid displacements and velocities are given by: * ``dzeta = Ktra*u_tra + Krot*u_rot`` * ``dzeta_dot = Ktra_vel*u_tra_dot + Krot*u_rot_dot`` Rotations are assumed to happen independently with respect to the zeta_rotation point and about the x,y and z axes of the inertial frame. """ # warnings.warn('Rigid rotation matrix not implemented!') Ntot = 0 for ss in range(self.MS.n_surf): Ntot += self.MS.NN[ss] + 1 self.Ktra = np.zeros((3 * self.Kzeta, 3)) self.Ktra_dot = np.zeros((3 * self.Kzeta, 3)) self.Krot = np.zeros((3 * self.Kzeta, 3)) self.Krot_dot = np.zeros((3 * self.Kzeta, 3)) Kzeta_start = 0 for ss in range(self.MS.n_surf): M, N = self.MS.MM[ss], self.MS.NN[ss] zeta = self.MS.Surfs[ss].zeta for nn in range(N + 1): for mm in range(M + 1): # vertex indices iivec = [Kzeta_start + np.ravel_multi_index((cc, mm, nn), (3, M + 1, N + 1)) for cc in range(3)] self.Ktra[iivec, [0, 1, 2]] += 1. self.Ktra_dot[iivec, [0, 1, 2]] += 1. # sectional moment dx, dy, dz = zeta[:, mm, nn] - zeta_rotation Dskew = np.array([[0, -dz, dy], [dz, 0, -dx], [-dy, dx, 0]]) self.Krot[iivec, :] = Dskew self.Krot_dot[iivec, :] = Dskew Kzeta_start += 3 * self.MS.KKzeta[ss]
# # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # utilities for Dynamic.balfreq method # def get_trapz_weights(k0,kend,Nk,knyq=False): # """ # Returns uniform frequency grid (kv of length Nk) and weights (wv) for # Gramians integration using trapezoidal rule. If knyq is True, it is assumed # that kend is also the Nyquist frequency. # """ # assert k0>=0. and kend>=0., 'Frequencies must be positive!' # dk=(kend-k0)/(Nk-1.) # kv=np.linspace(k0,kend,Nk) # wv=np.ones((Nk,))*dk*np.sqrt(2) # if k0/(kend-k0)<1e-10: # wv[0]=.5*dk # else: # wv[0]=dk/np.sqrt(2) # if knyq: # wv[-1]=.5*dk # else: # wv[-1]=dk/np.sqrt(2) # return kv,wv # def get_gauss_weights(k0,kend,Npart,order): # """ # Returns gauss-legendre frequency grid (kv of length Npart*order) and # weights (wv) for Gramians integration. # The integration grid is divided into Npart partitions, and in each of # them integration is performed using a Gauss-Legendre quadrature of # order order. # Note: integration points are never located at k0 or kend, hence there # is no need for special treatment as in (for e.g.) a uniform grid case # (see get_unif_weights) # """ # if Npart==1: # # get gauss normalised coords and weights # xad,wad=np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(order) # krange=kend-k0 # kv=.5*(k0+kend) + .5*krange*xad # wv=wad*(.5*krange)*np.sqrt(2) # print('partitioning: %.3f to %.3f' %(k0,kend) ) # else: # kv=np.zeros((Npart*order,)) # wv=np.zeros((Npart*order,)) # dk_part=(kend-k0)/Npart # for ii in range(Npart): # k0_part=k0+ii*dk_part # kend_part=k0_part+dk_part # iivec=range(order*ii, order*(ii+1)) # kv[iivec],wv[iivec]=get_gauss_weights(k0_part,kend_part,Npart=1,order=order) # return kv,wv # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Dynamic(Static): r""" Class for dynamic linearised UVLM solution. Linearisation around steady-state are only supported. The class is built upon Static, and inherits all the methods contained there. Input: - tsdata: aero timestep data from SHARPy solution - dt: time-step - integr_order=2: integration order for UVLM unsteady aerodynamic force - RemovePredictor=True: if true, the state-space model is modified so as to accept in input perturbations, u, evaluated at time-step n rather than n+1. - ScalingDict=None: disctionary containing fundamental reference units: .. code-block:: python {'length': reference_length, 'speed': reference_speed, 'density': reference density} used to derive scaling quantities for the state-space model variables. The scaling factors are stored in ``self.ScalingFact``. Note that while time, circulation, angular speeds) are scaled accordingly, FORCES ARE NOT. These scale by :math:`q_\infty b^2`, where :math:`b` is the reference length and :math:`q_\infty` is the dynamic pressure. - UseSparse=False: builds the A and B matrices in sparse form. C and D are dense anyway so the sparse format cannot be applied to them. Methods: - nondimss: normalises a dimensional state-space model based on the scaling factors in self.ScalingFact. - dimss: inverse of nondimss. - assemble_ss: builds state-space model. See function for more details. - assemble_ss_profiling: generate profiling report of the assembly and saves it into self.prof_out. To read the report: .. code-block:: python import pstats p = pstats.Stats(self.prof_out) - solve_steady: solves for the steady state. Several methods available. - solve_step: solves one time-step - freqresp: ad-hoc method for fast frequency response (only implemented) for ``remove_predictor=False`` Attributes: Nx (int): Number of states Nu (int): Number of inputs Ny (int): Number of outputs K (int): Number of paneles :math:`K = MN` K_star (int): Number of wake panels :math:`K^*=M^*N` Kzeta (int): Number of panel vertices :math:`K_\zeta=(M+1)(N+1)` Kzeta_star (int): Number of wake panel vertices :math:`K_{\zeta,w} = (M^*+1)(N+1)` To do: Upgrade to linearise around unsteady snapshot (adjoint) """ def __init__(self, tsdata, dt=None, dynamic_settings=None, integr_order=2, RemovePredictor=True, ScalingDict=None, UseSparse=True, for_vel=np.zeros((6,))): # Transform settings dictionary - in the future remove remaining inputs self.settings = dict() if dynamic_settings: self.settings = dynamic_settings settings.to_custom_types(self.settings, settings_types_dynamic, settings_default_dynamic, no_ctype=True) else: warnings.warn('No settings dictionary found. Using default. Individual parsing of settings is deprecated', DeprecationWarning) # Future: remove deprecation warning and make settings the only argument settings.to_custom_types(self.settings, settings_types_dynamic, settings_default_dynamic, no_ctype=True) self.settings['dt'] = dt self.settings['integr_order'] = integr_order self.settings['remove_predictor'] = RemovePredictor self.settings['use_sparse'] = UseSparse self.settings['ScalingDict'] = ScalingDict static_dict = {'vortex_radius': self.settings['vortex_radius'], 'cfl1': self.settings['cfl1']} super().__init__(tsdata, custom_settings=static_dict, for_vel=for_vel) self.dt = self.settings['dt'] self.integr_order = self.settings['integr_order'] self.vortex_radius = self.settings['vortex_radius'] self.cfl1 = self.settings['cfl1'] if self.integr_order == 1: Nx = 2 * self.K + self.K_star elif self.integr_order == 2: Nx = 3 * self.K + self.K_star # b0, bm1, bp1 = -2., 0.5, 1.5 else: raise NameError('Only integration orders 1 and 2 are supported') Ny = 3 * self.Kzeta Nu = 3 * Ny self.Nx = Nx self.Nu = Nu self.Ny = Ny self.remove_predictor = self.settings['remove_predictor'] # Stores original B matrix for state recovery later self.B_predictor = None self.D_predictor = None self.include_added_mass = True self.use_sparse = self.settings['use_sparse'] ScalingFacts = self.settings['ScalingDict'] ScalingFacts['time'] = ScalingFacts['length'] / ScalingFacts['speed'] ScalingFacts['circulation'] = ScalingFacts['speed'] * ScalingFacts['length'] ScalingFacts['dyn_pressure'] = 0.5 * ScalingFacts['density'] * ScalingFacts['speed'] ** 2 ScalingFacts['force'] = ScalingFacts['dyn_pressure'] * ScalingFacts['length'] ** 2 self.ScalingFacts = ScalingFacts ### collect statistics self.cpu_summary = {'dim': 0., 'nondim': 0., 'assemble': 0.} # Initialise State Space self.SS = None @property def Nu(self): """Number of inputs :math:`m` to the system.""" if self.SS is not None: if self.SS.B.shape.__len__() == 1: self.Nu = 1 else: self.Nu = self.SS.B.shape[1] return self._Nu @Nu.setter def Nu(self, value): self._Nu = value @property def Nx(self): """Number of states :math:`n` of the system.""" if self.SS is not None: self.Nx = self.SS.B.shape[0] return self._Nx @Nx.setter def Nx(self, value): self._Nx = value @property def Ny(self): """Number of outputs :math:`p` of the system.""" if self.SS is not None: self.Ny = self.SS.C.shape[0] return self._Ny @Ny.setter def Ny(self, value): self._Ny = value
[docs] def nondimss(self): """ Scale state-space model based of self.ScalingFacts """ cout.cout_wrap('Scaling UVLM system with reference time %fs' % self.ScalingFacts['time']) t0 = time.time() Kzeta = self.Kzeta self.SS.B[:, :3 * Kzeta] *= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.SS.B[:, 3 * Kzeta:] *= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) if self.remove_predictor: self.B_predictor[:, :3 * Kzeta] *= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.B_predictor[:, 3 * Kzeta:] *= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.SS.C *= (self.ScalingFacts['circulation'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.SS.D[:, :3 * Kzeta] *= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.SS.D[:, 3 * Kzeta:] *= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) if self.remove_predictor: self.D_predictor[:, :3 * Kzeta] *= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.D_predictor[:, 3 * Kzeta:] *= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.SS.dt = self.SS.dt / self.ScalingFacts['time'] self.cpu_summary['nondim'] = time.time() - t0 cout.cout_wrap('Non-dimensional time step set (%f)' % self.SS.dt, 1) cout.cout_wrap('System scaled in %fs' % self.cpu_summary['nondim'])
def dimss(self): t0 = time.time() Kzeta = self.Kzeta self.SS.B[:, :3 * Kzeta] /= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.SS.B[:, 3 * Kzeta:] /= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) if self.remove_predictor: self.B_predictor[:, :3 * Kzeta] /= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.B_predictor[:, 3 * Kzeta:] /= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.SS.C /= (self.ScalingFacts['circulation'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.SS.D[:, :3 * Kzeta] /= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.SS.D[:, 3 * Kzeta:] /= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) if self.remove_predictor: self.D_predictor[:, :3 * Kzeta] /= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.D_predictor[:, 3 * Kzeta:] /= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.SS.dt = self.SS.dt * self.ScalingFacts['time'] self.cpu_summary['dim'] = time.time() - t0
[docs] def assemble_ss(self, wake_prop_settings=None): r""" Produces state-space model of the form .. math:: \mathbf{x}_{n+1} &= \mathbf{A}\,\mathbf{x}_n + \mathbf{B} \mathbf{u}_{n+1} \\ \mathbf{y}_n &= \mathbf{C}\,\mathbf{x}_n + \mathbf{D} \mathbf{u}_n where the state, inputs and outputs are: .. math:: \mathbf{x}_n = \{ \delta \mathbf{\Gamma}_n,\, \delta \mathbf{\Gamma_{w_n}},\, \Delta t\,\delta\mathbf{\Gamma}'_n,\, \delta\mathbf{\Gamma}_{n-1} \} .. math:: \mathbf{u}_n = \{ \delta\mathbf{\zeta}_n,\, \delta\mathbf{\zeta}'_n,\, \delta\mathbf{u}_{ext,n} \} .. math:: \mathbf{y} = \{\delta\mathbf{f}\} with :math:`\mathbf{\Gamma}\in\mathbb{R}^{MN}` being the vector of vortex circulations, :math:`\mathbf{\zeta}\in\mathbb{R}^{3(M+1)(N+1)}` the vector of vortex lattice coordinates and :math:`\mathbf{f}\in\mathbb{R}^{3(M+1)(N+1)}` the vector of aerodynamic forces and moments. Note that :math:`(\bullet)'` denotes a derivative with respect to time. Note that the input is atypically defined at time ``n+1``, therefore by default ``self.remove_predictor = True`` and the predictor term ``u_{n+1}`` is eliminated through the change of state[1]: .. math:: \mathbf{h}_n &= \mathbf{x}_n - \mathbf{B}\,\mathbf{u}_n \\ such that: .. math:: \mathbf{h}_{n+1} &= \mathbf{A}\,\mathbf{h}_n + \mathbf{A\,B}\,\mathbf{u}_n \\ \mathbf{y}_n &= \mathbf{C\,h}_n + (\mathbf{C\,B}+\mathbf{D})\,\mathbf{u}_n which only modifies the equivalent :math:`\mathbf{B}` and :math:`\mathbf{D}` matrices. References: [1] Franklin, GF and Powell, JD. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1980 To do: - remove all calls to scipy.linalg.block_diag """ cout.cout_wrap('State-space realisation of UVLM equations started...') t0 = time.time() MS = self.MS K, K_star = self.K, self.K_star Kzeta = self.Kzeta # ------------------------------------------------------ determine size Nx = self.Nx Nu = self.Nu Ny = self.Ny if self.integr_order == 2: # Second order differencing scheme coefficients b0, bm1, bp1 = -2., 0.5, 1.5 # ----------------------------------------------------------- state eq. ### state terms (A matrix) # - choice of sparse matrices format is optimised to reduce memory load # Aero influence coeffs List_AICs, List_AICs_star = ass.AICs(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star, target='collocation', Project=True) A0 = np.block(List_AICs) A0W = np.block(List_AICs_star) List_AICs, List_AICs_star = None, None LU, P = scalg.lu_factor(A0) AinvAW = scalg.lu_solve((LU, P), A0W) A0, A0W = None, None # self.A0,self.A0W=A0,A0W ### propagation of circ # fast and memory efficient with both dense and sparse matrices List_C, List_Cstar = ass.wake_prop(MS, self.use_sparse, sparse_format='csc', settings=wake_prop_settings) if self.use_sparse: Cgamma = libsp.csc_matrix(sparse.block_diag(List_C, format='csc')) CgammaW = libsp.csc_matrix(sparse.block_diag(List_Cstar, format='csc')) else: Cgamma = scalg.block_diag(*List_C) CgammaW = scalg.block_diag(*List_Cstar) List_C, List_Cstar = None, None # recurrent dense terms stored as numpy.ndarrays AinvAWCgamma =, Cgamma) AinvAWCgammaW =, CgammaW) ### A matrix assembly if self.use_sparse: # lil format allows fast assembly Ass = sparse.lil_matrix((Nx, Nx)) else: Ass = np.zeros((Nx, Nx)) Ass[:K, :K] = AinvAWCgamma Ass[:K, K:K + K_star] = AinvAWCgammaW Ass[K:K + K_star, :K] = Cgamma Ass[K:K + K_star, K:K + K_star] = CgammaW Cgamma, CgammaW = None, None # delta eq. iivec = range(K + K_star, 2 * K + K_star) ones = np.ones((K,)) if self.integr_order == 1: Ass[iivec, :K] = AinvAWCgamma Ass[iivec, range(K)] -= ones Ass[iivec, K:K + K_star] = AinvAWCgammaW if self.integr_order == 2: Ass[iivec, :K] = bp1 * AinvAWCgamma AinvAWCgamma = None Ass[iivec, range(K)] += b0 * ones Ass[iivec, K:K + K_star] = bp1 * AinvAWCgammaW AinvAWCgammaW = None Ass[iivec, range(2 * K + K_star, 3 * K + K_star)] = bm1 * ones # identity eq. Ass[range(2 * K + K_star, 3 * K + K_star), range(K)] = ones if self.use_sparse: # conversion to csc occupies less memory and allows fast algebra Ass = libsp.csc_matrix(Ass) # zeta derivs List_nc_dqcdzeta = ass.nc_dqcdzeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star, Merge=True) List_uc_dncdzeta = ass.uc_dncdzeta(MS.Surfs) List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert = ass.nc_domegazetadzeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_nc_dqcdzeta[ss][ss] += \ (List_uc_dncdzeta[ss] + List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert[ss]) Ducdzeta = np.block(List_nc_dqcdzeta) # dense matrix List_nc_dqcdzeta = None List_uc_dncdzeta = None List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert = None # ext velocity derivs (Wnv0) List_Wnv = [] for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_Wnv.append( interp.get_Wnv_vector(MS.Surfs[ss], MS.Surfs[ss].aM, MS.Surfs[ss].aN)) AinvWnv0 = scalg.lu_solve((LU, P), scalg.block_diag(*List_Wnv)) List_Wnv = None ### B matrix assembly if self.use_sparse: Bss = sparse.lil_matrix((Nx, Nu)) else: Bss = np.zeros((Nx, Nu)) Bup = np.block([-scalg.lu_solve((LU, P), Ducdzeta), AinvWnv0, -AinvWnv0]) AinvWnv0 = None Bss[:K, :] = Bup if self.integr_order == 1: Bss[K + K_star:2 * K + K_star, :] = Bup if self.integr_order == 2: Bss[K + K_star:2 * K + K_star, :] = bp1 * Bup Bup = None if self.use_sparse: Bss = libsp.csc_matrix(Bss) LU, P = None, None # ---------------------------------------------------------- output eq. ### state terms (C matrix) # gamma (induced velocity contrib.) List_dfqsdvind_gamma, List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star = \ ass.dfqsdvind_gamma(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) # gamma (at constant relative velocity) List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0, List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0 = \ ass.dfqsdgamma_vrel0(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_dfqsdvind_gamma[ss][ss] += List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0[ss] List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star[ss][ss] += List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0[ss] Dfqsdgamma = np.block(List_dfqsdvind_gamma) Dfqsdgamma_star = np.block(List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star) List_dfqsdvind_gamma, List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star = None, None List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0, List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0 = None, None # gamma_dot Dfunstdgamma_dot = scalg.block_diag(*ass.dfunstdgamma_dot(MS.Surfs)) # C matrix assembly Css = np.zeros((Ny, Nx)) Css[:, :K] = Dfqsdgamma Css[:, K:K + K_star] = Dfqsdgamma_star if self.include_added_mass: Css[:, K + K_star:2 * K + K_star] = Dfunstdgamma_dot / self.dt ### input terms (D matrix) Dss = np.zeros((Ny, Nu)) # zeta (at constant relative velocity) Dss[:, :3 * Kzeta] = scalg.block_diag( *ass.dfqsdzeta_vrel0(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star)) # zeta (induced velocity contrib) List_coll, List_vert = ass.dfqsdvind_zeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_vert[ss][ss] += List_coll[ss] Dss[:, :3 * Kzeta] += np.block(List_vert) del List_vert, List_coll # input velocities (external) Dss[:, 6 * Kzeta:9 * Kzeta] = scalg.block_diag( *ass.dfqsduinput(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star)) # input velocities (body movement) if self.include_added_mass: Dss[:, 3 * Kzeta:6 * Kzeta] = -Dss[:, 6 * Kzeta:9 * Kzeta] if self.remove_predictor: Ass, Bmod, Css, Dmod = \ libss.SSconv(Ass, None, Bss, Css, Dss, Bm1=None) self.SS =, Bmod, Css, Dmod, dt=self.dt) # Store original B matrix for state unpacking self.B_predictor = Bss self.D_predictor = Dss cout.cout_wrap('\tstate-space model produced in form:\n\t' \ '\t\th_{n+1} = A h_{n} + B u_{n}\n\t' \ '\t\twith:\n\tx_n = h_n + Bp u_n', 1) else: self.SS =, Bss, Css, Dss, dt=self.dt) cout.cout_wrap('\tstate-space model produced in form:\n\t' \ 'x_{n+1} = A x_{n} + Bp u_{n+1}', 1) self.cpu_summary['assemble'] = time.time() - t0 cout.cout_wrap('\t\t\t...done in %.2f sec' % self.cpu_summary['assemble'])
[docs] def freqresp(self, kv, wake_prop_settings=None): """ Ad-hoc method for fast UVLM frequency response over the frequencies kv. The method, only requires inversion of a K x K matrix at each frequency as the equation for propagation of wake circulation are solved exactly. The algorithm implemented here can be used also upon projection of the state-space model. Note: This method is very similar to the "minsize" solution option is the steady_solve. """ if self.remove_predictor: # raise NameError('Option "remove_predictor=True" not implemented yet. '+ # 'Refer to Frequency class implementation.') assert self.B_predictor.shape == self.SS.B.shape, \ ('In order to use "freqresp" with "remove_predictor=True", project ' + '"self.B_predictor" as per "self.SS.B"!') assert self.D_predictor.shape == self.SS.D.shape, \ ('In order to use "freqresp" with "remove_predictor=True", project ' + '"self.D_predictor" as per "self.SS.D"!') MS = self.MS K = self.K K_star = self.K_star Eye = np.eye(K) if self.remove_predictor: Bup = self.B_predictor[:K, :] else: Bup = self.SS.B[:K, :] if self.use_sparse: # warning: behaviour may change in future numpy release. # Ensure P,Pw,Bup are np.ndarray P = np.array(self.SS.A[:K, :K].todense()) Pw = np.array(self.SS.A[:K, K:K + K_star].todense()) if type(Bup) not in [np.ndarray, libsp.csc_matrix]: Bup = Bup.toarray() else: P = self.SS.A[:K, :K] Pw = self.SS.A[:K, K:K + K_star] Nk = len(kv) kvdt = kv * self.SS.dt zv = np.cos(kvdt) + 1.j * np.sin(kvdt) Yfreq = np.empty((self.SS.outputs, self.SS.inputs, Nk,), dtype=np.complex_) for kk in range(Nk): ### build Cw complex Cw_cpx = self.get_Cw_cpx(zv[kk], settings=wake_prop_settings) if self.remove_predictor: Ygamma = zv[kk] * \ libsp.solve(zv[kk] * Eye - P -, Cw_cpx, type_out=libsp.csc_matrix), Bup) else: Ygamma = libsp.solve(zv[kk] * Eye - P -, Cw_cpx, type_out=libsp.csc_matrix), Bup) Ygamma_star = if self.integr_order == 1: dfact = (1. - 1. / zv[kk]) elif self.integr_order == 2: dfact = .5 * (3. - 4. / zv[kk] + 1. / zv[kk] ** 2) else: raise NameError('Specify valid integration order') # calculate solution if self.remove_predictor: Yfreq[:, :, kk] =[:, :K], Ygamma) + \[:, K:K + K_star], Ygamma_star) + \[:, K + K_star:2 * K + K_star], dfact * Ygamma) + \ self.D_predictor else: Yfreq[:, :, kk] =[:, :K], Ygamma) + \[:, K:K + K_star], Ygamma_star) + \[:, K + K_star:2 * K + K_star], dfact * Ygamma) + \ self.SS.D return Yfreq
[docs] def get_Cw_cpx(self, zval, settings=None): r""" Produces a sparse matrix .. math:: \bar{\mathbf{C}}(z) where .. math:: z = e^{k \Delta t} such that the wake circulation frequency response at :math:`z` is .. math:: \bar{\boldsymbol{\Gamma}}_w = \bar{\mathbf{C}}(z) \bar{\mathbf{\Gamma}} """ return get_Cw_cpx(self.MS, self.K, self.K_star, zval, settings=settings)
[docs] def balfreq(self, DictBalFreq, wake_prop_settings=None): """ Low-rank method for frequency limited balancing. The Observability ad controllability Gramians over the frequencies kv are solved in factorised form. Balancd modes are then obtained with a square-root method. Details: Observability and controllability Gramians are solved in factorised form through explicit integration. The number of integration points determines both the accuracy and the maximum size of the balanced model. Stability over all (Nb) balanced states is achieved if: a. one of the Gramian is integrated through the full Nyquist range b. the integration points are enough. Note, however, that even when stability is not achieved over the full balanced states, stability of the balanced truncated model with Ns<=Nb states is normally observed even when a low number of integration points is used. Two integration methods (trapezoidal rule on uniform grid and Gauss-Legendre quadrature) are provided. Input: - DictBalFreq: dictionary specifying integration method with keys: - ``frequency``: defines limit frequencies for balancing. The balanced model will be accurate in the range [0,F], where F is the value of this key. Note that F units must be consistent with the units specified in the self.ScalingFacts dictionary. - ``method_low``: ['gauss','trapz'] specifies whether to use gauss quadrature or trapezoidal rule in the low-frequency range [0,F] - ``options_low``: options to use for integration in the low-frequencies. These depend on the integration scheme (See below). - ``method_high``: method to use for integration in the range [F,F_N], where F_N is the Nyquist frequency. See 'method_low'. - ``options_high``: options to use for integration in the high-frequencies. - ``check_stability``: if True, the balanced model is truncated to eliminate unstable modes - if any is found. Note that very accurate balanced model can still be obtained, even if high order modes are unstable. Note that this option is overridden if "" - ``get_frequency_response``: if True, the function also returns the frequency response evaluated at the low-frequency range integration points. If True, this option also allows to automatically tune the balanced model. Future options: - ``truncation_tolerance``: if ``get_frequency_response`` is True, allows to truncate the balanced model so as to achieved a prescribed tolerance in the low-frequwncy range. - ``Ncpu``: for parallel run The following integration schemes are available: - ``trapz``: performs integration over equally spaced points using trapezoidal rule. It accepts options dictionaries with keys: - ``points``: number of integration points to use (including domain boundary) - ``gauss`` performs gauss-lobotto quadrature. The domain can be partitioned in Npart sub-domain in which the gauss-lobotto quadrature of order Ord can be applied. A total number of Npart*Ord points is required. It accepts options dictionaries of the form: - ``partitions``: number of partitions - ``order``: quadrature order. Example: The following dictionary .. code-block:: python DictBalFreq={ 'frequency': 1.2, 'method_low': 'trapz', 'options_low': {'points': 12}, 'method_high': 'gauss', 'options_high': {'partitions': 2, 'order': 8}, 'check_stability': True } balances the state-space model self.SS in the frequency range [0, 1.2] using (a) 12 equally-spaced points integration of the Gramians in the low-frequency range [0,1.2] and (b) a 2 Gauss-Lobotto 8-th order quadratures of the controllability Gramian in the high-frequency range. A total number of 28 integration points will be required, which will result into a balanced model with number of states ``min{2*28* number_inputs, 2*28* number_outputs}`` The model is finally truncated so as to retain only the first Ns stable modes. """ ### check input dictionary if 'frequency' not in DictBalFreq: raise NameError('Solution dictionary must include the "frequency" key') if 'method_low' not in DictBalFreq: warnings.warn('Setting default options for low-frequency integration') DictBalFreq['method_low'] = 'trapz' DictBalFreq['options_low'] = {'points': 12} if 'method_high' not in DictBalFreq: warnings.warn('Setting default options for high-frequency integration') DictBalFreq['method_high'] = 'gauss' DictBalFreq['options_high'] = {'partitions': 2, 'order': 8} if 'check_stability' not in DictBalFreq: DictBalFreq['check_stability'] = True if 'output_modes' not in DictBalFreq: DictBalFreq['output_modes'] = True if 'get_frequency_response' not in DictBalFreq: DictBalFreq['get_frequency_response'] = False ### get integration points and weights # Nyquist frequency kn = np.pi / self.SS.dt Opt = DictBalFreq['options_low'] if DictBalFreq['method_low'] == 'trapz': kv_low, wv_low = librom.get_trapz_weights(0., DictBalFreq['frequency'], Opt['points'], False) elif DictBalFreq['method_low'] == 'gauss': kv_low, wv_low = librom.get_gauss_weights(0., DictBalFreq['frequency'], Opt['partitions'], Opt['order']) else: raise NameError( 'Invalid value %s for key "method_low"' % DictBalFreq['method_low']) Opt = DictBalFreq['options_high'] if DictBalFreq['method_high'] == 'trapz': kv_high, wv_high = librom.get_trapz_weights(DictBalFreq['frequency'], kn, Opt['points'], True) elif DictBalFreq['method_high'] == 'gauss': kv_high, wv_high = librom.get_gauss_weights(DictBalFreq['frequency'], kn, Opt['partitions'], Opt['order']) else: raise NameError( 'Invalid value %s for key "method_high"' % DictBalFreq['method_high']) ### get useful terms K = self.K K_star = self.K_star Eye = np.eye(K) if self.remove_predictor: Bup = self.B_predictor[:K, :] else: Bup = self.SS.B[:K, :] if self.use_sparse: # warning: behaviour may change in future numpy release. # Ensure P,Pw,Bup are np.ndarray P = np.array(self.SS.A[:K, :K].todense()) Pw = np.array(self.SS.A[:K, K:K + K_star].todense()) if type(Bup) not in [np.ndarray, libsp.csc_matrix]: Bup = Bup.toarray() else: P = self.SS.A[:K, :K] Pw = self.SS.A[:K, K:K + K_star] # indices to manipulate obs solution ii00 = range(0, self.K) ii01 = range(self.K, self.K + self.K_star) ii02 = range(self.K + self.K_star, 2 * self.K + self.K_star) ii03 = range(2 * self.K + self.K_star, 3 * self.K + self.K_star) # integration factors if self.integr_order == 2: b0, bm1, bp1 = -2., 0.5, 1.5 else: b0, bp1 = -1., 1. raise NameError('Method not implemented for integration order 1') ### -------------------------------------------------- loop frequencies ### merge vectors Nk_low = len(kv_low) kvdt = np.concatenate((kv_low, kv_high)) * self.SS.dt wv = np.concatenate((wv_low, wv_high)) * self.SS.dt zv = np.cos(kvdt) + 1.j * np.sin(kvdt) Qobs = np.zeros((self.SS.states, self.SS.outputs), dtype=np.complex_) Zc = np.zeros((self.SS.states, 2 * self.SS.inputs * len(kvdt)), ) Zo = np.zeros((self.SS.states, 2 * self.SS.outputs * Nk_low), ) if DictBalFreq['get_frequency_response']: self.Yfreq = np.empty((self.SS.outputs, self.SS.inputs, Nk_low,), dtype=np.complex_) self.kv = kv_low for kk in range(len(kvdt)): zval = zv[kk] Intfact = wv[kk] # integration factor # build terms that will be recycled Cw_cpx = self.get_Cw_cpx(zval, settings=wake_prop_settings) PwCw_T = Kernel = np.linalg.inv(zval * Eye - P - PwCw_T.T) ### ----- controllability Ygamma = Intfact *, Bup) if self.remove_predictor: Ygamma *= zval Ygamma_star = if self.integr_order == 1: dfact = (bp1 + b0 / zval) Qctrl = np.vstack([Ygamma, Ygamma_star, dfact * Ygamma]) elif self.integr_order == 2: dfact = bp1 + b0 / zval + bm1 / zval ** 2 Qctrl = np.vstack( [Ygamma, Ygamma_star, dfact * Ygamma, (1. / zval) * Ygamma]) else: raise NameError('Specify valid integration order') kkvec = range(2 * kk * self.SS.inputs, 2 * (kk + 1) * self.SS.inputs) Zc[:, kkvec[:self.SS.inputs]] = Qctrl.real # *Intfact Zc[:, kkvec[self.SS.inputs:]] = Qctrl.imag # *Intfact ### ----- frequency response if DictBalFreq['get_frequency_response'] and kk < Nk_low: self.Yfreq[:, :, kk] =, Qctrl) / Intfact + self.SS.D ### ----- frequency response if DictBalFreq['get_frequency_response'] and kk < Nk_low: self.Yfreq[:, :, kk] =, Qctrl) / Intfact + self.SS.D ### ----- observability # solve (1./zval*I - A.T)^{-1} C^T (in low-frequency only) if kk >= Nk_low: continue zinv = 1. / zval Cw_cpx_H = Cw_cpx.conjugate().T Qobs[ii02, :] = zval * self.SS.C[:, ii02].T if self.integr_order == 2: Qobs[ii03, :] = bm1 * zval ** 2 * self.SS.C[:, ii02].T rhs = self.SS.C[:, ii00].T + \[:, ii01].T) + \ (bp1 * zval) * (PwCw_T.conj() + P.T) + \ (b0 * zval + bm1 * zval ** 2) * Eye, self.SS.C[:, ii02].T) Qobs[ii00, :] =, rhs) Eye_star = libsp.csc_matrix( (zinv * np.ones((K_star,)), (range(K_star), range(K_star))), shape=(K_star, K_star), dtype=np.complex_) Qobs[ii01, :] = libsp.solve( Eye_star - self.SS.A[K:K + K_star, K:K + K_star].T,, Qobs[ii00, :] + \ (bp1 * zval) * self.SS.C[:, ii02].T) + \ self.SS.C[:, ii01].T) kkvec = range(2 * kk * self.SS.outputs, 2 * (kk + 1) * self.SS.outputs) Zo[:, kkvec[:self.SS.outputs]] = Intfact * Qobs.real Zo[:, kkvec[self.SS.outputs:]] = Intfact * Qobs.imag # delete full matrices Kernel = None Qctrl = None Qobs = None # self.Zc=Zc # self.Zo=Zo # LRSQM (optimised) U, hsv, Vh = scalg.svd(, Zc), full_matrices=False) sinv = hsv ** (-0.5) T =, Vh.T * sinv) Ti = * sinv).T, Zo.T) # Zc,Zo=None,None ### build frequency balanced model Ab =,, T)) Bb =, self.SS.B) Cb =, T) SSb =, Bb, Cb, self.SS.D, dt=self.SS.dt) ### Eliminate unstable modes - if any: if DictBalFreq['check_stability']: for nn in range(1, len(hsv) + 1): eigs_trunc = scalg.eigvals(SSb.A[:nn, :nn]) eigs_trunc_max = np.max(np.abs(eigs_trunc)) if eigs_trunc_max > 1. - 1e-16: SSb.truncate(nn - 1) hsv = hsv[:nn - 1] T = T[:, :nn - 1] Ti = Ti[:nn - 1, :] break self.SSb = SSb self.hsv = hsv if DictBalFreq['output_modes']: self.T = T self.Ti = Ti self.Zc = Zc self.Zo = Zo
[docs] def balfreq_profiling(self, wake_prop_settings=None): """ Generate profiling report for balfreq function and saves it into ``self.prof_out.`` The function also returns a ``pstats.Stats`` object. To read the report: .. code-block:: python import pstats p=pstats.Stats(self.prof_out).sort_stats('cumtime') p.print_stats(20) """ import pstats import cProfile def wrap(): DictBalFreq = {'frequency': 0.5, 'check_stability': False} self.balfreq(DictBalFreq, wake_prop_settings=wake_prop_settings) cProfile.runctx('wrap()', globals(), locals(), filename=self.prof_out) cProfile.runctx('wrap()', globals(), locals(), filename=self.prof_out) return pstats.Stats(self.prof_out).sort_stats('cumtime')
[docs] def assemble_ss_profiling(self): """ Generate profiling report for assembly and save it in self.prof_out. To read the report: import pstats p=pstats.Stats(self.prof_out) """ import cProfile cProfile.runctx('self.assemble_ss()', globals(), locals(), filename=self.prof_out)
[docs] def solve_steady(self, usta, method='direct'): """ Steady state solution from state-space model. Warning: these methods are less efficient than the solver in Static class, Static.solve, and should be used only for verification purposes. The "minsize" method, however, guarantees the inversion of a K x K matrix only, similarly to what is done in Static.solve. """ if self.remove_predictor is True and method != 'direct': raise NameError('Only direct solution is available if predictor ' \ 'term has been removed from the state-space equations (see assembly_ss)') if self.use_sparse is True and method != 'direct': raise NameError('Only direct solution is available if use_sparse is True. ' \ '(see assembly_ss)') Ass, Bss, Css, Dss = self.SS.A, self.SS.B, self.SS.C, self.SS.D if method == 'minsize': # as opposed to linuvlm.Static, this solves for the bound circulation # starting from # Gamma = [P, Pw] * {Gamma,Gamma_w} + B u_ # Gamma_w = [C, Cw] * {Gamma,Gamma_w} (eq. 1a,1b) # where time indices have been dropped. Transforming into # Gamma = [P+PwC, PwCw] * {Gamma,Gamma_w} + B u (eq. 2) # and enforcing Gamma_w = Gamma_TE, this reduces to the KxK system: # AIC Gamma = B u (eq. 3) MS = self.MS K = self.K K_star = self.K_star ### build eq. 2: P = Ass[:K, :K] Pw = Ass[:K, K:K + K_star] C = Ass[K:K + K_star, :K] Cw = Ass[K:K + K_star, K:K + K_star] PwCw =, Cw) ### build eq. 3 AIC = np.eye(K) - P -, C) # condense Gammaw terms K0out, K0out_star = 0, 0 for ss_out in range(MS.n_surf): Kout = MS.KK[ss_out] Kout_star = MS.KK_star[ss_out] K0in, K0in_star = 0, 0 for ss_in in range(MS.n_surf): Kin = MS.KK[ss_in] Kin_star = MS.KK_star[ss_in] # link to sub-matrices aic = AIC[K0out:K0out + Kout, K0in:K0in + Kin] aic_star = PwCw[K0out:K0out + Kout, K0in_star:K0in_star + Kin_star] # fold aic_star: sum along chord at each span-coordinate N_star = MS.NN_star[ss_in] aic_star_fold = np.zeros((Kout, N_star)) for jj in range(N_star): aic_star_fold[:, jj] += np.sum(aic_star[:, jj::N_star], axis=1) aic[:, -N_star:] -= aic_star_fold K0in += Kin K0in_star += Kin_star K0out += Kout K0out_star += Kout_star ### solve # gamma gamma = np.linalg.solve(AIC,[:K, :], usta)) # retrieve gamma over wake gamma_star = [] Ktot = 0 for ss in range(MS.n_surf): Ktot += MS.Surfs[ss].maps.K N = MS.Surfs[ss].maps.N Mstar = MS.Surfs_star[ss].maps.M gamma_star.append(np.concatenate(Mstar * [gamma[Ktot - N:Ktot]])) gamma_star = np.concatenate(gamma_star) if self.integr_order == 1: xsta = np.concatenate((gamma, gamma_star, np.zeros_like(gamma))) if self.integr_order == 2: xsta = np.concatenate((gamma, gamma_star, np.zeros_like(gamma), gamma)) ysta =, xsta) +, usta) elif method == 'direct': """ Solves (I - A) x = B u with direct method""" # if self.use_sparse: # xsta=libsp.solve(libsp.eye_as(Ass)-Ass, # else: # Ass_steady = np.eye(*Ass.shape) - Ass # xsta = np.linalg.solve(Ass_steady,, usta)) xsta = libsp.solve(libsp.eye_as(Ass) - Ass, ysta =, xsta) +, usta) elif method == 'recursive': """ Provides steady-state solution solving for impulsive response """ tol, er = 1e-4, 1.0 Ftot0 = np.zeros((3,)) nn = 0 xsta = np.zeros((self.Nx)) while er > tol and nn < 1000: xsta =, xsta) +, usta) ysta =, xsta) +, usta) Ftot = np.array( [np.sum(ysta[cc * self.Kzeta:(cc + 1) * self.Kzeta]) for cc in range(3)]) er = np.linalg.norm(Ftot - Ftot0) Ftot0 = Ftot.copy() nn += 1 if er < tol: pass # print('Recursive solution found in %.3d iterations'%nn) else: raise exceptions.NotConvergedSolver('Solution not found! Max. iterations reached with error: %.3e' % er) elif method == 'subsystem': """ Solves sub-system related to Gamma, Gamma_w states only """ Nxsub = self.K + self.K_star Asub_steady = np.eye(Nxsub) - Ass[:Nxsub, :Nxsub] xsub = np.linalg.solve(Asub_steady,[:Nxsub, :], usta)) if self.integr_order == 1: xsta = np.concatenate((xsub, np.zeros((self.K,)))) if self.integr_order == 2: xsta = np.concatenate((xsub, np.zeros((2 * self.K,)))) ysta =, xsta) +, usta) else: raise NameError('Method %s not recognised!' % method) return xsta, ysta
[docs] def solve_step(self, x_n, u_n, u_n1=None, transform_state=False): r""" Solve step. If the predictor term has not been removed (``remove_predictor = False``) then the system is solved as: .. math:: \mathbf{x}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{A\,x}^n + \mathbf{B\,u}^n \\ \mathbf{y}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{C\,x}^{n+1} + \mathbf{D\,u}^n Else, if ``remove_predictor = True``, the state is modified as .. math:: \mathbf{h}^n = \mathbf{x}^n - \mathbf{B\,u}^n And the system solved by: .. math:: \mathbf{h}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{A\,h}^n + \mathbf{B_{mod}\,u}^{n} \\ \mathbf{y}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{C\,h}^{n+1} + \mathbf{D_{mod}\,u}^{n+1} Finally, the original state is recovered using the reverse transformation: .. math:: \mathbf{x}^{n+1} = \mathbf{h}^{n+1} + \mathbf{B\,u}^{n+1} where the modifications to the :math:`\mathbf{B}_{mod}` and :math:`\mathbf{D}_{mod}` are detailed in :func:`Dynamic.assemble_ss`. Notes: Although the original equations include the term :math:`\mathbf{u}_{n+1}`, it is a reasonable approximation to take :math:`\mathbf{u}_{n+1}\approx\mathbf{u}_n` given a sufficiently small time step, hence if the input at time ``n+1`` is not parsed, it is estimated from :math:`u^n`. Args: x_n (np.array): State vector at the current time step :math:`\mathbf{x}^n` u_n (np.array): Input vector at time step :math:`\mathbf{u}^n` u_n1 (np.array): Input vector at time step :math:`\mathbf{u}^{n+1}` transform_state (bool): When the predictor term is removed, if true it will transform the state vector. If false it will be assumed that the state vector that is parsed is already transformed i.e. it is :math:`\mathbf{h}`. Returns: Tuple: Updated state and output vector packed in a tuple :math:`(\mathbf{x}^{n+1},\,\mathbf{y}^{n+1})` Notes: To speed-up the solution and use minimal memory: - solve for bound vorticity (and) - propagate the wake - compute the output separately. """ if u_n1 is None: u_n1 = u_n.copy() if self.remove_predictor: # Transform state vector # TODO: Agree on a way to do this. Either always transform here or transform prior to using the method. if transform_state: h_n = x_n - else: h_n = x_n h_n1 = + y_n1 =, h_n1) +, u_n1) # Recover state vector if transform_state: x_n1 = h_n1 + else: x_n1 = h_n1 else: x_n1 = + y_n1 =, x_n1) +, u_n1) return x_n1, y_n1
[docs] def unpack_state(self, xvec): r""" Unpacks the state vector into physical constituents for full order models. The state vector :math:`\mathbf{x}` of the form .. math:: \mathbf{x}_n = \{ \delta \mathbf{\Gamma}_n,\, \delta \mathbf{\Gamma_{w_n}},\, \Delta t\,\delta\mathbf{\Gamma}'_n,\, \delta\mathbf{\Gamma}_{n-1} \} Is unpacked into: .. math:: {\delta \mathbf{\Gamma}_n,\, \delta \mathbf{\Gamma_{w_n}},\, \,\delta\mathbf{\Gamma}'_n} Args: xvec (np.ndarray): State vector Returns: tuple: Column vectors for bound circulation, wake circulation and circulation derivative packed in a tuple. """ K, K_star = self.K, self.K_star gamma_vec = xvec[:K] gamma_star_vec = xvec[K:K + K_star] gamma_dot_vec = xvec[K + K_star:2 * K + K_star] / self.dt return gamma_vec, gamma_star_vec, gamma_dot_vec
################################################################################ ################################################################################
[docs]class DynamicBlock(Dynamic): """ Class for dynamic linearised UVLM solution. Linearisation around steady-state are only supported. The class is a low-memory implementation of Dynamic, and inherits most of the methods contained there. State-space models are allocated in list-block form (as per numpy.block) to minimise memory usage. This class provides lower memory / computational time assembly, frequency response and frequency limited balancing. Input: - tsdata: aero timestep data from SHARPy solution - dt: time-step - integr_order=2: integration order for UVLM unsteady aerodynamic force - RemovePredictor=True: if true, the state-space model is modified so as to accept in input perturbations, u, evaluated at time-step n rather than n+1. - ScalingDict=None: disctionary containing fundamental reference units >>> {'length': reference_length, 'speed': reference_speed, 'density': reference density} used to derive scaling quantities for the state-space model variables. The scaling factors are stores in ``self.ScalingFact``. Note that while time, circulation, angular speeds) are scaled accordingly, FORCES ARE NOT. These scale by qinf*b**2, where b is the reference length and qinf is the dinamic pressure. - UseSparse=False: builds the A and B matrices in sparse form. C and D are dense, hence the sparce format is not used. Methods: - nondimss: normalises a dimensional state-space model based on the scaling factors in self.ScalingFact. - dimss: inverse of nondimss. - assemble_ss: builds state-space model. See function for more details. - assemble_ss_profiling: generate profiling report of the assembly and saves it into self.prof_out. To read the report: >>> import pstats p=pstats.Stats(self.prof_out) - freqresp: ad-hoc method for fast frequency response (only implemented) for remove_predictor=False To do: upgrade to linearise around unsteady snapshot (adjoint) """ def __init__(self, tsdata, dt=None, dynamic_settings=None, integr_order=2, RemovePredictor=True, ScalingDict=None, UseSparse=True, for_vel=np.zeros((6), )): if dynamic_settings is None: warnings.warn('Individual parsing of settings is deprecated. Please use the settings dictionary', DeprecationWarning) super().__init__(tsdata, dt, dynamic_settings=dynamic_settings, integr_order=integr_order, RemovePredictor=RemovePredictor, ScalingDict=ScalingDict, UseSparse=UseSparse, for_vel=for_vel) # number of blocks self.nblock_x = self.integr_order + 2 self.nblock_u = 3 self.nblock_y = 1 # sizes in blocks self.S_x = [self.K, self.K_star, self.K] if self.integr_order == 2: self.S_x += [self.K] self.S_u = 3 * [3 * self.Kzeta] self.S_y = [3 * self.Kzeta]
[docs] def nondimss(self): """ Scale state-space model based of self.ScalingFacts. """ t0 = time.time() B_facts = [self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']] D_facts = [self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']] C_facts = self.nblock_x * \ [self.ScalingFacts['circulation'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']] for ii in range(self.nblock_x): for jj in range(self.nblock_u): if self.SS.B[ii][jj] is not None: self.SS.B[ii][jj] *= B_facts[jj] for ii in range(self.nblock_y): for jj in range(self.nblock_x): if self.SS.C[ii][jj] is not None: self.SS.C[ii][jj] *= C_facts[jj] for ii in range(self.nblock_y): for jj in range(self.nblock_u): if self.SS.D[ii][jj] is not None: self.SS.D[ii][jj] *= D_facts[jj] self.SS.dt = self.SS.dt / self.ScalingFacts['time'] self.cpu_summary['nondim'] = time.time() - t0
def dimss(self): t0 = time.time() B_facts = [self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']] D_facts = [self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']] D_facts = [self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force'], self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']] C_facts = self.nblock_x * \ [self.ScalingFacts['circulation'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']] for ii in range(self.nblock_x): for jj in range(self.nblock_u): if self.SS.B[ii][jj] is not None: self.SS.B[ii][jj] /= B_facts[jj] for ii in range(self.nblock_y): for jj in range(self.nblock_x): if self.SS.C[ii][jj] is not None: self.SS.C[ii][jj] /= C_facts[jj] for ii in range(self.nblock_y): for jj in range(self.nblock_u): if self.SS.D[ii][jj] is not None: self.SS.D[ii][jj] /= D_facts[jj] self.SS.dt = self.SS.dt * self.ScalingFacts['time'] self.cpu_summary['dim'] = time.time() - t0
[docs] def assemble_ss(self, wake_prop_settings=None): r""" Produces block-form of state-space model .. math:: \mathbf{x}_{n+1} &= \mathbf{A}\,\mathbf{x}_n + \mathbf{B} \mathbf{u}_{n+1} \\ \mathbf{y}_n &= \mathbf{C}\,\mathbf{x}_n + \mathbf{D} \mathbf{u}_n where the state, inputs and outputs are: .. math:: \mathbf{x}_n = \{ \delta \mathbf{\Gamma}_n,\, \delta \mathbf{\Gamma_{w_n}},\, \Delta t\,\delta\mathbf{\Gamma}'_n,\, \delta\mathbf{\Gamma}_{n-1} \} .. math:: \mathbf{u}_n = \{ \delta\mathbf{\zeta}_n,\, \delta\mathbf{\zeta}'_n,\, \delta\mathbf{u}_{ext,n} \} .. math:: \mathbf{y} = \{\delta\mathbf{f}\} with :math:`\mathbf{\Gamma}` being the vector of vortex circulations, :math:`\mathbf{\zeta}` the vector of vortex lattice coordinates and :math:`\mathbf{f}` the vector of aerodynamic forces and moments. Note that :math:`(\bullet)'` denotes a derivative with respect to time. Note that the input is atypically defined at time ``n+1``, therefore by default ``self.remove_predictor = True`` and the predictor term ``u_{n+1}`` is eliminated through the change of state[1]: .. math:: \mathbf{h}_n &= \mathbf{x}_n - \mathbf{B}\,\mathbf{u}_n \\ such that: .. math:: \mathbf{h}_{n+1} &= \mathbf{A}\,\mathbf{h}_n + \mathbf{A\,B}\,\mathbf{u}_n \\ \mathbf{y}_n &= \mathbf{C\,h}_n + (\mathbf{C\,B}+\mathbf{D})\,\mathbf{u}_n which only modifies the equivalent :math:`\mathbf{B}` and :math:`\mathbf{D}` matrices. References: [1] Franklin, GF and Powell, JD. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1980 To do: - remove all calls to scipy.linalg.block_diag """ cout.cout_wrap('\tBlock form state-space realisation of UVLM equations started...', 1) t0 = time.time() MS = self.MS K, K_star = self.K, self.K_star Kzeta = self.Kzeta # ------------------------------------------------------ determine size Nx = self.Nx Nu = self.Nu Ny = self.Ny nblock_x = self.nblock_x nblock_u = self.nblock_u nblock_y = self.nblock_y if self.integr_order == 2: # Second order differencing scheme coefficients b0, bm1, bp1 = -2., 0.5, 1.5 # ----------------------------------------------------------- state eq. ### state terms (A matrix) # - choice of sparse matrices format is optimised to reduce memory load # Aero influence coeffs List_AICs, List_AICs_star = ass.AICs(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star, target='collocation', Project=True) A0 = np.block(List_AICs) A0W = np.block(List_AICs_star) List_AICs, List_AICs_star = None, None LU, P = scalg.lu_factor(A0) AinvAW = scalg.lu_solve((LU, P), A0W) A0, A0W = None, None ### propagation of circ # fast and memory efficient with both dense and sparse matrices List_C, List_Cstar = ass.wake_prop(MS, self.use_sparse, sparse_format='csc', settings=wake_prop_settings) if self.use_sparse: Cgamma = libsp.csc_matrix(sparse.block_diag(List_C, format='csc')) CgammaW = libsp.csc_matrix(sparse.block_diag(List_Cstar, format='csc')) else: Cgamma = scalg.block_diag(*List_C) CgammaW = scalg.block_diag(*List_Cstar) List_C, List_Cstar = None, None # recurrent dense terms stored as numpy.ndarrays AinvAWCgamma =, Cgamma) AinvAWCgammaW =, CgammaW) ### A matrix assembly Ass = [] # non-penetration condition Ass.append([AinvAWCgamma, AinvAWCgammaW, None, ]) if self.integr_order == 2: Ass[0].append(None) # circ. proparagation Ass.append([Cgamma, CgammaW, None, ]) if self.integr_order == 2: Ass[1].append(None) Cgamma = None CgammaW = None # delta eq. if self.use_sparse: ones = libsp.csc_matrix( (np.ones((K,)), (range(K), range(K))), shape=(K, K)) else: ones = np.eye(K) if self.integr_order == 1: Ass.append([AinvAWCgamma - ones, AinvAWCgammaW.copy(), None]) elif self.integr_order == 2: Ass.append([bp1 * AinvAWCgamma + b0 * ones, bp1 * AinvAWCgammaW, None, bm1 * ones]) # identity eq. Ass.append([ones, None, None, None]) AinvAWCgamma = None AinvAWCgammaW = None # zeta derivs List_nc_dqcdzeta = ass.nc_dqcdzeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star, Merge=True) List_uc_dncdzeta = ass.uc_dncdzeta(MS.Surfs) List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert = ass.nc_domegazetadzeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_nc_dqcdzeta[ss][ss] += \ (List_uc_dncdzeta[ss] + List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert[ss]) Ducdzeta = np.block(List_nc_dqcdzeta) # dense matrix List_nc_dqcdzeta = None List_uc_dncdzeta = None List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert = None # ext velocity derivs (Wnv0) List_Wnv = [] for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_Wnv.append( interp.get_Wnv_vector(MS.Surfs[ss], MS.Surfs[ss].aM, MS.Surfs[ss].aN)) AinvWnv0 = scalg.lu_solve((LU, P), scalg.block_diag(*List_Wnv)) List_Wnv = None ### B matrix assembly Bss = [] # non-penetration condition Bss.append([-scalg.lu_solve((LU, P), Ducdzeta), AinvWnv0, -AinvWnv0]) AinvWnv0 = None # circulation eq. Bss.append([None, None, None]) # delta eq. if self.integr_order == 1: Bss.append([bb.copy() for bb in Bss[0]]) if self.integr_order == 2: Bss.append([bp1 * bb for bb in Bss[0]]) # indentity eq if self.integr_order == 2: Bss.append([None, None, None]) LU, P = None, None # ---------------------------------------------------------- output eq. ### state terms (C matrix) # gamma (induced velocity contrib.) List_dfqsdvind_gamma, List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star = \ ass.dfqsdvind_gamma(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) # gamma (at constant relative velocity) List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0, List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0 = \ ass.dfqsdgamma_vrel0(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_dfqsdvind_gamma[ss][ss] += List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0[ss] List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star[ss][ss] += List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0[ss] Dfqsdgamma = np.block(List_dfqsdvind_gamma) Dfqsdgamma_star = np.block(List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star) List_dfqsdvind_gamma, List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star = None, None List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0, List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0 = None, None # gamma_dot Dfunstdgamma_dot = scalg.block_diag(*ass.dfunstdgamma_dot(MS.Surfs)) ### C matrix assembly Css = [] Css.append([Dfqsdgamma, Dfqsdgamma_star, Dfunstdgamma_dot / self.dt]) if self.integr_order == 2: Css[0].append(None) ### input terms (D matrix) Dss = [] Dss.append( [scalg.block_diag(*ass.dfqsdzeta_vrel0(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star))]) # zeta (induced velocity contrib) List_coll, List_vert = ass.dfqsdvind_zeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_vert[ss][ss] += List_coll[ss] Dss[0][0] += np.block(List_vert) del List_vert, List_coll Dss[0].append(-scalg.block_diag(*ass.dfqsduinput(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star))) Dss[0].append(-Dss[0][1]) if self.remove_predictor: cout.cout_wrap("\t\tPredictor not be removed! " + "(Though this is accounted for in all methods)", 1) self.SS = libss.ss_block(Ass, Bss, Css, Dss, self.S_x, self.S_u, self.S_y, dt=self.dt) cout.cout_wrap('\tstate-space model produced in form:\n\t' \ 'x_{n+1} = A x_{n} + Bp u_{n+1}', 1) self.cpu_summary['assemble'] = time.time() - t0 cout.cout_wrap('\t\t\t...done in %.2f sec' % self.cpu_summary['assemble'], 1)
[docs] def freqresp(self, kv, wake_prop_settings=None): """ Ad-hoc method for fast UVLM frequency response over the frequencies kv. The method, only requires inversion of a K x K matrix at each frequency as the equation for propagation of wake circulation are solved exactly. The algorithm implemented here can be used also upon projection of the state-space model. Note: This method is very similar to the "minsize" solution option is the steady_solve. """ MS = self.MS K = self.K K_star = self.K_star Eye = np.eye(K) Bup = np.hstack(self.SS.B[0]) P = self.SS.A[0][0] Pw = self.SS.A[0][1] Nk = len(kv) kvdt = kv * self.SS.dt zv = np.cos(kvdt) + 1.j * np.sin(kvdt) Yfreq = np.empty((self.SS.outputs, self.SS.inputs, Nk,), dtype=np.complex_) for kk in range(Nk): ### build Cw complex Cw_cpx = self.get_Cw_cpx(zv[kk], settings=wake_prop_settings) Ygamma = libsp.solve(zv[kk] * Eye - P -, Cw_cpx, type_out=libsp.csc_matrix), Bup) if self.remove_predictor: Ygamma *= zv[kk] Ygamma_star = if self.integr_order == 1: dfact = (1. - 1. / zv[kk]) elif self.integr_order == 2: dfact = .5 * (3. - 4. / zv[kk] + 1. / zv[kk] ** 2) else: raise NameError('Specify valid integration order') # calculate solution Yfreq[:, :, kk] =[0][0], Ygamma) + \[0][1], Ygamma_star) + \[0][2], dfact * Ygamma) + \ np.hstack(self.SS.D[0]) return Yfreq
[docs] def balfreq(self, DictBalFreq, wake_prop_settings=None): """ Low-rank method for frequency limited balancing. The Observability ad controllability Gramians over the frequencies kv are solved in factorised form. Balancd modes are then obtained with a square-root method. Details: Observability and controllability Gramians are solved in factorised form through explicit integration. The number of integration points determines both the accuracy and the maximum size of the balanced model. Stability over all (Nb) balanced states is achieved if: a. one of the Gramian is integrated through the full Nyquist range b. the integration points are enough. Note, however, that even when stability is not achieved over the full balanced states, stability of the balanced truncated model with Ns<=Nb states is normally observed even when a low number of integration points is used. Two integration methods (trapezoidal rule on uniform grid and Gauss-Legendre quadrature) are provided. Input: - DictBalFreq: dictionary specifying integration method with keys: - 'frequency': defines limit frequencies for balancing. The balanced model will be accurate in the range [0,F], where F is the value of this key. Note that F units must be consistent with the units specified in the self.ScalingFacts dictionary. - 'method_low': ['gauss','trapz'] specifies whether to use gauss quadrature or trapezoidal rule in the low-frequency range [0,F] - 'options_low': options to use for integration in the low-frequencies. These depend on the integration scheme (See below). - 'method_high': method to use for integration in the range [F,F_N], where F_N is the Nyquist frequency. See 'method_low'. - 'options_high': options to use for integration in the high-frequencies. - 'check_stability': if True, the balanced model is truncated to eliminate unstable modes - if any is found. Note that very accurate balanced model can still be obtained, even if high order modes are unstable. Note that this option is overridden if "" - 'get_frequency_response': if True, the function also returns the frequency response evaluated at the low-frequency range integration points. If True, this option also allows to automatically tune the balanced model. Future options: - 'truncation_tolerance': if 'get_frequency_response' is True, allows to truncatethe balanced model so as to achieved a prescribed tolerance in the low-frequwncy range. - Ncpu: for parallel run The following integration schemes are available: - 'trapz': performs integration over equally spaced points using trapezoidal rule. It accepts options dictionaries with keys: - 'points': number of integration points to use (including domain boundary) - 'gauss' performs gauss-lobotto quadrature. The domain can be partitioned in Npart sub-domain in which the gauss-lobotto quadrature of order Ord can be applied. A total number of Npart*Ord points is required. It accepts options dictionaries of the form: - 'partitions': number of partitions - 'order': quadrature order. Example: The following dictionary DictBalFreq={ 'frequency': 1.2, 'method_low': 'trapz', 'options_low': {'points': 12}, 'method_high': 'gauss', 'options_high': {'partitions': 2, 'order': 8}, 'check_stability': True } balances the state-space model self.SS in the frequency range [0, 1.2] using (a) 12 equally-spaced points integration of the Gramians in the low-frequency range [0,1.2] and (b) a 2 Gauss-Lobotto 8-th order quadratures of the controllability Gramian in the high-frequency range. A total number of 28 integration points will be required, which will result into a balanced model with number of states min{ 2*28* number_inputs, 2*28* number_outputs } The model is finally truncated so as to retain only the first Ns stable modes. """ ### check input dictionary if 'frequency' not in DictBalFreq: raise NameError('Solution dictionary must include the "frequency" key') if 'method_low' not in DictBalFreq: warnings.warn('Setting default options for low-frequency integration') DictBalFreq['method_low'] = 'trapz' DictBalFreq['options_low'] = {'points': 12} if 'method_high' not in DictBalFreq: warnings.warn('Setting default options for high-frequency integration') DictBalFreq['method_high'] = 'gauss' DictBalFreq['options_high'] = {'partitions': 2, 'order': 8} if 'check_stability' not in DictBalFreq: DictBalFreq['check_stability'] = True if 'output_modes' not in DictBalFreq: DictBalFreq['output_modes'] = True if 'get_frequency_response' not in DictBalFreq: DictBalFreq['get_frequency_response'] = False ### get integration points and weights # Nyquist frequency kn = np.pi / self.SS.dt Opt = DictBalFreq['options_low'] if DictBalFreq['method_low'] == 'trapz': kv_low, wv_low = librom.get_trapz_weights(0., DictBalFreq['frequency'], Opt['points'], False) elif DictBalFreq['method_low'] == 'gauss': kv_low, wv_low = librom.get_gauss_weights(0., DictBalFreq['frequency'], Opt['partitions'], Opt['order']) else: raise NameError( 'Invalid value %s for key "method_low"' % DictBalFreq['method_low']) Opt = DictBalFreq['options_high'] if DictBalFreq['method_high'] == 'trapz': if Opt['points'] == 0: warnings.warn('You have chosen no points in high frequency range!') kv_high, wv_high = [], [] else: kv_high, wv_high = librom.get_trapz_weights(DictBalFreq['frequency'], kn, Opt['points'], True) elif DictBalFreq['method_high'] == 'gauss': if Opt['order'] * Opt['partitions'] == 0: warnings.warn('You have chosen no points in high frequency range!') kv_high, wv_high = [], [] else: kv_high, wv_high = librom.get_gauss_weights(DictBalFreq['frequency'], kn, Opt['partitions'], Opt['order']) else: raise NameError( 'Invalid value %s for key "method_high"' % DictBalFreq['method_high']) ### get useful terms K = self.K K_star = self.K_star Eye = np.eye(K) Bup = np.hstack(self.SS.B[0]) P = self.SS.A[0][0] Pw = self.SS.A[0][1] # indices to manipulate obs solution ii00 = range(0, self.K) ii01 = range(self.K, self.K + self.K_star) ii02 = range(self.K + self.K_star, 2 * self.K + self.K_star) ii03 = range(2 * self.K + self.K_star, 3 * self.K + self.K_star) # integration factors if self.integr_order == 2: b0, bm1, bp1 = -2., 0.5, 1.5 else: b0, bp1 = -1., 1. raise NameError('Method not implemented for integration order 1') ### -------------------------------------------------- loop frequencies ### merge vectors Nk_low = len(kv_low) kvdt = np.concatenate((kv_low, kv_high)) * self.SS.dt wv = np.concatenate((wv_low, wv_high)) * self.SS.dt zv = np.cos(kvdt) + 1.j * np.sin(kvdt) Qobs = np.zeros((self.SS.states, self.SS.outputs), dtype=np.complex_) Zc = np.zeros((self.SS.states, 2 * self.SS.inputs * len(kvdt)), ) Zo = np.zeros((self.SS.states, 2 * self.SS.outputs * Nk_low), ) if DictBalFreq['get_frequency_response']: self.Yfreq = np.empty((self.SS.outputs, self.SS.inputs, Nk_low,), dtype=np.complex_) self.kv = kv_low for kk in range(len(kvdt)): zval = zv[kk] Intfact = wv[kk] # integration factor # build terms that will be recycled Cw_cpx = self.get_Cw_cpx(zval, settings=wake_prop_settings) P_PwCw = P + Kernel = np.linalg.inv(zval * Eye - P_PwCw) ### ----- controllability Ygamma = Intfact *, Bup) if self.remove_predictor: Ygamma *= zval Ygamma_star = if self.integr_order == 1: dfact = (bp1 + bp0 / zval) Qctrl = np.vstack([Ygamma, Ygamma_star, dfact * Ygamma]) elif self.integr_order == 2: dfact = bp1 + b0 / zval + bm1 / zval ** 2 Qctrl = np.vstack( [Ygamma, Ygamma_star, dfact * Ygamma, (1. / zval) * Ygamma]) else: raise NameError('Specify valid integration order') kkvec = range(2 * kk * self.SS.inputs, 2 * (kk + 1) * self.SS.inputs) Zc[:, kkvec[:self.SS.inputs]] = Qctrl.real # *Intfact Zc[:, kkvec[self.SS.inputs:]] = Qctrl.imag # *Intfact ### ----- frequency response if DictBalFreq['get_frequency_response'] and kk < Nk_low: self.Yfreq[:, :, kk] = (1. / Intfact) * \ ([0][0], Ygamma) + \[0][1], Ygamma_star) + \ dfact *[0][2], Ygamma)) + \ np.hstack(self.SS.D[0]) ### ----- frequency response if DictBalFreq['get_frequency_response'] and kk < Nk_low: self.Yfreq[:, :, kk] = (1. / Intfact) * \ ([0][0], Ygamma) + \[0][1], Ygamma_star) + \ dfact *[0][2], Ygamma)) + \ np.hstack(self.SS.D[0]) ### ----- observability # solve (1./zval*I - A.T)^{-1} C^T (in low-frequency only) if kk >= Nk_low: continue zinv = 1. / zval Qobs[ii02, :] = zinv * self.SS.C[0][2].T if self.integr_order == 1: raise NameError('Obs Gramian Integr not implemented') elif self.integr_order == 2: Qobs[ii03, :] = (bm1 * zinv) * Qobs[ii02, :] # solve bound circulation rhs =[0][1].T) + self.SS.C[0][0].T + \ Qobs[ii02, :] * (b0 + zinv * bm1) + \, bp1 * Qobs[ii02, :]) Qobs[ii00, :] =, rhs) # solve wake Eye_star = libsp.csc_matrix( (zval * np.ones((K_star,)), (range(K_star), range(K_star))), shape=(K_star, K_star), dtype=np.complex_) Qobs[ii01, :] = libsp.solve( Eye_star - self.SS.A[1][1].T, self.SS.C[0][1].T +, Qobs[ii00, :] + bp1 * Qobs[ii02, :])) kkvec = range(2 * kk * self.SS.outputs, 2 * (kk + 1) * self.SS.outputs) Zo[:, kkvec[:self.SS.outputs]] = Intfact * Qobs.real Zo[:, kkvec[self.SS.outputs:]] = Intfact * Qobs.imag # delete full matrices Kernel = None Qctrl = None Qobs = None # LRSQM (optimised) U, hsv, Vh = scalg.svd(, Zc), full_matrices=False) sinv = hsv ** (-0.5) T =, Vh.T * sinv) Ti = * sinv).T, Zo.T) ### build frequency balanced model Ab, Bb, Cb = self.SS.project(Ti, T, by_arrays=True, overwrite=False) if self.remove_predictor: Ab, Bb, Cb, Db = \ libss.SSconv(np.block(Ab), None, np.block(Bb), np.block(Cb), np.block(self.SS.D), Bm1=None) SSb =, Bb, Cb, Db, dt=self.dt) else: SSb =, np.block(Bb), np.block(Cb), np.block(self.SS.D), dt=self.SS.dt) ### Eliminate unstable modes - if any: if DictBalFreq['check_stability']: for nn in range(1, len(hsv) + 1): eigs_trunc = scalg.eigvals(SSb.A[:nn, :nn]) eigs_trunc_max = np.max(np.abs(eigs_trunc)) if eigs_trunc_max > 1. - 1e-16: SSb.truncate(nn - 1) hsv = hsv[:nn - 1] T = T[:, :nn - 1] Ti = Ti[:nn - 1, :] break self.SSb = SSb self.hsv = hsv if DictBalFreq['output_modes']: self.T = T self.Ti = Ti self.Zc = Zc self.Zo = Zo self.svd_res = {'U': U, 'hsv': hsv, 'Vh': Vh}
[docs] def solve_step(self, x_n, u_n, u_n1=None, transform_state=False): r""" Solve step. If the predictor term has not been removed (``remove_predictor = False``) then the system is solved as: .. math:: \mathbf{x}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{A\,x}^n + \mathbf{B\,u}^n \\ \mathbf{y}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{C\,x}^{n+1} + \mathbf{D\,u}^n Else, if ``remove_predictor = True``, the state is modified as .. math:: \mathbf{h}^n = \mathbf{x}^n - \mathbf{B\,u}^n And the system solved by: .. math:: \mathbf{h}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{A\,h}^n + \mathbf{B_{mod}\,u}^{n} \\ \mathbf{y}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{C\,h}^{n+1} + \mathbf{D_{mod}\,u}^{n+1} Finally, the original state is recovered using the reverse transformation: .. math:: \mathbf{x}^{n+1} = \mathbf{h}^{n+1} + \mathbf{B\,u}^{n+1} where the modifications to the :math:`\mathbf{B}_{mod}` and :math:`\mathbf{D}_{mod}` are detailed in :func:`Dynamic.assemble_ss`. Notes: Although the original equations include the term :math:`\mathbf{u}_{n+1}`, it is a reasonable approximation to take :math:`\mathbf{u}_{n+1}\approx\mathbf{u}_n` given a sufficiently small time step, hence if the input at time ``n+1`` is not parsed, it is estimated from :math:`u^n`. Args: x_n (np.array): State vector at the current time step :math:`\mathbf{x}^n` u_n (np.array): Input vector at time step :math:`\mathbf{u}^n` u_n1 (np.array): Input vector at time step :math:`\mathbf{u}^{n+1}` transform_state (bool): When the predictor term is removed, if true it will transform the state vector. If false it will be assumed that the state vector that is parsed is already transformed i.e. it is :math:`\mathbf{h}`. Returns: Tuple: Updated state and output vector packed in a tuple :math:`(\mathbf{x}^{n+1},\,\mathbf{y}^{n+1})` Notes: Because in BlockDynamics the predictor is never removed when building 'self.SS', the implementation change with respect to Dynamic. However, formulas are consistent. """ if u_n1 is None: u_n1 = u_n.copy() if self.remove_predictor and not hasattr(self, 'CBplusD'): self.CBplusD = libsp.block_sum(libsp.block_dot(self.SS.C, self.SS.B), self.SS.D) ### transform input in block matrices X_n = [] II0 = 0 for ii in range(self.SS.blocks_x): IIend = II0 + self.SS.S_x[ii] X_n.append([x_n[II0:IIend]]) II0 = IIend U_n1 = [] II0 = 0 for ii in range(self.SS.blocks_u): IIend = II0 + self.SS.S_u[ii] U_n1.append([u_n1[II0:IIend]]) II0 = IIend if u_n is not None: U_n = [] for ii in range(self.SS.blocks_u): IIend = II0 + self.SS.S_u[ii] U_n.append([u_n[II0:IIend]]) II0 = IIend if self.remove_predictor: # Transform state vector # TODO: Agree on a way to do this. Either always transform here or transform prior to using the method. if transform_state: H_n1 = libsp.block_dot(self.SS.A, X_n) else: H_n = X_n H_n1 = libsp.block_dot(self.SS.A, libsp.block_sum(H_n, libsp.block_dot(self.SS.B, U_n))) Y_n1 = libsp.block_sum(libsp.block_dot(self.SS.C, H_n1), libsp.block_dot(self.CBplusD, U_n1)) Y_n1 = libsp.block_sum(libsp.block_dot(self.SS.C, H_n1), libsp.block_dot(self.CBplusD, U_n1)) # Recover state vector if transform_state: X_n1 = libsp.block_sum(H_n1, libsp.block_dot(self.SS.B, U_n1)) else: X_n1 = H_n1 else: X_n1 = libsp.block_sum(libsp.block_dot(self.SS.A, X_n), libsp.block_dot(self.SS.B, U_n1)) Y_n1 = libsp.block_sum(libsp.block_dot(self.SS.C, X_n1), libsp.block_dot(self.SS.D, U_n1)) x_n1 = np.concatenate([X_n1[ii][0] for ii in range(self.SS.blocks_x)]) return x_n1, np.block(Y_n1).reshape(-1)
################################################################################ ################################################################################
[docs]class Frequency(Static): """ Class for frequency description of linearised UVLM solution. Linearisation around steady-state are only supported. The class is built upon Static, and inherits all the methods contained there. The class supports most of the features of Dynamics but has lower memory requirements of Dynamic, and should be preferred for: a. producing memory and computationally cheap frequency responses b. building reduced order models using RFA/polynomial fitting Usage: Upon initialisation, the assemble method produces all the matrices required for the frequency description of the UVLM (see assemble for details). A state-space model is not allocated but: - Time stepping is also possible (but not implemented yet) as all the fundamental terms describing the UVLM equations are still produced (except the propagation of wake circulation) - ad-hoc methods for scaling, unscaling and frequency response are provided. Input: - tsdata: aero timestep data from SHARPy solution - dt: time-step - integr_order=0,1,2: integration order for UVLM unsteady aerodynamic force. If 0, the derivative is computed exactly. - RemovePredictor=True: This flag is only used for the frequency response calculation. The frequency description, in fact, naturally arises without the predictor, but lags can be included during the frequency response calculation. See Dynamic documentation for more details. - ScalingDict=None: disctionary containing fundamental reference units .. code-block:: python {'length': reference_length, 'speed': reference_speed, 'density': reference density} used to derive scaling quantities for the state-space model variables. The scaling factors are stores in ``self.ScalingFact.`` Note that while time, circulation, angular speeds) are scaled accordingly, FORCES ARE NOT. These scale by qinf*b**2, where b is the reference length and qinf is the dinamic pressure. - UseSparse=False: builds the A and B matrices in sparse form. C and D are dense, hence the sparce format is not used. Methods: - nondimss: normalises matrices produced by the assemble method based on the scaling factors in self.ScalingFact. - dimss: inverse of nondimss. - assemble: builds matrices for UVLM minimal size description. - assemble_profiling: generate profiling report of the assembly and saves it into self.prof_out. To read the report: .. code-block:: python import pstats p=pstats.Stats(self.prof_out) - freqresp: fast algorithm for frequency response. Methods to implement: - solve_steady: runs freqresp at 0 frequency. - solve_step: solves one time-step """ def __init__(self, tsdata, dt, integr_order=2, RemovePredictor=True, ScalingDict=None, UseSparse=True): super().__init__(tsdata) self.dt = dt self.integr_order = integr_order assert self.integr_order in [1, 2, 0], 'integr_order must be in [0,1,2]' self.inputs = 9 * self.Kzeta self.outputs = 3 * self.Kzeta self.remove_predictor = RemovePredictor self.use_sparse = UseSparse # create scaling quantities if ScalingDict is None: ScalingFacts = {'length': 1., 'speed': 1., 'density': 1.} else: ScalingFacts = ScalingDict for key in ScalingFacts: ScalingFacts[key] = np.float(ScalingFacts[key]) ScalingFacts['time'] = ScalingFacts['length'] / ScalingFacts['speed'] ScalingFacts['circulation'] = ScalingFacts['speed'] * ScalingFacts['length'] ScalingFacts['dyn_pressure'] = 0.5 * ScalingFacts['density'] * ScalingFacts['speed'] ** 2 ScalingFacts['force'] = ScalingFacts['dyn_pressure'] * ScalingFacts['length'] ** 2 self.ScalingFacts = ScalingFacts ### collect statistics self.cpu_summary = {'dim': 0., 'nondim': 0., 'assemble': 0.}
[docs] def nondimss(self): """ Scale state-space model based of self.ScalingFacts """ t0 = time.time() Kzeta = self.Kzeta self.Bss[:, :3 * Kzeta] *= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.Bss[:, 3 * Kzeta:] *= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.Css *= (self.ScalingFacts['circulation'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.Dss[:, :3 * Kzeta] *= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.Dss[:, 3 * Kzeta:] *= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.dt = self.dt / self.ScalingFacts['time'] self.cpu_summary['nondim'] = time.time() - t0
def dimss(self): t0 = time.time() Kzeta = self.Kzeta self.Bss[:, :3 * Kzeta] /= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.Bss[:, 3 * Kzeta:] /= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['circulation']) self.Css /= (self.ScalingFacts['circulation'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.Dss[:, :3 * Kzeta] /= (self.ScalingFacts['length'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.Dss[:, 3 * Kzeta:] /= (self.ScalingFacts['speed'] / self.ScalingFacts['force']) self.dt = self.dt * self.ScalingFacts['time'] self.cpu_summary['dim'] = time.time() - t0
[docs] def assemble(self): r""" Assembles matrices for minumal size frequency description of UVLM. The state equation is represented in the form: .. math:: \mathbf{A_0} \mathbf{\Gamma} + \mathbf{A_{w_0}} \mathbf{\Gamma_w} = \mathbf{B_0} \mathbf{u} While the output equation is as per the Dynamic class, namely: .. math:: \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{C} \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{D} \mathbf{u} where .. math:: \mathbf{x} = [\mathbf{\Gamma}; \mathbf{\Gamma_w}; \Delta\mathbf(\Gamma)] The propagation of wake circulation matrices are not produced as these are not required for frequency response analysis. """ cout.cout_wrap('\tAssembly of frequency description of UVLM started...', 1) t0 = time.time() MS = self.MS K, K_star = self.K, self.K_star Kzeta = self.Kzeta Nu = self.inputs Ny = self.outputs # ----------------------------------------------------------- state eq. # Aero influence coeffs List_AICs, List_AICs_star = ass.AICs(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star, target='collocation', Project=True) A0 = np.block(List_AICs) A0W = np.block(List_AICs_star) List_AICs, List_AICs_star = None, None # zeta derivs List_nc_dqcdzeta = ass.nc_dqcdzeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star, Merge=True) List_uc_dncdzeta = ass.uc_dncdzeta(MS.Surfs) List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert = ass.nc_domegazetadzeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_nc_dqcdzeta[ss][ss] += \ (List_uc_dncdzeta[ss] + List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert[ss]) Ducdzeta = np.block(List_nc_dqcdzeta) # dense matrix List_nc_dqcdzeta = None List_uc_dncdzeta = None List_nc_domegazetadzeta_vert = None # ext velocity derivs (Wnv0) List_Wnv = [] for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_Wnv.append( interp.get_Wnv_vector(MS.Surfs[ss], MS.Surfs[ss].aM, MS.Surfs[ss].aN)) Wnv0 = scalg.block_diag(*List_Wnv) List_Wnv = None ### B matrix assembly # this could be also sparse... Bss = np.block([-Ducdzeta, Wnv0, -Wnv0]) # ---------------------------------------------------------- output eq. ### state terms (C matrix) # gamma (induced velocity contrib.) List_dfqsdvind_gamma, List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star = \ ass.dfqsdvind_gamma(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) # gamma (at constant relative velocity) List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0, List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0 = \ ass.dfqsdgamma_vrel0(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_dfqsdvind_gamma[ss][ss] += List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0[ss] List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star[ss][ss] += List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0[ss] Dfqsdgamma = np.block(List_dfqsdvind_gamma) Dfqsdgamma_star = np.block(List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star) List_dfqsdvind_gamma, List_dfqsdvind_gamma_star = None, None List_dfqsdgamma_vrel0, List_dfqsdgamma_star_vrel0 = None, None # gamma_dot Dfunstdgamma_dot = scalg.block_diag(*ass.dfunstdgamma_dot(MS.Surfs)) # C matrix assembly Css = np.zeros((Ny, 2 * K + K_star)) Css[:, :K] = Dfqsdgamma Css[:, K:K + K_star] = Dfqsdgamma_star # added mass Css[:, K + K_star:2 * K + K_star] = Dfunstdgamma_dot / self.dt ### input terms (D matrix) Dss = np.zeros((Ny, Nu)) # zeta (at constant relative velocity) Dss[:, :3 * Kzeta] = scalg.block_diag( *ass.dfqsdzeta_vrel0(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star)) # zeta (induced velocity contrib) List_coll, List_vert = ass.dfqsdvind_zeta(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star) for ss in range(MS.n_surf): List_vert[ss][ss] += List_coll[ss] Dss[:, :3 * Kzeta] += np.block(List_vert) del List_vert, List_coll # input velocities (external) Dss[:, 6 * Kzeta:9 * Kzeta] = scalg.block_diag( *ass.dfqsduinput(MS.Surfs, MS.Surfs_star)) # input velocities (body movement) Dss[:, 3 * Kzeta:6 * Kzeta] = -Dss[:, 6 * Kzeta:9 * Kzeta] ### store matrices self.A0 = A0 self.A0W = A0W self.Bss = Bss self.Css = Css self.Dss = Dss self.inputs = 9 * Kzeta self.outputs = 3 * Kzeta self.cpu_summary['assemble'] = time.time() - t0 cout.cout_wrap('\t\t\t...done in %.2f sec' % self.cpu_summary['assemble'], 1)
def addGain(self, K, where): assert where in ['in', 'out'], \ 'Specify whether gains are added to input or output' if where == 'in': self.Bss =, K) self.Dss =, K) self.inputs = K.shape[1] if where == 'out': self.Css =, self.Css) self.Dss =, self.Dss) self.outputs = K.shape[0] if where == 'out': self.Css =, self.Css) self.Dss =, self.Dss) self.outputs = K.shape[0]
[docs] def freqresp(self, kv, wake_prop_settings=None): """ Ad-hoc method for fast UVLM frequency response over the frequencies kv. The method, only requires inversion of a K x K matrix at each frequency as the equation for propagation of wake circulation are solved exactly. """ MS = self.MS K = self.K K_star = self.K_star Nk = len(kv) kvdt = kv * self.dt zv = np.cos(kvdt) + 1.j * np.sin(kvdt) Yfreq = np.empty((self.outputs, self.inputs, Nk,), dtype=np.complex_) ### loop frequencies for kk in range(Nk): ### build Cw complex Cw_cpx = self.get_Cw_cpx(zv[kk], settings=wake_prop_settings) # get bound state freq response if self.remove_predictor: Ygamma = np.linalg.solve( self.A0 + self.A0W, Cw_cpx, type_out=libsp.csc_matrix), self.Bss) else: Ygamma = zv[kk] ** (-1) * \ np.linalg.solve( self.A0 + self.A0W, Cw_cpx, type_out=libsp.csc_matrix), self.Bss) Ygamma_star = # determine factor for delta of bound circulation if self.integr_order == 0: dfact = (1.j * kv[kk]) * self.dt elif self.integr_order == 1: dfact = (1. - 1. / zv[kk]) elif self.integr_order == 2: dfact = .5 * (3. - 4. / zv[kk] + 1. / zv[kk] ** 2) else: raise NameError('Specify valid integration order') Yfreq[:, :, kk] =[:, :K], Ygamma) + \[:, K:K + K_star], Ygamma_star) + \[:, -K:], dfact * Ygamma) + \ self.Dss return Yfreq
[docs] def get_Cw_cpx(self, zval, settings=None): r""" Produces a sparse matrix .. math:: \bar{\mathbf{C}}(z) where .. math:: z = e^{k \Delta t} such that the wake circulation frequency response at :math:`z` is .. math:: \bar{\goldsymbol{\Gamma}}_w = \bar{\mathbf{C}}(z) \bar{\boldsymbol{\Gamma}} """ return get_Cw_cpx(self.MS, self.K, self.K_star, zval, settings=settings)
[docs] def assemble_profiling(self): """ Generate profiling report for assembly and save it in self.prof_out. To read the report: import pstats p=pstats.Stats(self.prof_out) """ import cProfile cProfile.runctx('self.assemble()', globals(), locals(), filename=self.prof_out)
def get_Cw_cpx(MS, K, K_star, zval, settings=None): r""" Produces a sparse matrix .. math:: \bar{\mathbf{C}}(z) where .. math:: z = e^{k \Delta t} such that the wake circulation frequency response at :math:`z` is .. math:: \bar{\boldsymbol{\Gamma}}_w = \bar{\mathbf{C}}(z) \bar{\mathbf{\Gamma}} """ try: cfl1 = settings['cfl1'] except (KeyError, TypeError): # In case the key does not exist or settings=None cfl1 = True cout.cout_wrap("Computing wake propagation solution matrix if frequency domain with CFL1=%s" % cfl1, 1) # print("Computing wake propagation solution matrix if frequency domain with CFL1=%s" % cfl1) if cfl1: jjvec = [] iivec = [] valvec = [] K0tot, K0totstar = 0, 0 for ss in range(MS.n_surf): M, N = MS.dimensions[ss] Mstar, N = MS.dimensions_star[ss] for mm in range(Mstar): jjvec += range(K0tot + N * (M - 1), K0tot + N * M) iivec += range(K0totstar + mm * N, K0totstar + (mm + 1) * N) valvec += N * [zval ** (-mm - 1)] K0tot += MS.KK[ss] K0totstar += MS.KK_star[ss] else: # sum_m_n = 0 sum_mstar_n = 0 for ss in range(MS.n_surf): # M, N = MS.dimensions[ss] Mstar, N = MS.dimensions_star[ss] # sum_m_n += M*N sum_mstar_n += Mstar*N try: MS.Surfs_star[ss].zetac except AttributeError: MS.Surfs_star[ss].zetac.generate_collocations() jjvec = [None]*sum_mstar_n iivec = [None]*sum_mstar_n valvec = [None]*sum_mstar_n K0tot, K0totstar = 0, 0 ipoint = 0 for ss in range(MS.n_surf): M, N = MS.dimensions[ss] Mstar, N = MS.dimensions_star[ss] Surf = MS.Surfs[ss] Surf_star = MS.Surfs_star[ss] for iin in range(N): for mm in range(Mstar): # Value location in the sparse array ipoint = K0totstar + mm * N + iin # Compute CFL if mm == 0: conv_vec = Surf_star.zetac[:, 0, iin] - Surf.zetac[:, -1, iin] dist = np.linalg.norm(conv_vec) conv_dir_te = conv_vec/dist vel = Surf.u_input_coll[:, -1, iin] vel_value =, conv_dir_te) cfl = settings['dt']*vel_value/dist else: conv_vec = Surf_star.zetac[:, mm, iin] - Surf_star.zetac[:, mm - 1, iin] dist = np.linalg.norm(conv_vec) conv_dir = conv_vec/dist vel = Surf.u_input_coll[:, -1, iin] vel_value =, conv_dir_te) cfl = settings['dt']*vel_value/dist # Compute coefficient coef = get_Cw_cpx_coef_cfl_n1(cfl, zval) # Assign values jjvec[ipoint] = K0tot + N * (M - 1) + iin iivec[ipoint] = K0totstar + mm * N + iin if mm == 0: # First row valvec[ipoint] = coef else: ipoint_prev = K0totstar + (mm - 1) * N + iin valvec[ipoint] = coef*valvec[ipoint_prev] K0tot += MS.KK[ss] K0totstar += MS.KK_star[ss] return libsp.csc_matrix((valvec, (iivec, jjvec)), shape=(K_star, K), dtype=np.complex_) def get_Cw_cpx_coef_cfl_n1(cfl, zval): # Convergence loop end criteria tol = 1e-12 rmax = 100 # Initial values coef = 0. r = 0 # Loop error = 2*tol while ((error > tol) and (r < rmax)): delta_coef = ((1 - cfl)**r)*cfl*(zval**(-r-1)) coef += delta_coef error = np.abs(delta_coef/coef) r += 1 coef /= (1 - (1-cfl)**rmax*(zval**(-1))) if (error > tol): cout.cout_wrap(("WARNING computation of Cw_cpx did not reach desired accuracy. r: %d. error: %d" % (r, error)), 2) return coef ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': import unittest from sharpy.utils.sharpydir import SharpyDir import sharpy.utils.h5utils as h5 class Test_linuvlm_Sta_vs_Dyn(unittest.TestCase): """ Test methods into this module """ def setUp(self): fname = SharpyDir + '/sharpy/linear/test/h5input/' + \ 'goland_mod_Nsurf02_M003_N004_a040.aero_state.h5' haero = h5.readh5(fname) tsdata = haero.ts00000 # Static solver Sta = Static(tsdata) Sta.assemble_profiling() Sta.assemble() Sta.get_total_forces_gain() # random input Sta.u_ext = 1.0 + 0.30 * np.random.rand(3 * Sta.Kzeta) Sta.zeta_dot = 0.2 + 0.10 * np.random.rand(3 * Sta.Kzeta) Sta.zeta = 0.05 * (np.random.rand(3 * Sta.Kzeta) - 1.0) Sta.solve() Sta.reshape() Sta.total_forces() self.Sta = Sta self.tsdata = tsdata def test_force_gains(self): """ to do: add check on moments gain """ Sta = self.Sta Ftot02 =, Sta.fqs) assert np.max(np.abs(Ftot02 - Sta.Ftot)) < 1e-10, 'Total force gain matrix wrong!' def test_Dyn_steady_state(self): """ Test steady state predicted by Dynamic and Static classes are the same. """ Sta = self.Sta Order = [2, 1] RemPred = [True, False] UseSparse = [True, False] for order in Order: for rem_pred in RemPred: for use_sparse in UseSparse: # Dynamic solver Dyn = Dynamic(self.tsdata, dt=0.05, integr_order=order, RemovePredictor=rem_pred, UseSparse=use_sparse) Dyn.assemble_ss() # steady state solution usta = np.concatenate((Sta.zeta, Sta.zeta_dot, Sta.u_ext)) xsta, ysta = Dyn.solve_steady(usta, method='direct') if use_sparse is False and rem_pred is False: xmin, ymin = Dyn.solve_steady(usta, method='minsize') xrec, yrec = Dyn.solve_steady(usta, method='recursive') xsub, ysub = Dyn.solve_steady(usta, method='subsystem') # assert all solutions are matching assert max(np.linalg.norm(xsta - xmin), np.linalg.norm(ysta - ymin)), \ 'Direct and min. size solutions not matching!' assert max(np.linalg.norm(xsta - xrec), np.linalg.norm(ysta - yrec)), \ 'Direct and recursive solutions not matching!' assert max(np.linalg.norm(xsta - xsub), np.linalg.norm(ysta - ysub)), \ 'Direct and sub-system solutions not matching!' # compare against Static solver solution er = np.max(np.abs(ysta - Sta.fqs) / np.linalg.norm(Sta.Ftot)) print('Error force distribution: %.3e' % er) assert er < 1e-12, \ 'Steady-state force not matching (error: %.2e)!' % er if rem_pred is False: # compare state er = np.max(np.abs(xsta[:Dyn.K] - Sta.gamma)) print('Error bound circulation: %.3e' % er) assert er < 1e-13, \ 'Steady-state gamma not matching (error: %.2e)!' % er gammaw_ref = np.zeros((Dyn.K_star,)) kk = 0 for ss in range(Dyn.MS.n_surf): Mstar = Dyn.MS.MM_star[ss] Nstar = Dyn.MS.NN_star[ss] for mm in range(Mstar): gammaw_ref[kk:kk + Nstar] = Sta.Gamma[ss][-1, :] kk += Nstar er = np.max(np.abs(xsta[Dyn.K:Dyn.K + Dyn.K_star] - gammaw_ref)) print('Error wake circulation: %.3e' % er) assert er < 1e-13, 'Steady-state gamma_star not matching!' er = np.max(np.abs(xsta[Dyn.K + Dyn.K_star:2 * Dyn.K + Dyn.K_star])) print('Error bound derivative: %.3e' % er) assert er < 1e-13, 'Non-zero derivative of circulation at steady state!' if Dyn.integr_order == 2: er = np.max(np.abs(xsta[:Dyn.K] - xsta[-Dyn.K:])) print('Error bound circulation previous vs current time-step: %.3e' % er) assert er < 1e-13, \ 'Circulation at previous and current time-step not matching' ### Verify gains Dyn.get_total_forces_gain() Dyn.get_sect_forces_gain() # sectional forces - algorithm for surfaces with equal M n_surf = Dyn.MS.n_surf M, N = Dyn.MS.MM[0], Dyn.MS.NN[0] fnodes = ysta.reshape((n_surf, 3, M + 1, N + 1)) Fsect_ref = np.zeros((n_surf, 3, N + 1)) Msect_ref = np.zeros((n_surf, 3, N + 1)) for ss in range(n_surf): for nn in range(N + 1): for mm in range(M + 1): Fsect_ref[ss, :, nn] += fnodes[ss, :, mm, nn] arm = Dyn.MS.Surfs[ss].zeta[:, mm, nn] - Dyn.MS.Surfs[ss].zeta[:, M // 2, nn] Msect_ref[ss, :, nn] += np.cross(arm, fnodes[ss, :, mm, nn]) Fsect =, ysta).reshape((n_surf, 3, N + 1)) assert np.max(np.abs(Fsect - Fsect_ref)) < 1e-12, \ 'Error in gains for cross-sectional forces' Msect =, ysta).reshape((n_surf, 3, N + 1)) assert np.max(np.abs(Msect - Msect_ref)) < 1e-12, \ 'Error in gains for cross-sectional forces' # total forces Ftot_ref = np.zeros((3,)) for cc in range(3): Ftot_ref[cc] = np.sum(Fsect_ref[:, cc, :]) Ftot =, ysta) assert np.max(np.abs(Ftot - Ftot_ref)) < 1e-11, \ 'Error in gains for total forces' def test_nondimss_dimss(self): """ Test scaling and unscaling of UVLM """ Sta = self.Sta # estimate reference quantities Uinf = np.linalg.norm(self.tsdata.u_ext[0][:, 0, 0]) chord = np.linalg.norm(self.tsdata.zeta[0][:, -1, 0] - self.tsdata.zeta[0][:, 0, 0]) rho = self.tsdata.rho ScalingDict = {'length': .5 * chord, 'speed': Uinf, 'density': rho} # reference Dyn0 = Dynamic(self.tsdata, dt=0.05, integr_order=2, RemovePredictor=True, UseSparse=True) Dyn0.assemble_ss() # scale/unscale Dyn1 = Dynamic(self.tsdata, dt=0.05, integr_order=2, RemovePredictor=True, UseSparse=True, ScalingDict=ScalingDict) Dyn1.assemble_ss() Dyn1.nondimss() Dyn1.dimss() libss.compare_ss(Dyn0.SS, Dyn1.SS, tol=1e-10) assert np.max(np.abs(Dyn0.SS.dt - Dyn1.SS.dt)) < 1e-12 * Dyn0.SS.dt, \ 'Scaling/unscaling of time-step not correct' def test_freqresp(self): Sta = self.Sta # estimate reference quantities Uinf = np.linalg.norm(self.tsdata.u_ext[0][:, 0, 0]) chord = np.linalg.norm( self.tsdata.zeta[0][:, -1, 0] - self.tsdata.zeta[0][:, 0, 0]) rho = self.tsdata.rho ScalingDict = {'length': .5 * chord, 'speed': Uinf, 'density': rho} kv = np.linspace(0, .5, 3) for use_sparse in [False, True]: for remove_predictor in [True, False]: ### ----- Dynamic class Dyn = Dynamic(self.tsdata, dt=0.05, ScalingDict=ScalingDict, integr_order=2, RemovePredictor=remove_predictor, UseSparse=use_sparse) Dyn.assemble_ss() Dyn.nondimss() Yref = libss.freqresp(Dyn.SS, kv) Ydyn = Dyn.freqresp(kv) ermax = np.max(np.abs(Ydyn - Yref)) assert ermax < 1e-13, \ 'Dynamic.freqresp produces too large error (%.2e)!' % ermax ### ----- BlockDynamic class BlockDyn = DynamicBlock(self.tsdata, dt=0.05, ScalingDict=ScalingDict, integr_order=2, RemovePredictor=remove_predictor, UseSparse=use_sparse) BlockDyn.assemble_ss() BlockDyn.nondimss() Ydyn_block = BlockDyn.freqresp(kv) ermax = np.max(np.abs(Ydyn_block - Yref)) assert ermax < 1e-13, \ 'Dynamic.freqresp produces too large error (%.2e)!' % ermax ### ----- Frequency class Freq = Frequency(self.tsdata, dt=0.05, ScalingDict=ScalingDict, integr_order=2, RemovePredictor=remove_predictor, UseSparse=use_sparse) Freq.assemble() Freq.nondimss() Yfreq = Freq.freqresp(kv) ermax = np.max(np.abs(Yfreq - Yref)) assert ermax < 1e-13, \ 'Frequency.freqresp produces too large error (%.2e)!' % ermax def test_solve_step(self): Sta = self.Sta # estimate reference quantities Uinf = np.linalg.norm(self.tsdata.u_ext[0][:, 0, 0]) chord = np.linalg.norm( self.tsdata.zeta[0][:, -1, 0] - self.tsdata.zeta[0][:, 0, 0]) rho = self.tsdata.rho ScalingDict = {'length': .5 * chord, 'speed': Uinf, 'density': rho} ### build an input time history NT = 5 Uin = np.random.rand(9 * Sta.Kzeta, NT) ### get size of output Ny = 3 * Sta.Kzeta Ydyn = np.zeros((Ny, NT)) Yblock = np.zeros((Ny, NT)) for integr_order in [1, 2]: Nx = (1 + integr_order) * Sta.K + Sta.K_star Xdyn = np.zeros((Nx, NT)) Xblock = np.zeros((Nx, NT)) for use_sparse in [True, False]: for remove_predictor in [True, False]: Xdyn *= 0. Xblock *= 0. Ydyn *= 0. Yblock *= 0. ### ----- Dynamic class Dyn = Dynamic(self.tsdata, dt=0.05, ScalingDict=ScalingDict, integr_order=integr_order, Remove=remove_predictor, UseSparse=use_sparse) Dyn.assemble_ss() Dyn.nondimss() for tt in range(1, NT): Xdyn[:, tt], Ydyn[:, tt] = \ Dyn.solve_step(Xdyn[:, tt - 1], Uin[:, tt - 1], transform_state=True) ### ----- BlockDynamic class BlockDyn = DynamicBlock(self.tsdata, dt=0.05, ScalingDict=ScalingDict, integr_order=integr_order, RemovePredictor=remove_predictor, UseSparse=use_sparse) BlockDyn.assemble_ss() BlockDyn.nondimss() for tt in range(1, NT): Xblock[:, tt], Yblock[:, tt] = \ BlockDyn.solve_step(Xdyn[:, tt - 1], Uin[:, tt - 1], transform_state=True) ermax = np.max(np.abs(Xdyn - Xblock)) / np.max(np.abs(Xdyn)) assert ermax < 1e-14, \ ('solve_step methods in Dynamic and BlockDynamic not matching ' + ' (relative error %.2e)!' % ermax) ermax = np.max(np.abs(Ydyn - Yblock)) / np.max(np.abs(Ydyn)) assert ermax < 1e-14, \ ('solve_step methods in Dynamic and BlockDynamic not matching ' + ' (relative error %.2e)!' % ermax) unittest.main()