Source code for sharpy.utils.exceptions

"""SHARPy Exception Classes
import sharpy.utils.cout_utils as cout

class DefaultValueBaseException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, variable, value, message=''):

class NoDefaultValueException(DefaultValueBaseException):
    def __init__(self, variable, value=None, message=''):
        super().__init__(message, value)
        if cout.cout_wrap is None:
            print("The variable " + variable + " has no default value, please indicate one")
            cout.cout_wrap("The variable " + variable + " has no default value, please indicate one", 3)

class NotValidInputFile(Exception):
    def __init__(self, message):

class NotImplementedSolver(Exception):
    def __init__(self, solver_name, message=''):
        if cout.cout_wrap is None:
            print("The solver " + solver_name + " is not implemented. Check the list of available solvers when starting SHARPy")
            cout.cout_wrap("The solver " + solver_name + " is not implemented. Check the list of available solvers when starting SHARPy", 3)

class NotConvergedStructuralSolver(Exception):
    def __init__(self, solver_name, n_iter=None, message=''):
        cout.cout_wrap("The solver " + solver_name + " did not converge in " + str(n_iter) + " iterations.", 3)

[docs]class DocumentationError(Exception): """ Error in documentation """ try: cout.cout_wrap('Documentation for module has been given no title') except ValueError: pass
[docs]class NotConvergedSolver(Exception): """ To be raised when the solver does not converge. Before this, SHARPy would add a pdb trace, but this causes problems when using SHARPy as a black box. """ pass
[docs]class NotValidSetting(DefaultValueBaseException): """ Raised when a user gives a setting an invalid value """ def __init__(self, setting, variable, options, value=None, message=''): message = 'The setting %s with entry %s is not one of the valid options: %s' % (setting, variable, options) super().__init__(variable, value, message=message) if cout.cout_wrap is None: print(message) else: cout.cout_wrap.print_separator(3) cout.cout_wrap(message, 3) cout.cout_wrap.print_separator(3)
class SolverNotFound(Exception): def __init__(self, solver_name): message = 'The solver %s cannot be found in the list of solvers. Ensure you have spelt the solver name ' \ 'correctly.' % solver_name super().__init__(message)