
class sharpy.generators.straightwake.StraightWake[source]

Straight wake shape generator

StraightWake class inherited from BaseGenerator

The object creates a straight wake shedding from the trailing edge based on the time step dt, the incoming velocity magnitude u_inf and direction u_inf_direction

The settings that this solver accepts are given by a dictionary, with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description Default
u_inf float Free stream velocity magnitude 1.0
u_inf_direction list(float) x, y and z relative components of the free stream velocity <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object at 0x7f8a28a29630>
dt float Time step 0.1
dx1 float Size of the first wake panel -1.0
ndx1 int Number of panels with size dx1 1
r float Growth rate after ndx1 panels 1.0
dxmax float Maximum panel size -1.0