Source code for sharpy.controllers.takeofftrajectorycontroller

import ctypes as ct
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate

import sharpy.utils.controller_interface as controller_interface
import sharpy.utils.settings as settings
import sharpy.utils.control_utils as control_utils
import sharpy.utils.cout_utils as cout
import sharpy.structure.utils.lagrangeconstraints as lc

[docs]@controller_interface.controller class TakeOffTrajectoryController(controller_interface.BaseController): r""" """ controller_id = 'TakeOffTrajectoryController' settings_types = dict() settings_default = dict() settings_description = dict() settings_types['trajectory_input_file'] = 'str' settings_default['trajectory_input_file'] = None settings_description['trajectory_input_file'] = 'Route and file name of the trajectory file given as a csv with columns: time, x, y, z' settings_types['dt'] = 'float' settings_default['dt'] = None settings_description['dt'] = 'Time step of the simulation' settings_types['trajectory_method'] = 'str' settings_default['trajectory_method'] = 'lagrange' settings_description['trajectory_method'] = ( 'Trajectory controller method. For now, "lagrange" is the supported option') settings_types['controlled_constraint'] = 'str' settings_default['controlled_constraint'] = None settings_description['controlled_constraint'] = ('Name of the controlled constraint in the multibody context' + ' Usually, it is something like `constraint_00`.') settings_types['controller_log_route'] = 'str' settings_default['controller_log_route'] = './output/' settings_description['controller_log_route'] = ( 'Directory where the log will be stored') settings_types['write_controller_log'] = 'bool' settings_default['write_controller_log'] = True settings_description['write_controller_log'] = ( 'Controls if the log from the controller is written or not.') settings_types['free_trajectory_structural_solver'] = 'str' settings_default['free_trajectory_structural_solver'] = '' settings_description['free_trajectory_structural_solver'] = ( 'If different than and empty string, the structural solver' + ' will be changed after the end of the trajectory has been reached') settings_types['free_trajectory_structural_substeps'] = 'int' settings_default['free_trajectory_structural_substeps'] = 0 settings_description['free_trajectory_structural_substeps'] = ( 'Controls the structural solver' + ' structural substeps once the end of the trajectory has been reached') settings_types['initial_ramp_length_structural_substeps'] = 'int' settings_default['initial_ramp_length_structural_substeps'] = 10 settings_description['initial_ramp_length_structural_substeps'] = ( 'Controls the number of timesteps that are used to increase the' + ' structural substeps from 0') settings_table = settings.SettingsTable() __doc__ += settings_table.generate(settings_types, settings_default, settings_description) def __init__(self): self.in_dict = None = None self.settings = None self.input_history = None self.trajectory_interp = None self.trajectory_vel_interp = None self.t_limits = np.zeros((2,)) self.controlled_body = None self.controlled_node = None self.log = None def initialise(self, in_dict, controller_id=None): self.in_dict = in_dict settings.to_custom_types(self.in_dict, self.settings_types, self.settings_default) self.settings = self.in_dict self.controller_id = controller_id if self.settings['write_controller_log']: # TODO substitute for table writer in cout_utils. self.log = open(self.settings['controller_log_route'] + '/' + self.controller_id + '.log.csv', 'w+') self.log.write(('#'+ 1*'{:>2},' + 6*'{:>12},' + '{:>12}\n'). format('tstep', 'time', 'Ref. state', 'state', 'Pcontrol', 'Icontrol', 'Dcontrol', 'control')) self.log.flush() # save input time history try: self.input_history = ( np.loadtxt( self.settings['trajectory_input_file'], delimiter=',')) except OSError: raise OSError('File {} not found in {}'.format( self.settings['time_history_input_file'], self.controller_id)) self.process_trajectory()
[docs] def control(self, data, controlled_state): r""" Main routine of the controller. Input is `data` (the in the solver), and `currrent_state` which is a dictionary with ['structural', 'aero'] time steps for the current iteration. :param data: problem data containing all the information. :param controlled_state: `dict` with two vars: `structural` and `aero` containing the `timestep_info` that will be returned with the control variables. :returns: A `dict` with `structural` and `aero` time steps and control input included. """ # get current state input # note: with or without the -1? time = (data.ts - 1)*self.settings['dt'].value i_current = data.ts try: constraint = controlled_state['structural'].\ mb_dict[self.settings['controlled_constraint']] except KeyError: return controlled_state except TypeError: import pdb pdb.set_trace() if self.controlled_body is None or self.controlled_node is None: self.controlled_body = constraint['body_number'] self.controlled_node = constraint['node_number'] # reset info to include only fresh info controlled_state['info'] = dict() # apply it where needed. traj_command, end_of_traj = self.controller_wrapper(time) if end_of_traj: lc.remove_constraint(controlled_state['structural'].mb_dict, self.settings['controlled_constraint']) if not self.settings['free_trajectory_structural_solver'] == '': controlled_state['info']['structural_solver'] = ( self.settings['free_trajectory_structural_solver']) controlled_state['info']['structural_substeps'] = ( self.settings['free_trajectory_structural_substeps']) return controlled_state constraint['velocity'][:] = traj_command if self.settings['write_controller_log']: self.log.write(('{:>6d},' + 3*'{:>12.6f},' + '{:>12.6f}\n').format(i_current, time, traj_command[0], traj_command[1], traj_command[2])) if self.settings['initial_ramp_length_structural_substeps'].value >= 0: if (i_current < self.settings['initial_ramp_length_structural_substeps'].value): controlled_state['info']['structural_substeps'] = \ ct.c_int(i_current - 1) elif (i_current == self.settings['initial_ramp_length_structural_substeps'].value): controlled_state['info']['structural_substeps'] = None return controlled_state
[docs] def process_trajectory(self, dxdt=True): """ See """ self.trajectory_interp = [] # Make sure s = 0.5 is ok. self.t_limits[:] = (np.min(self.input_history[:, 0]), np.max(self.input_history[:, 0])) for i_dim in range(3): self.trajectory_interp.append( interpolate.UnivariateSpline(self.input_history[:, 0], self.input_history[:, i_dim + 1], k=1, s=0., ext='raise')) if dxdt: self.trajectory_vel_interp = [] for i_dim in range(3): self.trajectory_vel_interp.append( self.trajectory_interp[i_dim].derivative())
def controller_wrapper(self, t): output_traj = np.zeros((3,)) end_of_traj = False if self.settings['trajectory_method'] == 'lagrange': # check that t is in input limits if self.t_limits[0] <= t <= self.t_limits[1]: # return velocities for i_dim in range(3): output_traj[i_dim] = self.trajectory_vel_interp[i_dim](t) else: for i_dim in range(3): output_traj[i_dim] = np.nan end_of_traj = True else: raise NotImplementedError('The trajectory_method ' + self.settings['trajectory_method'] + ' is not yet implemented.') return output_traj, end_of_traj def __exit__(self, *args): self.log.close()