Source code for sharpy.linear.src.libsparse

Collect tools to manipulate sparse and/or mixed dense/sparse matrices.

author: S. Maraniello
date: Dec 2018

Comment: manipulating large linear system may require using both dense and sparse
matrices. While numpy/scipy automatically handle most operations between mixed
dense/sparse arrays, some (e.g. dot product) require more attention. This
library collects methods to handle these situations.

scipy.sparse matrices are wrapped so as to ensure compatibility with numpy arrays
upon conversion to dense.
- csc_matrix: this is a wrapper of scipy.csc_matrix.
- SupportedTypes: types supported for operations
- WarningTypes: due to some bugs in scipy (v.1.1.0), sum (+) operations between
np.ndarray and scipy.sparse matrices can result in numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix
types. This list contains such undesired types that can result from dense/sparse
operations and raises a warning if required.
(b) convert these types into numpy.ndarrays.

- dot: handles matrix dot products across different types.
- solve: solves linear systems Ax=b with A and b dense, sparse or mixed.
- dense: convert matrix to numpy array

- only sparse types into SupportedTypes are supported!

To Do:
- move these methods into an algebra module?

import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spalg
import scipy.sparse.sputils as sputils

# --------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes

[docs]class csc_matrix(sparse.csc_matrix): ''' Wrapper of scipy.csc_matrix that ensures best compatibility with numpy.ndarray. The following methods have been overwritten to ensure that numpy.ndarray are returned instead of numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix. - todense - _add_dense Warning: this format is memory inefficient to allocate new sparse matrices. Consider using: - scipy.sparse.lil_matrix, which supports slicing, or - scipy.sparse.coo_matrix, though slicing is not supported :( ''' def __init__(self,arg1, shape=None, dtype=None, copy=False): super().__init__(arg1, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
[docs] def todense(self): ''' As per scipy.spmatrix.todense but returns a numpy.ndarray. ''' return super().toarray()
def _add_dense(self, other): if other.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Incompatible shapes.') dtype = sputils.upcast_char(self.dtype.char, other.dtype.char) order = self._swap('CF')[0] result = np.array(other, dtype=dtype, order=order, copy=True) M, N = self._swap(self.shape) y = result if result.flags.c_contiguous else result.T sparse._sparsetools.csr_todense(M, N, self.indptr, self.indices,, y) return result #np.matrix(result, copy=False)
SupportedTypes=[np.ndarray,csc_matrix] WarningTypes=[np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Methods def block_dot(A, B): ''' dot product between block matrices. Inputs: A, B: are nested lists of dense/sparse matrices of compatible shape for block matrices product. Empty blocks can be defined with None. (see numpy.block) ''' rA, cA = len(A), len(A[0]) rB, cB = len(B), len(B[0]) for arow,brow in zip(A,B): assert len(brow) == cB,\ 'B rows do not contain the same number of column blocks' assert len(arow) == cA,\ 'A rows do not contain the same number of column blocks' assert cA==rB, 'Columns of A not equal to rows of B!' P=[] for ii in range(rA): prow = cB * [None] for jj in range(cB): # check first that the result will not be None Continue = False for kk in range(cA): if A[ii][kk] is not None and B[kk][jj] is not None: Continue = True break if Continue: prow[jj] = 0. for kk in range(cA): if A[ii][kk] is not None and B[kk][jj] is not None: prow[jj] += dot( A[ii][kk], B[kk][jj] ) P.append(prow) return P def block_sum(A, B, factA = None, factB = None): ''' dot product between block matrices. Inputs: A, B: are nested lists of dense/sparse matrices of compatible shape for block matrices product. Empty blocks can be defined with None. (see numpy.block) ''' rA, cA = len(A), len(A[0]) rB, cB = len(B), len(B[0]) assert cA==cB and rA==rB, 'Block matrices do not have same size' for arow,brow in zip(A,B): assert len(brow) == cB,\ 'B rows do not contain the same number of column blocks' assert len(arow) == cA,\ 'A rows do not contain the same number of column blocks' P=[] for ii in range(rA): prow = cA * [None] for jj in range(cA): if A[ii][jj] is None: if B[ii][jj] is None: prow[jj] = None else: if factB is None: prow[jj] = B[ii][jj] else: prow[jj] = factB*B[ii][jj] else: if B[ii][jj] is None: if factA is None: prow[jj] = A[ii][jj] else: prow[jj] = factA*A[ii][jj] else: if factA is None and factA is None: prow[jj] = A[ii][jj] + B[ii][jj] elif factA is None: prow[jj] = A[ii][jj] + factB*B[ii][jj] elif factB is None: prow[jj] = factA*A[ii][jj] + B[ii][jj] else: prow[jj] = factA*A[ii][jj] + factB*B[ii][jj] P.append(prow) return P def dot(A,B,type_out=None): ''' Method to compute C = A*B , where * is the matrix product, with dense/sparse/mixed matrices. The format (sparse or dense) of C is specified through 'type_out'. If type_out==None, the output format is sparse if both A and B are sparse, dense otherwise. The following formats are supported: - numpy.ndarray - scipy.csc_matrix ''' # determine types: tA=type(A) tB=type(B) assert tA in SupportedTypes, 'Type of A matrix (%s) not supported'%tA assert tB in SupportedTypes, 'Type of B matrix (%s) not supported'%tB if type_out == None: type_out=tA else: assert type_out in SupportedTypes, 'type_out not supported' # multiply # if tA==float or tb==float: # C = A*B # else: if tA==np.ndarray and tB==csc_matrix: C=(B.transpose()).dot(A.transpose()).transpose() # else: # format output if tA != type_out: if type_out==csc_matrix: return csc_matrix(C) else: return C.toarray() return C def solve(A,b): ''' Wrapper of numpy.linalg.solve and scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve for solution of the linear system A x = b. - if A is a dense numpy array np.linalg.solve is called for solution. Note that if B is sparse, this requires convertion to dense. In this case, solution through LU factorisation of A should be considered to exploit the sparsity of B. - if A is sparse, scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve is used. ''' # determine types: tA=type(A) tB=type(b) assert tA in SupportedTypes, 'Type of A matrix (%s) not supported'%tA assert tB in SupportedTypes, 'Type of B matrix (%s) not supported'%tB # multiply if tA==np.ndarray: if tB==csc_matrix: x=np.linalg.solve(A,b.toarray()) else: x=np.linalg.solve(A,b) else: x=spalg.spsolve(A,b) assert type(x) in SupportedTypes, 'Unexpected output type!' return x def dense(M): ''' If required, converts sparse array to dense. ''' if type(M) == csc_matrix: return np.array(M.toarray()) elif type(M) == csc_matrix: return M.toarray() return M def eye_as(M): ''' Produces an identity matrix as per M, in shape and type ''' tM=type(M) assert tM in SupportedTypes, 'Type %s not supported!'%tM nrows=M.shape[0] assert nrows==M.shape[1], 'Not a square matrix!' if tM==csc_matrix: D=csc_matrix((nrows,nrows)) D.setdiag(1.) elif tM==np.ndarray: D=np.eye(nrows) return D def zeros_as(M): ''' Produces an identity matrix as per M, in shape and type ''' tM=type(M) assert tM in SupportedTypes, 'Type %s not supported!'%tM nrows,ncols=M.shape if tM==csc_matrix: D=csc_matrix((nrows,ncols)) elif tM==np.ndarray: D=np.zeros_like(M) return D # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__=='__main__': import unittest class Test_module(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test methods into this module ''' def setUp(self): self.A=np.random.rand(3,4) self.B=np.random.rand(4,2) def test_dense_plus_csc_matrix_type(self): A=self.A Asp=csc_matrix(A) for aa in [A,Asp]: for bb in [A,Asp]: tsum=type(aa+bb) tdiff=type(aa-bb) for tout,strout in zip([tsum,tdiff],['(+)','(-)']): if tout not in SupportedTypes: if tout in WarningTypes: warnings.warn( 'Undesired type (%s) resulting from %s operations between %s and %s types'\ %(tout,strout,type(aa),type(bb))) else: raise NameError( 'Unexpected type (%s) resulting from %s operations between %s and %s types'\ %(tout,strout,type(aa),type(bb))) def test_zeros_as(self): A=np.zeros((4,2)) A1=zeros_as(A) A2=zeros_as(csc_matrix(A)) assert np.max(np.abs(A-A1))<1e-16, 'Error in libsparse.zeros_as' assert np.max(np.abs(A-A2))<1e-16, 'Error in libsparse.zeros_as' def test_eye_as(self): A=np.random.rand(4,4) D0=np.eye(4) D1=eye_as(A) D2=eye_as(csc_matrix(A)) assert np.max(np.abs(D0-D1))<1e-12, 'Error in libsparse.eye_as' assert np.max(np.abs(D0-D2))<1e-12, 'Error in libsparse.eye_as' def test_dot(self): A,B=self.A,self.B,B) # reference C1=dot(A,B) C2=dot(A,csc_matrix(B)) C3=dot(csc_matrix(A),B) C4=dot(csc_matrix(A),csc_matrix(B)) assert np.max(np.abs(C0-C1))<1e-12, 'Error in' assert np.max(np.abs(C0-C2))<1e-12, 'Error in' assert np.max(np.abs(C0-C3))<1e-12, 'Error in' def test_solve(self): A=np.random.rand(4,4) B=np.random.rand(4,2) Asp=csc_matrix(A) Bsp=csc_matrix(B) X0=np.linalg.solve(A,B) X1=solve(A,B) X2=solve(A,Bsp) X3=solve(Asp,B) X4=solve(Asp,Bsp) assert np.max(np.abs(X0-X1))<1e-12, 'Error in libsparse.solve' assert np.max(np.abs(X0-X2))<1e-12, 'Error in libsparse.solve' assert np.max(np.abs(X0-X3))<1e-12, 'Error in libsparse.solve' assert np.max(np.abs(X0-X4))<1e-12, 'Error in libsparse.solve' outprint='Testing libsparse' print('\n' + 70*'-') print((70-len(outprint))*' ' + outprint ) print(70*'-') unittest.main()