
Maps the local aerodynamic forces at a given vertex to its corresponding structural node.

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{f}_{struct}^B &= C^{BG}\mathbf{f}_{i,aero}^G\\ \mathbf{m}_{struct}^B &= C^{BG}(\mathbf{m}_{i,aero}^G + \tilde{\boldsymbol{\zeta}}^G\mathbf{f}_{i, aero}^G)\end{split}\]
param local_aero_forces:
 aerodynamic forces and moments at a grid vertex
type local_aero_forces:
param chi_g:vector between grid vertex and structural node in inertial frame
type chi_g:np.ndarray
param cbg:transformation matrix between inertial and body frames of reference
type cbg:np.ndarray
param force_efficiency:
 Unused. See efficiency_local_aero2struct_forces().
type force_efficiency:
param moment_efficiency:
 Unused. See efficiency_local_aero2struct_forces().
type moment_efficiency:
param i_elem:
type i_elem:int
returns:corresponding aerodynamic force at the structural node from the force and moment at a grid vertex