
class sharpy.generators.gustvelocityfield.GustVelocityField[source]

Gust Velocity Field Generator

GustVelocityField is a class inherited from BaseGenerator

The GustVelocityField class generates a gust profile velocity field, and the profile has the characteristics specified by the user.

To call this generator, the generator_id = GustVelocityField shall be used. This is parsed as the value for the velocity_field_generator key in the desired aerodynamic solver’s settings.

Notation: \(u_{de}\) is the gust intensity, \(S\) is the gust length and \(b\) is the wing span. \(x\) and \(y\) refer to the chordwise and spanwise distance penetrated into the gust, respectively.

Several gust profiles are available. Your chosen gust profile should be parsed to gust_shape and the corresponding settings as a dictionary to gust_parameters.

This generator takes the following settings

Name Type Description Default
u_inf float Free stream velocity None
u_inf_direction list(float) Free stream velocity relative component [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
offset float Spatial offset of the gust with respect to origin 0.0
relative_motion bool If true, the gust is convected with u_inf False
gust_shape str Gust profile shape None
gust_parameters dict Dictionary of parameters specific of the gust_shape selected {}