
class sharpy.postproc.stabilityderivatives.StabilityDerivatives[source]

Outputs the stability derivatives of a free-flying aircraft


Under Development

To Do:
  • Coefficient of stability derivatives
  • Option to output in NED frame

The settings that this solver accepts are given by a dictionary, with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description Default
print_info bool Display info to screen True
folder str Output directory ./output/
u_inf float Free stream reference velocity 1.0
S_ref float Reference planform area 1.0
b_ref float Reference span 1.0
c_ref float Reference chord 1.0

Stability derivatives calculated using the transfer function of the UVLM projected onto the structural degrees of freedom at zero frequency (steady state).

matrix containing the steady state values of the transfer function between the force output
(columns) and the velocity / control surface inputs (rows).
Return type:np.array