class sharpy.solvers.shwuvlm.SHWUvlm[source]

Steady vortex method assuming helicoidal wake shape

The settings that this solver accepts are given by a dictionary, with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description Default
print_info bool Output run-time information True
num_cores int Number of cores to used in parallelisation 0
convection_scheme int Convection scheme for the wake (only 2 tested for this solver) 2
dt float time step used to discretise the wake 0.1
iterative_solver bool   False
iterative_tol float   0.0001
iterative_precond bool   False
velocity_field_generator str Name of the velocity field generator SteadyVelocityField
velocity_field_input dict Dictionary of inputs needed by the velocity field generator {}
gamma_dot_filtering int Parameter used to filter gamma dot (only odd numbers bigger than one allowed) 0
rho float Density 1.225
rot_vel float Rotation velocity in rad/s 0.0
rot_axis list(float) Axis of rotation of the wake [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
rot_center list(float) Center of rotation of the wake [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]