
class sharpy.presharpy.presharpy.PreSharpy(in_settings=None)[source]

The PreSharpy solver is the main loader solver of SHARPy. It takes the admin-like settings for the simulation, including the case name, case route and the list of solvers to run and in which order to run them. This order of solvers is referred to, throughout SHARPy, as the flow setting.

This is a mandatory solver for all simulations at the start so it is never included in the flow setting.

The settings for this solver are parsed through in the configuration file under the header SHARPy. I.e, when you are defining the config file for a simulation, the settings for PreSharpy are included as:

import configobj
filename = '<case_route>/<case_name>.sharpy'
config = configobj.ConfigObj()
config.filename = filename
config['SHARPy'] = {'case': '<your SHARPy case name>',  # an example setting
                    # Rest of your settings for the PreSHARPy class

The following are the settings that the PreSharpy class takes:

Name Type Description Default
flow list(str) List of the desired solvers’ solver_id to run in sequential order. None
case str Case name default_case_name
route str Route to case files None
write_screen bool Display output on terminal screen. True
write_log bool Write log file False
log_folder str Log folder destination directory