

Generates the matrices associated to the Lagrange multipliers boundary conditions

param lc_list():
 list of all the defined contraints
param MBdict:dictionary with the MultiBody and LagrangeMultipliers information
type MBdict:MBdict
param MB_beam:list of ‘beams’ of each of the bodies that form the system
type MB_beam:list
param MB_tstep:list of ‘StructTimeStepInfo’ of each of the bodies that form the system
type MB_tstep:list
param num_LM_eq:
 number of new equations needed to define the boundary boundary conditions
type num_LM_eq:int
param sys_size:total number of degrees of freedom of the multibody system
type sys_size:int
param dt:time step
type dt:float
param Lambda:list of Lagrange multipliers values
type Lambda:numpy array
param Lambda_dot:
 list of the first derivative of the Lagrange multipliers values
type Lambda_dot:
 numpy array
param dynamic_or_static:
 string defining if the computation is dynamic or static
type dynamic_or_static:
returns:Damping matrix associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations LM_K (numpy array): Stiffness matrix associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations LM_Q (numpy array): Vector of independent terms associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations
rtype:LM_C (numpy array)

