
This function corrects the aerodynamic forces from UVLM based on the airfoil polars provided by the user in the aero.h5 file

These are the steps needed to correct the forces:

  • The force coming from UVLM is divided into induced drag (parallel to the incoming flow velocity) and lift (the remaining force).
  • The angle of attack is computed based on that lift force and the angle of zero lift computed form the airfoil polar and assuming a slope of \(2 \pi\)
  • The drag force is computed based on the angle of attack and the polars provided by the user
param data:SHARPy data
type data:sharpy.PreSharpy
param aero_kstep:
 Current aerodynamic substep
type aero_kstep:
param structural_kstep:
 Current structural substep
type structural_kstep:
param struct_forces:
 Array with the aerodynamic forces mapped on the structure in the B frame of reference
type struct_forces:
keyword rho:air density
kwtype rho:float
returns:corresponding aerodynamic force at the structural node from the force and moment at a grid vertex