import numpy as np
import sharpy.utils.generator_interface as generator_interface
import sharpy.utils.settings as settings
class SteadyVelocityField(generator_interface.BaseGenerator):
Steady Velocity Field Generator
``SteadyVelocityField`` class inherited from ``BaseGenerator``
The object creates a steady velocity field with the velocity and flow direction specified by the user.
To call this generator, the ``generator_id = SteadyVelocityField`` shall be used.
This is parsed as the value for the ``velocity_field_generator`` key in the desired aerodynamic solver's settings.
in_dict (dict): Input data in the form of dictionary. See acceptable entries below:
settings_types (dict): Acceptable data types of the input data
settings_default (dict): Default values for input data should the user not provide them
u_inf (float): Free stream velocity selection
u_inf_direction (list(float)): ``x``, ``y`` and ``z`` relative contributions to the free stream velocity
See Also:
.. py:class:: sharpy.utils.generator_interface.BaseGenerator
generator_id = 'SteadyVelocityField'
generator_classification = 'velocity-field'
settings_types = dict()
settings_default = dict()
settings_description = dict()
settings_types['u_inf'] = 'float'
settings_default['u_inf'] = None
settings_description['u_inf'] = 'Module of the free stream velocity'
settings_types['u_inf_direction'] = 'list(float)'
settings_default['u_inf_direction'] = np.array([1.0, 0, 0])
settings_description['u_inf_direction'] = 'Direction of the free stream velocity'
settings_table = settings.SettingsTable()
__doc__ += settings_table.generate(settings_types, settings_default, settings_description)
def __init__(self):
self.in_dict = dict()
self.u_inf = 0.
self.u_inf_direction = None
def initialise(self, in_dict, restart=False):
self.in_dict = in_dict
self.u_inf = self.in_dict['u_inf']
self.u_inf_direction = self.in_dict['u_inf_direction']
def generate(self, params, uext):
zeta = params['zeta']
override = params['override']
for i_surf in range(len(zeta)):
if override:
for i in range(zeta[i_surf].shape[1]):
for j in range(zeta[i_surf].shape[2]):
uext[i_surf][:, i, j] += self.u_inf*self.u_inf_direction