Source code for sharpy.linear.src.libss

Linear Time Invariant systems
author: S. Maraniello
date: 15 Sep 2017 (still basement...)

Library of methods to build/manipulate state-space models. The module supports
the sparse arrays types defined in libsparse.

The module includes:

- StateSpace: provides a class to build DLTI/LTI systems with full and/or sparse
	matrices and wraps many of the methods in these library. Methods include:
	- freqresp: wraps the freqresp function
	- addGain: adds gains in input/output. This is not a wrapper of addGain, as
	the system matrices are overwritten

Methods for state-space manipulation:
- couple: feedback coupling. Does not support sparsity
- freqresp: calculate frequency response. Supports sparsity.
- series: series connection between systems
- parallel: parallel connection between systems
- SSconv: convert state-space model with predictions and delays
- addGain: add gains to state-space model.
- join2: merge two state-space models into one.
- join: merge a list of state-space models into one.
- sum state-space models and/or gains
- scale_SS: scale state-space model
- simulate: simulates discrete time solution
- Hnorm_from_freq_resp: compute H norm of a frequency response
- adjust_phase: remove discontinuities from a frequency response

Special Models:
- SSderivative: produces DLTI of a numerical derivative scheme
- SSintegr: produces DLTI of an integration scheme
- build_SS_poly: build state-space model with polynomial terms.

- butter

- get_freq_from_eigs: clculate frequency corresponding to eigenvalues

- the module supports sparse matrices hence relies on libsparse.

to do:
	- remove unnecessary coupling routines
	- couple function can handle sparse matrices but only outputs dense matrices
		- verify if typical coupled systems are sparse
		- update routine
		- add method to automatically determine whether to use sparse or dense?

import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as scsig
import scipy.linalg as scalg
from sharpy.linear.utils.ss_interface import LinearVector, StateVariable, InputVariable, OutputVariable
import scipy.interpolate as scint
import h5py
import sharpy.utils.h5utils as h5utils

# dependency
import sharpy.linear.src.libsparse as libsp

# ------------------------------------------------------------- Dedicated class

[docs]class StateSpace: """ Wrap state-space models allocation into a single class and support both full and sparse matrices. The class emulates scipy.signal.ltisys.StateSpaceContinuous scipy.signal.ltisys.StateSpaceDiscrete but supports sparse matrices and other functionalities. Methods: - get_mats: return matrices as tuple - check_types: check matrices types are supported - freqresp: calculate frequency response over range. - addGain: project inputs/outputs - scale: allows scaling a system """ def __init__(self, A, B, C, D, dt=None): """ Allocate state-space model (A,B,C,D). If dt is not passed, a continuous-time system is assumed. """ self.A = A self.B = B self.C = C self.D = D self.dt = dt self.check_types() # vector variable tracking self._input_variables = None # type: LinearVector self._state_variables = None self._output_variables = None # verify dimensions assert self.A.shape == (self.states, self.states), 'A and B rows not matching' assert self.C.shape[1] == self.states, 'A and C columns not matching' assert self.D.shape[0] == self.outputs, 'C and D rows not matching' try: assert self.D.shape[1] == self.inputs, 'B and D columns not matching' except IndexError: assert self.inputs == 1, 'D shape does not match number of inputs' @property def inputs(self): """Number of inputs :math:`m` to the system.""" if self.B.shape.__len__() == 1: return 1 else: return self.B.shape[1] @property def outputs(self): """Number of outputs :math:`p` of the system.""" return self.C.shape[0] @property def states(self): """Number of states :math:`n` of the system.""" return self.A.shape[0] @property def input_variables(self): return self._input_variables @input_variables.setter def input_variables(self, variables): if variables.variable_class is not InputVariable: raise TypeError('LinearVector does not include InputVariable s') if variables.size != self.inputs: raise IndexError('Size of LinearVector of InputVariable s ({:g}) is not the same as the number of ' 'inputs in the ' 'system ({:g})'.format(variables.size, self.inputs)) self._input_variables = variables @property def output_variables(self): return self._output_variables @output_variables.setter def output_variables(self, variables): if variables.variable_class is not OutputVariable: raise TypeError('LinearVector does not include OutputVariable s') if variables.size != self.outputs: raise IndexError('Size of LinearVector of OutputVariable s ({:g}) is not the same as the number of ' 'outputs in the ' 'system ({:g})'.format(variables.size, self.outputs)) self._output_variables = variables @property def state_variables(self): return self._state_variables @state_variables.setter def state_variables(self, variables): if variables.variable_class is not StateVariable: raise TypeError('LinearVector does not include StateVariable s') if variables.size != self.states: raise IndexError('Size of LinearVector of StateVariable s ({:g}) is not the same as the number ' 'of states in the ' 'system ({:g})'.format(variables.size, self.states)) self._state_variables = variables def initialise_variables(self, *variable_tuple, var_type='in'): if var_type == 'in' or var_type == 'input': var_class = InputVariable elif var_type == 'out' or var_type == 'output': var_class = OutputVariable elif var_type == 'state': var_class = StateVariable else: raise TypeError('Unknown variable type') list_of_variables = [] for ith, var_dict in enumerate(variable_tuple): list_of_variables.append(var_class(name=var_dict['name'], size=var_dict['size'], index=var_dict.get('index', ith))) if var_type == 'in' or var_type == 'input': self._input_variables = LinearVector(list_of_variables) elif var_type == 'out' or var_type == 'output': self._output_variables = LinearVector(list_of_variables) elif var_type == 'state': self._state_variables = LinearVector(list_of_variables) def __repr__(self): str_out = '' str_out += 'State-space object\n' str_out += 'States: {:g}\n'.format(self.states) str_out += 'Inputs: {:g}\n'.format(self.inputs) str_out += 'Outputs: {:g}\n'.format(self.outputs) if self.dt is not None: str_out += 'dt: {:g}'.format(self.dt) if self.input_variables is not None: str_out += '\nInput Variables:\n' + str(self.input_variables) if self.state_variables is not None: str_out += 'State Variables:\n' + str(self.state_variables) if self.output_variables is not None: str_out += 'Output Variables:\n' + str(self.output_variables) return str_out def check_types(self): assert type(self.A) in libsp.SupportedTypes, \ 'Type of A matrix (%s) not supported' % type(self.A) assert type(self.B) in libsp.SupportedTypes, \ 'Type of B matrix (%s) not supported' % type(self.B) assert type(self.C) in libsp.SupportedTypes, \ 'Type of C matrix (%s) not supported' % type(self.C) assert type(self.D) in libsp.SupportedTypes, \ 'Type of D matrix (%s) not supported' % type(self.D) def get_mats(self): return self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D
[docs] def freqresp(self, wv): """ Calculate frequency response over frequencies wv Note: this wraps frequency response function. """ dlti = True if self.dt is None: dlti = False return freqresp(self, wv, dlti=dlti)
[docs] def addGain(self, K, where): """ Projects input u or output y the state-space system through the gain matrix K. The input 'where' determines whether inputs or outputs are projected as: - where='in': inputs are projected such that: u_new -> u=K*u_new -> SS -> y => u_new -> SSnew -> y - where='out': outputs are projected such that: u -> SS -> y -> y_new=K*y => u -> SSnew -> ynew Args: K (np.array or Gain): gain matrix or Gain object where (str): ``in`` or ``out`` Warning: This is not a wrapper of the addGain method in this module, as the state-space matrices are directly overwritten. """ assert where in ['in', 'out'], \ 'Specify whether gains are added to input or output' with_vars = False if isinstance(K, Gain): gain = K K = K.value with_vars = True if where == 'in': self.B =, K) self.D =, K) if with_vars: self._input_variables = gain.input_variables if where == 'out': self.C =, self.C) self.D =, self.D) if with_vars: self._output_variables = gain.output_variables
[docs] def scale(self, input_scal=1., output_scal=1., state_scal=1.): """ Given a state-space system, scales the equations such that the original state, input and output, (x, u and y), are substituted by xad=x/state_scal uad=u/input_scal yad=y/output_scal The entries input_scal/output_scal/state_scal can be: - floats: in this case all input/output are scaled by the same value - lists/arrays of length Nin/Nout: in this case each dof will be scaled by a different factor If the original system has form: xnew=A*x+B*u y=C*x+D*u the transformation is such that: xnew=A*x+(B*uref/xref)*uad yad=1/yref( C*xref*x+D*uref*uad ) """ scale_SS(self, input_scal, output_scal, state_scal, byref=True)
[docs] def project(self, wt, v): """ Given 2 transformation matrices, ``(WT, V)`` of shapes ``(Nk, self.states)`` and ``(self.states, Nk)`` respectively, this routine projects the state space model states according to: .. math:: Anew = WT A V \\ Bnew = WT B \\ Cnew = C V \\ Dnew = D \\ The projected model has the same number of inputs/outputs as the original one, but Nk states. Args: wt (Gain or np.ndarray): Left projection matrix v (Gain or np.ndarray): Righty projection matrix """ if isinstance(wt, Gain) and isinstance(v, Gain): self.A =,, v.value)) self.B =, self.B) self.C =, v.value) self.state_variables = LinearVector.transform(v.input_variables, to_type=StateVariable) else: self.A =,, v)) self.B =, self.B) self.C =, v)
[docs] def truncate(self, N): """ Retains only the first N states. """ assert N > 0 and N <= self.states, 'N must be in [1,self.states]' self.A = self.A[:N, :N] self.B = self.B[:N, :] self.C = self.C[:, :N]
# self.states = N # No need to update, states is now a property. NG 26/3/19
[docs] def max_eig(self): """ Returns most unstable eigenvalue """ ev = np.linalg.eigvals(self.A) if self.dt is None: return np.max(ev.real) else: return np.max(np.abs(ev))
[docs] def eigvals(self): """ Returns: np.ndarray: Eigenvalues of the system """ if self.dt: return eigvals(self.A, dlti=True) else: return eigvals(self.A, dlti=False)
[docs] def disc2cont(self): r""" Transform a discrete time system to a continuous time system using a bilinear (Tustin) transformation. Wrapper of :func:`~sharpy.linear.src.libss.disc2cont` """ if self.dt: self = disc2cont(self)
[docs] def retain_inout_channels(self, retain_channels, where): """ Retain selected input or output channels only. Args: retain_channels (list): List of channels to retain where (str): ``in`` or ``out`` for input/output channels """ retain_inout_channels(self, retain_channels, where)
def summary(self): msg = 'State-space system\nStates: %g\nInputs: %g\nOutputs: %g\n' % (self.states, self.inputs, self.outputs) return msg
[docs] def transfer_function_evaluation(self, s): r""" Returns the transfer function of the system evaluated at :math:`s\in\mathbb{C}`. Args: s (complex): Point in the complex plane at which to evaluate the transfer function. Returns: np.ndarray: Transfer function evaluated at :math:`s`. """ a, b, c, d = self.get_mats() n = a.shape[0] return * np.eye(n) - a)).dot(b) + d
[docs] def save(self, path): """Save state-space object to h5 file""" with h5py.File(path, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('a', data=self.A) f.create_dataset('b', data=self.B) f.create_dataset('c', data=self.C) f.create_dataset('d', data=self.D) if self.dt: f.create_dataset('dt', data=self.dt) if self.input_variables is not None: self.input_variables.add_to_h5_file(f) self.output_variables.add_to_h5_file(f) self.state_variables.add_to_h5_file(f)
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_h5(cls, h5_file_name): """ Loads a state-space object from an h5 file, including variable information Args: h5_file_name (str): Path to file Returns: StateSpace: loaded state-space from file """ with h5py.File(h5_file_name, 'r') as f: data_dict = h5utils.load_h5_in_dict(f) new_ss = cls(data_dict['a'], data_dict['b'], data_dict['c'], data_dict['d'], dt=data_dict.get('dt')) input_variables = data_dict.get('InputVariable') if input_variables is not None: new_ss.input_variables = LinearVector.load_from_h5_file('InputVariable', data_dict['InputVariable']) new_ss.output_variables = LinearVector.load_from_h5_file('OutputVariable', data_dict['OutputVariable']) new_ss.state_variables = LinearVector.load_from_h5_file('StateVariable', data_dict['StateVariable']) return new_ss else: return new_ss
[docs] def remove_inputs(self, *input_remove_list): """ Removes inputs through their variable names. Needs that the ``StateSpace`` attribute ``input_variables`` is defined. Args: input_remove_list (list(str)): List of inputs to remove """ if self.input_variables is None: raise AttributeError('No input variables have been defined for the current state-space object. Define ' 'some variables prior to using the remove_inputs() method.') self.input_variables.remove(*input_remove_list) i = 0 retain_input_array = None for variable in self.input_variables: if i == 0: retain_input_array = variable.cols_loc else: retain_input_array = np.hstack((retain_input_array, variable.cols_loc)) i += 1 if retain_input_array is not None: if type(self.B) is libsp.csc_matrix: self.B = libsp.csc_matrix(self.B[:, retain_input_array]) self.D = libsp.csc_matrix(self.D[:, retain_input_array]) else: self.B = self.B[:, retain_input_array] self.D = self.D[:, retain_input_array] self.input_variables.update_locations()
[docs] def remove_outputs(self, *output_remove_list): """ Removes outputs through their variable names. Needs that the ``StateSpace`` attribute ``output_variables`` is defined. Args: output_remove_list (list(str)): List of outputs to remove """ if self.output_variables is None: raise AttributeError('No output variables have been defined for the current state-space object. Define ' 'some variables prior to using the remove_outputs() method.') new_outputs = 0 for variable in self.output_variables: if not in output_remove_list: new_outputs += variable.size out_gain = np.zeros((new_outputs, self.outputs)) worked_outputs = 0 for variable in self.output_variables: if not in output_remove_list: index = variable.rows_loc out_gain[worked_outputs:worked_outputs + variable.size, index] = np.eye(variable.size) worked_outputs += variable.size if new_outputs != self.outputs: if type(self.B) is libsp.csc_matrix: self.C = libsp.csc_matrix( self.D = libsp.csc_matrix( else: self.C = self.D = self.output_variables.remove(*output_remove_list) self.output_variables.update_locations()
[docs] @classmethod def from_scipy(cls, scipy_ss): """ Transforms a ``scipy.signal.lti`` or dlti into a StateSpace class Args: scipy_ss (scipy.signal.ltisys.StateSpaceContinous or scipy.signal.ltisys.StateSpaceDiscrete): Scipy State Space object. Returns: StateSpace: SHARPy state space object """ a = scipy_ss.A b = scipy_ss.B c = scipy_ss.C d = scipy_ss.D return cls(a, b, c, d, dt=scipy_ss.dt)
class Gain: def __init__(self, value, input_vars=None, output_vars=None): self.value = value self._input_variables = None self._output_variables = None if input_vars is not None: self.input_variables = input_vars if output_vars is not None: self.output_variables = output_vars @property def input_variables(self): return self._input_variables @input_variables.setter def input_variables(self, variables): if variables.variable_class is not InputVariable: raise TypeError('LinearVector does not include InputVariable s') if variables.size != self.inputs: raise IndexError('Size of LinearVector of InputVariable s ({:g}) is not the same as the number of ' 'inputs in the ' 'system ({:g})'.format(variables.size, self.inputs)) self._input_variables = variables @property def output_variables(self): return self._output_variables @output_variables.setter def output_variables(self, variables): if variables.variable_class is not OutputVariable: raise TypeError('LinearVector does not include OutputVariable s') if variables.size != self.outputs: raise IndexError('Size of LinearVector of OutputVariable s ({:g}) is not the same as the number of ' 'outputs in the ' 'system ({:g})'.format(variables.size, self.outputs)) self._output_variables = variables @property def inputs(self): """Number of inputs :math:`m` to the system.""" if self.value.shape.__len__() == 1: return 1 else: return self.value.shape[1] @property def outputs(self): """Number of outputs :math:`p` of the gain.""" return self.value.shape[0] def dot(self, elem): """ Dot product of two Gains Args: elem (np.array or Gain): Returns: np.array or Gain: new matrix/Gain containing the dot product """ if type(elem) is Gain: LinearVector.check_connection(elem.output_variables, self.input_variables) new_gain_value =, elem.value) return Gain(new_gain_value, input_vars=elem.input_variables.copy(), output_vars=self.output_variables.copy()) else: return def __repr__(self): str_out = '' str_out += 'Gain object\n' str_out += 'Inputs: {:g}\n'.format(self.inputs) str_out += 'Outputs: {:g}\n'.format(self.outputs) if self.input_variables is not None: str_out += '\nInput Variables:\n' + str(self.input_variables) if self.output_variables is not None: str_out += 'Output Variables:\n' + str(self.output_variables) return str_out def transpose(self): """ Transposes the gain, such that the inputs become the outputs and vice-versa. """ if self.input_variables is not None: temp_input_var = self.input_variables.copy() input_variables = LinearVector.transform(self.output_variables, to_type=InputVariable) output_variables = LinearVector.transform(temp_input_var, to_type=OutputVariable) return Gain(self.value.T, input_vars=input_variables, output_vars=output_variables) else: return Gain(self.value.T) @property def T(self): return self.transpose() def copy(self): if self.input_variables is not None: return Gain(self.value, input_vars=self.input_variables.copy(), output_vars=self.output_variables.copy()) else: return Gain(self.value) def save(self, path): """Save gain object to h5 file""" with h5py.File(path, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('gain', data=self.value) if self.input_variables is not None: self.input_variables.add_to_h5_file(f) self.output_variables.add_to_h5_file(f) def add_as_group_to_h5(self, h5_file_handle, group_name): """ Adds gain to an h5 file handle Args: h5_file_handle (h5py.File): writeable h5 file handle group_name (str): Desired group name to save gain in h5 """ gain_group = h5_file_handle.create_group(group_name) gain_group.create_dataset(name='gain', data=self.value) if self.input_variables is not None: self.input_variables.add_to_h5_file(gain_group) self.output_variables.add_to_h5_file(gain_group) @classmethod def load_from_h5(cls, h5_file_name): """ Returns a gain object from an .h5 file Args: h5_file_name (str): Path to h5 file Returns: Gain: instance of a Gain """ with h5py.File(h5_file_name, 'r') as f: data_dict = h5utils.load_h5_in_dict(f) return cls.load_from_dict(data_dict) @classmethod def load_from_dict(cls, data_dict): """ Returns a Gain from a dictionary of data, useful for loading from a group of gains in a single .h5 file Args: data_dict (dict): Dictionary with keys: ``gain`` and (if available) ``InputVariable`` and ``OutputVariable``. Returns: Gain: instance of Gain """ input_variables = data_dict.get('InputVariable') if input_variables is not None: input_variables = LinearVector.load_from_h5_file('InputVariable', data_dict['InputVariable']) output_variables = LinearVector.load_from_h5_file('OutputVariable', data_dict['OutputVariable']) return cls(data_dict['gain'], input_vars=input_variables, output_vars=output_variables) else: return cls(data_dict['gain']) @classmethod def save_multiple_gains(cls, h5_file_name, *gains_names_tuple): """ Saves multiple gains to a single h5 file Args: h5_file_name (str): Path to h5 file *gains_names_tuple (tuple): ``(gain_name (str), gain(Gain))`` tuples to save. The gain name will be the name given on the h5 file """ with h5py.File(h5_file_name, 'w') as f: for name, gain in gains_names_tuple: gain.add_as_group_to_h5(f, name) @classmethod def load_multiple_gains(cls, h5_file_name): """ Loads multiple gains from a single h5 file Args: h5_file_name (str): Path to h5 file Returns: dict: Dictionary of loaded gains in a gain_name: Gain dictionary """ with h5py.File(h5_file_name, 'r') as f: data_dict = h5utils.load_h5_in_dict(f) out_gains = {} for gain_name, gain_data in data_dict.items(): out_gains[gain_name] = cls.load_from_dict(gain_data) return out_gains
[docs]class ss_block(): """ State-space model in block form. This class has the same purpose as "StateSpace", but the A, B, C, D are allocated in the form of nested lists. The format is similar to the one used in numpy.block but: 1. Block matrices can contain both dense and sparse matrices 2. Empty blocks are defined through None type Methods: - remove_block: drop one of the blocks from the s-s model - addGain: project inputs/outputs - project: project state """ def __init__(self, A, B, C, D, S_states, S_inputs, S_outputs, dt=None): """ Allocate state-space model (A,B,C,D) in block form starting from nested lists of full/sparse matrices (as per numpy.block). Input: - A, B, C, D: lists of matrices defining the state-space model. - S_states, S_inputs, S_outputs: lists with dimensions of of each block representing the states, inputs and outputs of the model. - dt: time-step. In None, a continuous-time system is assumed. """ self.A = A self.B = B self.C = C self.D = D self.dt = dt self.S_u = S_inputs self.S_y = S_outputs self.S_x = S_states # determine number of blocks self.blocks_u = len(S_inputs) self.blocks_y = len(S_outputs) self.blocks_x = len(S_states) # determine inputs/outputs/states self.inputs = sum(S_inputs) self.outputs = sum(S_outputs) self.states = sum(S_states) self.check_sizes() def check_sizes(self): pass
[docs] def remove_block(self, where, index): """ Remove a block from either inputs or outputs. Inputs: - where = {'in', 'out'}: determined whether to remove inputs or outputs - index: index of block to remove """ assert where in ['in', 'out'], "'where' must be equal to {'in', 'out'}" if where == 'in': for ii in range(self.blocks_x): del self.B[ii][index] for ii in range(self.blocks_y): del self.D[ii][index] if where == 'out': for ii in range(self.blocks_y): del self.C[ii] del self.D[ii]
[docs] def addGain(self, K, where): """ Projects input u or output y the state-space system through the gain block matrix K. The input 'where' determines whether inputs or outputs are projected as: - where='in': inputs are projected such that: u_new -> u=K*u_new -> SS -> y => u_new -> SSnew -> y - where='out': outputs are projected such that: u -> SS -> y -> y_new=K*y => u -> SSnew -> ynew Input: K must be a list of list of matrices. The size of K must be compatible with either B or C for block matrix product. """ assert where in ['in', 'out'], \ 'Specify whether gains are added to input or output' rows, cols = self.get_sizes(K) if where == 'in': self.B = libsp.block_dot(self.B, K) self.D = libsp.block_dot(self.D, K) self.S_u = cols self.blocks_u = len(cols) self.inputs = sum(cols) if where == 'out': self.C = libsp.block_dot(K, self.C) self.D = libsp.block_dot(K, self.D) self.S_y = rows self.blocks_y = len(rows) self.outputs = sum(rows)
[docs] def get_sizes(self, M): """ Get the size of each block in M. """ rM, cM = len(M), len(M[0]) rows = rM * [None] cols = cM * [None] for ii in range(rM): for jj in range(cM): if M[ii][jj] is not None: rhere, chere = M[ii][jj].shape if rows[ii] is None: # allocate rows[ii] = rhere else: # check assert rows[ii] == rhere, \ 'Block (%d,%d) has inconsistent size with other in same row!' % (ii, jj) if cols[jj] is None: # allocate cols[jj] = chere else: # check assert cols[jj] == chere, \ 'Block (%d,%d) has inconsistent size with other in same column!' % (ii, jj) return rows, cols
[docs] def project(self, WT, V, by_arrays=True, overwrite=False): """ Given 2 transformation matrices, (W,V) of shape (Nk,self.states), this routine projects the state space model states according to: Anew = W^T A V Bnew = W^T B Cnew = C V Dnew = D The projected model has the same number of inputs/outputs as the original one, but Nk states. Inputs: - WT = W^T - V = V - by_arrays: if True, W, V are either numpy.array or sparse matrices. If False, they are block matrices. - overwrite: if True, overwrites the A, B, C matrices """ if by_arrays: # transform to block structures II0 = 0 Vblock = [] WTblock = [[]] for ii in range(self.blocks_x): iivec = range(II0, II0 + self.S_x[ii]) Vblock.append([V[iivec, :]]) WTblock[0].append(WT[:, iivec]) II0 += self.S_x[ii] else: Vblock = V WTblock = WT if overwrite: self.A = libsp.block_dot(WTblock, libsp.block_dot(self.A, Vblock)) self.B = libsp.block_dot(WTblock, self.B) self.C = libsp.block_dot(self.C, Vblock) else: return (libsp.block_dot(WTblock, libsp.block_dot(self.A, Vblock)), libsp.block_dot(WTblock, self.B), libsp.block_dot(self.C, Vblock))
def solve_step(self, xn, un): # TODO: add options about predictor ... xn1 = libsp.block_sum(libsp.block_dot(self.A, xn), libsp.block_dot(self.B, un)) yn = libsp.block_sum(libsp.block_dot(self.C, xn), libsp.block_dot(self.D, un)) return xn1, yn def get_mats(self): A = np.zeros((self.states, self.states)) B = np.zeros((self.states, self.inputs)) C = np.zeros((self.outputs, self.states)) D = np.zeros((self.outputs, self.inputs)) iloc = 0 for i in range(self.blocks_x): jloc = 0 for j in range(self.blocks_x): if not self.A[i][j] is None: if type(self.A[i][j]) == libsp.csc_matrix: A[iloc:iloc+self.S_x[i], jloc:jloc+self.S_x[j]] = self.A[i][j].todense() else: A[iloc:iloc+self.S_x[i], jloc:jloc+self.S_x[j]] = self.A[i][j].copy() jloc += self.S_x[j] iloc += self.S_x[i] iloc = 0 for i in range(self.blocks_x): jloc = 0 for j in range(self.blocks_u): if not self.B[i][j] is None: # print(i, j, iloc, jloc, self.S_x[i], self.S_u[j], self.B[i][j].shape) # print(iloc, iloc+self.S_x[i], jloc, jloc+self.S_u[j]) if type(self.B[i][j]) == libsp.csc_matrix: B[iloc:iloc+self.S_x[i], jloc:jloc+self.S_u[j]] = self.B[i][j].todense() else: B[iloc:iloc+self.S_x[i], jloc:jloc+self.S_u[j]] = self.B[i][j].copy() jloc += self.S_u[j] iloc += self.S_x[i] iloc = 0 for i in range(self.blocks_y): jloc = 0 for j in range(self.blocks_x): if not self.C[i][j] is None: if type(self.C[i][j]) == libsp.csc_matrix: C[iloc:iloc+self.S_y[i], jloc:jloc+self.S_x[j]] = self.C[i][j].todense() else: C[iloc:iloc+self.S_y[i], jloc:jloc+self.S_x[j]] = self.C[i][j].copy() jloc += self.S_x[j] iloc += self.S_y[i] iloc = 0 for i in range(self.blocks_y): jloc = 0 for j in range(self.blocks_u): if not self.D[i][j] is None: if type(self.D[i][j]) == libsp.csc_matrix: D[iloc:iloc+self.S_y[i], jloc:jloc+self.S_u[j]] = self.D[i][j].todense() else: D[iloc:iloc+self.S_y[i], jloc:jloc+self.S_u[j]] = self.D[i][j].copy() jloc += self.S_u[j] iloc += self.S_y[i] return A, B, C, D
# ---------------------------------------- Methods for state-space manipulation def project(ss_here, WT, V): """ Given 2 transformation matrices, (WT,V) of shapes (Nk,self.states) and (self.states,Nk) respectively, this routine returns a projection of the state space ss_here according to: Anew = WT A V Bnew = WT B Cnew = C V Dnew = D The projected model has the same number of inputs/outputs as the original one, but Nk states. """ Ap =,, V)) Bp =, ss_here.B) Cp =, V) return StateSpace(Ap, Bp, Cp, ss_here.D, ss_here.dt) def couple(ss01, ss02, K12, K21, out_sparse=False): """ Couples 2 dlti systems ss01 and ss02 through the gains K12 and K21, where K12 transforms the output of ss02 into an input of ss01. Other inputs: - out_sparse: if True, the output system is stored as sparse (not recommended) """ if ss01.dt is None and ss02.dt is None: pass else: try: assert np.abs(ss01.dt - ss02.dt) < 1e-10 * ss01.dt, 'Time-steps not matching!' except TypeError: raise TypeError('One of the systems to couple is discrete and the other continuous') if ss01.input_variables is not None and ss02.input_variables is not None \ and isinstance(K12, Gain) and isinstance(K21, Gain): with_enhanced_vars = True LinearVector.check_connection(K12.output_variables, ss01.input_variables) LinearVector.check_connection(ss02.output_variables, K12.input_variables) LinearVector.check_connection(K21.output_variables, ss02.input_variables) LinearVector.check_connection(ss01.output_variables, K21.input_variables) K21 = K21.value K12 = K12.value else: with_enhanced_vars = False assert K12.shape == (ss01.inputs, ss02.outputs), \ 'Gain K12 shape not matching with systems number of inputs/outputs' assert K21.shape == (ss02.inputs, ss01.outputs), \ 'Gain K21 shape not matching with systems number of inputs/outputs' A1, B1, C1, D1 = ss01.get_mats() A2, B2, C2, D2 = ss02.get_mats() # extract size Nx1, Nu1 = B1.shape Ny1 = C1.shape[0] Nx2, Nu2 = B2.shape Ny2 = C2.shape[0] # terms to invert maxD1 = np.max(np.abs(D1)) maxD2 = np.max(np.abs(D2)) if maxD1 < 1e-32: pass if maxD2 < 1e-32: pass # compute self-influence gains K11 =,, K21)) K22 =,, K12)) # left hand side terms L1 =, D1) L2 =, D2) L1 += libsp.eye_as(L1) L2 += libsp.eye_as(L2) # coupling terms cpl_12 = libsp.solve(L1, K12) cpl_21 = libsp.solve(L2, K21) cpl_11 =,, K21)) cpl_22 =,, K12)) # Build coupled system if out_sparse: raise NameError('out_sparse=True not supported yet (verify if worth it first).') else: A = np.block([ [libsp.dense(A1 +, cpl_11), C1)), libsp.dense(, cpl_12), C2))], [libsp.dense(, cpl_21), C1)), libsp.dense(A2 +, cpl_22), C2))]]) C = np.block([ [libsp.dense(C1 +, cpl_11), C1)), libsp.dense(, cpl_12), C2))], [libsp.dense(, cpl_21), C1)), libsp.dense(C2 +, cpl_22), C2))]]) B = np.block([ [libsp.dense(B1 +, cpl_11), D1)), libsp.dense(, cpl_12), D2))], [libsp.dense(, cpl_21), D1)), libsp.dense(B2 +, cpl_22), D2))]]) D = np.block([ [libsp.dense(D1 +, cpl_11), D1)), libsp.dense(, cpl_12), D2))], [libsp.dense(, cpl_21), D1)), libsp.dense(D2 +, cpl_22), D2))]]) coupled_ss = StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=ss01.dt) if with_enhanced_vars: coupled_ss.state_variables = LinearVector.merge(ss01.state_variables, ss02.state_variables) coupled_ss.input_variables = LinearVector.merge(ss01.input_variables, ss02.input_variables) coupled_ss.output_variables = LinearVector.merge(ss01.output_variables, ss02.output_variables) return coupled_ss def disc2cont(sys): r""" Transform a discrete time system to a continuous time system using a bilinear (Tustin) transformation. Given a discrete time system with time step :math:`\Delta T`, the equivalent continuous time system is given by: .. math:: \bar{A} &= \omega_0(A-I)(I + A)^{-1} \\ \bar{B} &= \sqrt{2\omega_0}(I+A)^{-1}B \\ \bar{C} &= \sqrt{2\omega_0}C(I+A)^{-1} \\ \bar{D} &= D - C(I+A)^{-1}B where :math:`\omega_0 = \frac{2}{\Delta T}`. References: MIT OCW 6.245 Args: sys (libss.StateSpace): SHARPy discrete-time state-space object. Returns: libss.StateSpace: Converted continuous-time state-space object. """ assert sys.dt is not None, 'System to transform is not a discrete-time system.' n = sys.A.shape[0] eye = np.eye(n) eye_a_inv = np.linalg.inv(sys.A + eye) omega_0 = 2 / sys.dt a = omega_0 * (sys.A - eye).dot(eye_a_inv) b = np.sqrt(2 * omega_0) * c = np.sqrt(2 * omega_0) * d = sys.D - sys_ct = StateSpace(a, b, c, d) if sys.input_variables is not None: sys_ct.input_variables = sys.input_variables sys_ct.state_variables = sys.state_variables sys_ct.output_variables = sys.output_variables return sys_ct def retain_inout_channels(sys, retain_channels, where): """ Retain selected input or output channels only. Args: retain_channels (list): List of channels to retain where (str): ``in`` or ``out`` for input/output channels Returns: StateSpace: Updated state-space object """ retain_m = len(retain_channels) # new number of in/out if where == 'in': m = sys.inputs # current number of in/out gain_input_vars = sys.input_variables gain_output_vars = LinearVector.transform(sys.input_variables, to_type=OutputVariable) elif where == 'out': m = sys.outputs gain_input_vars = LinearVector.transform(sys.output_variables, to_type=InputVariable) gain_output_vars = sys.output_variables.copy() else: raise NameError('Argument ``where`` can only be ``in`` or ``out``.') gain_matrix = np.zeros((retain_m, m)) for ith, channel in enumerate(retain_channels): gain_matrix[ith, channel] = 1 # Go through variables... for var in gain_input_vars: n_vars = np.sum( (np.array(retain_channels) < var.end_position) * (np.array(retain_channels) >= var.first_position)) if n_vars == 0: gain_output_vars.remove( else: gain_output_vars.modify(, size=n_vars) gain_output_vars.update_indices() gain_output_vars.update_locations() gain_matrix = Gain(gain_matrix, input_vars=gain_input_vars, output_vars=gain_output_vars) if where == 'in': sys.addGain(gain_matrix.transpose(), where='in') elif where == 'out': sys.addGain(gain_matrix, where='out') else: raise NameError('Argument ``where`` can only be ``in`` or ``out``.') return sys def freqresp(SS, wv, dlti=True): """ In-house frequency response function supporting dense/sparse types Inputs: - SS: instance of StateSpace class, or scipy.signal.StateSpace* - wv: frequency range - dlti: True if discrete-time system is considered. Outputs: - Yfreq[outputs,inputs,len(wv)]: frequency response over wv Warnings: - This function may not be very efficient for dense matrices (as A is not reduced to upper Hessenberg form), but can exploit sparsity in the state-space matrices. """ assert type(SS) == StateSpace, \ 'Type %s of state-space model not supported. Use libss.StateSpace instead!' % type(SS) SS.check_types() if hasattr(SS, 'dt') and dlti: Ts = SS.dt wTs = Ts * wv zv = np.cos(wTs) + 1.j * np.sin(wTs) else: # print('Assuming a continuous time system') zv = 1.j * wv Nx = SS.A.shape[0] Ny = SS.D.shape[0] try: Nu = SS.B.shape[1] except IndexError: Nu = 1 Nw = len(wv) Yfreq = np.empty((Ny, Nu, Nw,), dtype=np.complex_) Eye = libsp.eye_as(SS.A) for ii in range(Nw): sol_cplx = libsp.solve(zv[ii] * Eye - SS.A, SS.B) Yfreq[:, :, ii] =, sol_cplx, type_out=np.ndarray) + SS.D return Yfreq def series(SS01, SS02): r""" Connects two state-space blocks in series. If these are instances of DLTI state-space systems, they need to have the same type and time-step. If the input systems are sparse, they are converted to dense. The connection is such that: .. math:: u \rightarrow \mathsf{SS01} \rightarrow \mathsf{SS02} \rightarrow y \Longrightarrow u \rightarrow \mathsf{SStot} \rightarrow y where the state vector :math:`x` is :math:`[x_1, x_2]`. Args: SS01 (libss.StateSpace): State Space 1 instance. Can be DLTI/CLTI, dense or sparse. SS02 (libss.StateSpace): State Space 2 instance. Can be DLTI/CLTI, dense or sparse. Returns libss.StateSpace: Combined state space system in series in dense format. """ if type(SS01) is not type(SS02): raise TypeError('The two input systems are not of the same type') if SS01.dt != SS02.dt: raise NameError('DLTI systems do not have the same time-step. SS01 dt={:f}, SS02 dt={:f}'.format( SS01.dt, SS02.dt)) # check series connection if SS01.output_variables is not None and SS02.input_variables is not None: LinearVector.check_connection(SS01.output_variables, SS02.input_variables) # for i_var in range(SS01.output_variables.num_variables): # out1 = SS01.output_variables[i_var] # in2 = SS02.input_variables[i_var] # if != # raise NameError('Series coupling outputs1 and inputs2 have different names') # if not (out1.rows_loc == in2.cols_loc).all: # raise IndexError('Series coupling. Output1 channels do not line up with input2 channels.') # determine size of total system Nst01, Nst02 = SS01.states, SS02.states Nst = Nst01 + Nst02 Nin = SS01.inputs Nout = SS02.outputs if SS01.outputs != SS02.inputs: raise ValueError('SS01 outputs not equal to SS02 inputs,\nSS01={:s}\nSS02={:s}'.format(str(SS01), str(SS02))) # Build A matrix A = np.zeros((Nst, Nst)) A[:Nst01, :Nst01] = libsp.dense(SS01.A) A[Nst01:, Nst01:] = libsp.dense(SS02.A) A[Nst01:, :Nst01] = libsp.dense(, SS01.C)) # Build the rest B = np.concatenate((libsp.dense(SS01.B), libsp.dense(, SS01.D))), axis=0) C = np.concatenate((libsp.dense(, SS01.C)), libsp.dense(SS02.C)), axis=1) D = libsp.dense(, SS01.D)) SStot = StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS01.dt) SStot.input_variables = SS01.input_variables try: SStot.state_variables = LinearVector.merge(SS01.state_variables, SS02.state_variables) except AttributeError: SStot.state_variables = None SStot.output_variables = SS02.output_variables return SStot def parallel(SS01, SS02): """ Returns the sum (or parallel connection of two systems). Given two state-space models with the same output, but different input: u1 --> SS01 --> y u2 --> SS02 --> y """ if type(SS01) is not type(SS02): raise NameError('The two input systems need to have the same size!') if SS01.dt != SS02.dt: raise NameError('DLTI systems do not have the same time-step!') Nout = SS02.outputs if Nout != SS01.outputs: raise NameError('DLTI systems need to have the same number of output!') # if type(SS01) is control.statesp.StateSpace: # SStot=control.parallel(SS01,SS02) # else: # determine size of total system Nst01, Nst02 = SS01.states, SS02.states Nst = Nst01 + Nst02 Nin01, Nin02 = SS01.inputs, SS02.inputs Nin = Nin01 + Nin02 # Build A,B matrix A = np.zeros((Nst, Nst)) A[:Nst01, :Nst01] = SS01.A A[Nst01:, Nst01:] = SS02.A B = np.zeros((Nst, Nin)) B[:Nst01, :Nin01] = SS01.B B[Nst01:, Nin01:] = SS02.B # Build the rest C = np.block([SS01.C, SS02.C]) D = np.block([SS01.D, SS02.D]) SStot = scsig.dlti(A, B, C, D, dt=SS01.dt) return SStot def SSconv(A, B0, B1, C, D, Bm1=None): r""" Convert a DLTI system with prediction and delay of the form: .. math:: \mathbf{x}_{n+1} &= \mathbf{A\,x}_n + \mathbf{B_0\,u}_n + \mathbf{B_1\,u}_{n+1} + \mathbf{B_{m1}\,u}_{n-1} \\ \mathbf{y}_n &= \mathbf{C\,x}_n + \mathbf{D\,u}_n into the state-space form: .. math:: \mathbf{h}_{n+1} &= \mathbf{A_h\,h}_n + \mathbf{B_h\,u}_n \\ \mathbf{y}_n &= \mathbf{C_h\,h}_n + \mathbf{D_h\,u}_n If :math:`\mathbf{B_{m1}}` is ``None``, the original state is retrieved through .. math:: \mathbf{x}_n = \mathbf{h}_n + \mathbf{B_1\,u}_n and only the :math:`\mathbf{B}` and :math:`\mathbf{D}` matrices are modified. If :math:`\mathbf{B_{m1}}` is not ``None``, the SS is augmented with the new state .. math:: \mathbf{g}_{n} = \mathbf{u}_{n-1} or, equivalently, with the equation .. math:: \mathbf{g}_{n+1} = \mathbf{u}_n leading to the new form .. math:: \mathbf{H}_{n+1} &= \mathbf{A_A\,H}_{n} + \mathbf{B_B\,u}_n \\ \mathbf{y}_n &= \mathbf{C_C\,H}_{n} + \mathbf{D_D\,u}_n where :math:`\mathbf{H} = (\mathbf{x},\,\mathbf{g})`. Args: A (np.ndarray): dynamics matrix B0 (np.ndarray): input matrix for input at current time step ``n``. Set to None if this is zero. B1 (np.ndarray): input matrix for input at time step ``n+1`` (predictor term) C (np.ndarray): output matrix D (np.ndarray): direct matrix Bm1 (np.ndarray): input matrix for input at time step ``n-1`` (delay term) Returns: tuple: tuple packed with the state-space matrices :math:`\mathbf{A},\,\mathbf{B},\,\mathbf{C}` and :math:`\mathbf{D}`. References: Franklin, GF and Powell, JD. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1980 Warnings: functions untested for delays (Bm1 != 0) """ # Account for u^{n+1} terms (prediction) if B0 is None: Bh =, B1) else: Bh = B0 +, B1) Dh = D +, B1) # Account for u^{n-1} terms (delay) if Bm1 is None: outs = (A, Bh, C, Dh) else: warnings.warn('Function untested when Bm1!=None') Nx, Nu, Ny = A.shape[0], Bh.shape[1], C.shape[0] AA = np.block([[A, Bm1], [np.zeros((Nu, Nx)), np.zeros((Nu, Nu))]]) BB = np.block([[Bh], [np.eye(Nu)]]) CC = np.block([C, np.zeros((Ny, Nu))]) DD = Dh outs = (AA, BB, CC, DD) return outs def addGain(SShere, Kmat, where): """ Convert input u or output y of a SS DLTI system through gain matrix K. We have the following transformations: - where='in': the input dof of the state-space are changed u_new -> Kmat*u -> SS -> y => u_new -> SSnew -> y - where='out': the output dof of the state-space are changed u -> SS -> y -> Kmat*u -> ynew => u -> SSnew -> ynew - where='parallel': the input dofs are changed, but not the output - {u_1 -> SS -> y_1 { u_2 -> y_2= Kmat*u_2 => u_new=(u_1,u_2) -> SSnew -> y=y_1+y_2 {y = y_1+y_2 - Warning: function not tested for Kmat stored in sparse format """ assert where in ['in', 'out', 'parallel-down', 'parallel-up'], \ 'Specify whether gains are added to input or output' if where == 'in': A = SShere.A B = C = SShere.C D = if where == 'out': A = SShere.A B = SShere.B C = D = if where == 'parallel-down': A = SShere.A C = SShere.C B = np.block([SShere.B, np.zeros((SShere.B.shape[0], Kmat.shape[1]))]) D = np.block([SShere.D, Kmat]) if where == 'parallel-up': A = SShere.A C = SShere.C B = np.block([np.zeros((SShere.B.shape[0], Kmat.shape[1])), SShere.B]) D = np.block([Kmat, SShere.D]) if SShere.dt == None: SSnew = StateSpace(A, B, C, D) else: SSnew = StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SShere.dt) return SSnew def join2(SS1, SS2): r""" Join two state-spaces or gain matrices such that, given: .. math:: \mathbf{u}_1 \longrightarrow &\mathbf{SS}_1 \longrightarrow \mathbf{y}_1 \\ \mathbf{u}_2 \longrightarrow &\mathbf{SS}_2 \longrightarrow \mathbf{y}_2 we obtain: .. math:: \mathbf{u} \longrightarrow \mathbf{SS}_{TOT} \longrightarrow \mathbf{y} with :math:`\mathbf{u}=(\mathbf{u}_1,\mathbf{u}_2)^T` and :math:`\mathbf{y}=(\mathbf{y}_1,\mathbf{y}_2)^T`. The output :math:`\mathbf{SS}_{TOT}` is either a gain matrix or a state-space system according to the input :math:`\mathbf{SS}_1` and :math:`\mathbf{SS}_2` Args: SS1 (scsig.StateSpace or np.ndarray): State space 1 or gain 1 SS2 (scsig.StateSpace or np.ndarray): State space 2 or gain 2 Returns: scsig.StateSpace or np.ndarray: combined state space or gain matrix """ type_dlti = scsig.ltisys.StateSpaceDiscrete if isinstance(SS1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(SS2, np.ndarray): Nin01, Nin02 = SS1.shape[1], SS2.shape[1] Nout01, Nout02 = SS1.shape[0], SS2.shape[0] SStot = np.block([[SS1, np.zeros((Nout01, Nin02))], [np.zeros((Nout02, Nin01)), SS2]]) elif isinstance(SS1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(SS2, type_dlti): Nin01, Nout01 = SS1.shape[1], SS1.shape[0] Nin02, Nout02 = SS2.inputs, SS2.outputs Nx02 = SS2.A.shape[0] A = SS2.A B = np.block([np.zeros((Nx02, Nin01)), SS2.B]) C = np.block([[np.zeros((Nout01, Nx02))], [SS2.C]]) D = np.block([[SS1, np.zeros((Nout01, Nin02))], [np.zeros((Nout02, Nin01)), SS2.D]]) SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS2.dt) elif isinstance(SS1, type_dlti) and isinstance(SS2, np.ndarray): Nin01, Nout01 = SS1.inputs, SS1.outputs Nin02, Nout02 = SS2.shape[1], SS2.shape[0] Nx01 = SS1.A.shape[0] A = SS1.A B = np.block([SS1.B, np.zeros((Nx01, Nin02))]) C = np.block([[SS1.C], [np.zeros((Nout02, Nx01))]]) D = np.block([[SS1.D, np.zeros((Nout01, Nin02))], [np.zeros((Nout02, Nin01)), SS2]]) SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS1.dt) elif isinstance(SS1, type_dlti) and isinstance(SS2, type_dlti): assert SS1.dt == SS2.dt, 'State-space models must have the same time-step' Nin01, Nout01 = SS1.inputs, SS1.outputs Nin02, Nout02 = SS2.inputs, SS2.outputs Nx01, Nx02 = SS1.A.shape[0], SS2.A.shape[0] A = np.block([[SS1.A, np.zeros((Nx01, Nx02))], [np.zeros((Nx02, Nx01)), SS2.A]]) B = np.block([[SS1.B, np.zeros((Nx01, Nin02))], [np.zeros((Nx02, Nin01)), SS2.B]]) C = np.block([[SS1.C, np.zeros((Nout01, Nx02))], [np.zeros((Nout02, Nx01)), SS2.C]]) D = np.block([[SS1.D, np.zeros((Nout01, Nin02))], [np.zeros((Nout02, Nin01)), SS2.D]]) SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS1.dt) else: raise NameError('Input types not recognised in any implemented option!') return SStot def join(SS_list, wv=None): """ Given a list of state-space models belonging to the StateSpace class, creates a joined system whose output is the sum of the state-space outputs. If wv is not None, this is a list of weights, such that the output is: y = sum( wv[ii] y_ii ) Ref: equation (4.22) of Benner, P., Gugercin, S. & Willcox, K., 2015. A Survey of Projection-Based Model Reduction Methods for Parametric Dynamical Systems. SIAM Review, 57(4), pp.483–531. Warnings: - system matrices must be numpy arrays - the function does not perform any check! """ N = len(SS_list) if wv is not None: assert N == len(wv), "'weights input should have'" A = scalg.block_diag(*[getattr(ss, 'A') for ss in SS_list]) B = np.block([[getattr(ss, 'B')] for ss in SS_list]) if wv is None: C = np.block([getattr(ss, 'C') for ss in SS_list]) else: C = np.block([ww * getattr(ss, 'C') for ww, ss in zip(wv, SS_list)]) D = np.zeros_like(SS_list[0].D) for ii in range(N): if wv is None: D += SS_list[ii].D else: D += wv[ii] * SS_list[ii].D return StateSpace(A, B, C, D, SS_list[0].dt) def sum_ss(SS1, SS2, negative=False): """ Given 2 systems or gain matrices (or a combination of the two) having the same amount of input/output, the function returns a gain or state space model summing the two. Namely, given: u -> SS1 -> y1 u -> SS2 -> y2 we obtain: u -> SStot -> y1+y2 if negative=False """ type_dlti = scsig.ltisys.StateSpaceDiscrete if isinstance(SS1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(SS2, np.ndarray): SStot = SS1 + SS2 elif isinstance(SS1, np.ndarray) and isinstance(SS2, type_dlti): Kmat = SS1 A = SS2.A B = SS2.B C = SS2.C D = SS2.D + Kmat SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS2.dt) elif isinstance(SS1, type_dlti) and isinstance(SS2, np.ndarray): Kmat = SS2 A = SS1.A B = SS1.B C = SS1.C D = SS1.D + Kmat SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS2.dt) elif isinstance(SS1, type_dlti) and isinstance(SS2, type_dlti): assert np.abs(1. - SS1.dt / SS2.dt) < 1e-13, \ 'State-space models must have the same time-step' Nin01, Nout01 = SS1.inputs, SS1.outputs Nin02, Nout02 = SS2.inputs, SS2.outputs Nx01, Nx02 = SS1.A.shape[0], SS2.A.shape[0] A = np.block([[SS1.A, np.zeros((Nx01, Nx02))], [np.zeros((Nx02, Nx01)), SS2.A]]) B = np.block([[SS1.B, ], [SS2.B]]) C = np.block([SS1.C, SS2.C]) D = SS1.D + SS2.D SStot = scsig.StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=SS1.dt) else: raise NameError('Input types not recognised in any implemented option!') return SStot def scale_SS(SSin, input_scal=1., output_scal=1., state_scal=1., byref=True): r""" Given a state-space system, scales the equations such that the original input and output, :math:`u` and :math:`y`, are substituted by :math:`u_{AD}=\frac{u}{u_{ref}}` and :math:`y_{AD}=\frac{y}{y_{ref}}`. If the original system has form: .. math:: \mathbf{x}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{A\,x}^n + \mathbf{B\,u}^n \\ \mathbf{y}^{n} &= \mathbf{C\,x}^{n} + \mathbf{D\,u}^n the transformation is such that: .. math:: \mathbf{x}^{n+1} &= \mathbf{A\,x}^n + \mathbf{B}\,\frac{u_{ref}}{x_{ref}}\mathbf{u_{AD}}^n \\ \mathbf{y_{AD}}^{n+1} &= \frac{1}{y_{ref}}(\mathbf{C}\,x_{ref}\,\mathbf{x}^{n+1} + \mathbf{D}\,u_{ref}\,\mathbf{u_{AD}}^n) By default, the state-space model is manipulated by reference (``byref=True``) Args: SSin (scsig.dlti): original state-space formulation input_scal (float or np.ndarray): input scaling factor :math:`u_{ref}`. It can be a float or an array, in which case the each element of the input vector will be scaled by a different factor. output_scal (float or np.ndarray): output scaling factor :math:`y_{ref}`. It can be a float or an array, in which case the each element of the output vector will be scaled by a different factor. state_scal (float or np.ndarray): state scaling factor :math:`x_{ref}`. It can be a float or an array, in which case the each element of the state vector will be scaled by a different factor. byref (bool): state space manipulation order Returns: scsig.dlti: scaled state space formulation """ # check input: Nin, Nout = SSin.inputs, SSin.outputs Nstates = SSin.A.shape[0] if isinstance(input_scal, (list, np.ndarray)): assert len(input_scal) == Nin, \ 'Length of input_scal not matching number of state-space inputs!' else: input_scal = Nin * [input_scal] if isinstance(output_scal, (list, np.ndarray)): assert len(output_scal) == Nout, \ 'Length of output_scal not matching number of state-space outputs!' else: output_scal = Nout * [output_scal] if isinstance(state_scal, (list, np.ndarray)): assert len(state_scal) == Nstates, \ 'Length of state_scal not matching number of state-space states!' else: state_scal = Nstates * [state_scal] if byref: SS = SSin else: print('deep-copying state-space model before scaling') SS = copy.deepcopy(SSin) # update input related matrices for ii in range(Nin): SS.B[:, ii] = SS.B[:, ii] * input_scal[ii] SS.D[:, ii] = SS.D[:, ii] * input_scal[ii] # SS.B[:,ii]*=input_scal[ii] # SS.D[:,ii]*=input_scal[ii] # update output related matrices for ii in range(Nout): SS.C[ii, :] = SS.C[ii, :] / output_scal[ii] SS.D[ii, :] = SS.D[ii, :] / output_scal[ii] # SS.C[ii,:]/=output_scal[ii] # SS.D[ii,:]/=output_scal[ii] # update state related matrices for ii in range(Nstates): SS.B[ii, :] = SS.B[ii, :] / state_scal[ii] SS.C[:, ii] = SS.C[:, ii] * state_scal[ii] # SS.B[ii,:]/=state_scal[ii] # SS.C[:,ii]*=state_scal[ii] return SS def simulate(SShere, U, x0=None): """ Routine to simulate response to generic input. Warnings: This routine is for testing and may lack of robustness. Use scipy.signal instead. """ A, B, C, D = SShere.A, SShere.B, SShere.C, SShere.D NT = U.shape[0] Nx = A.shape[0] Ny = C.shape[0] X = np.zeros((NT, Nx)) Y = np.zeros((NT, Ny)) if x0 is not None: X[0] = x0 if len(U.shape) == 1: U = U.reshape((NT, 1)) Y[0] =, X[0]) +, U[0]) for ii in range(1, NT): X[ii] =, X[ii - 1]) +, U[ii - 1]) Y[ii] =, X[ii]) +, U[ii]) return Y, X def Hnorm_from_freq_resp(gv, method): """ Given a frequency response over a domain kv, this funcion computes the H norms through numerical integration. Note that if kv[-1]<np.pi/dt, the method assumed gv=0 for each frequency kv[-1]<k<np.pi/dt. Warning: only use for SISO systems! For MIMO definitions are different """ if method == 'H2': Nk = len(gv) gvsq = gv * gv.conj() Gnorm = np.sqrt(np.trapz(gvsq / (Nk - 1.))) elif method == 'Hinf': Gnorm = np.linalg.norm(gv, np.inf) if np.abs(Gnorm.imag / Gnorm.real) > 1e-16: raise NameError('Norm is not a real number. Verify data/algorithm!') return Gnorm def adjust_phase(y, deg=True): """ Modify the phase y of a frequency response to remove discontinuities. """ if deg is True: shift = 360. else: shift = 2. * np.pi dymax = 0.0 N = len(y) for ii in range(N - 1): dy = y[ii + 1] - y[ii] if np.abs(dy) > dymax: dymax = np.abs(dy) if dy > 0.97 * shift: print('Subtracting shift to frequency response phase diagram!') y[ii + 1::] = y[ii + 1::] - shift elif dy < -0.97 * shift: y[ii + 1::] = y[ii + 1::] + shift print('Adding shift to frequency response phase diagram!') return y # -------------------------------------------------------------- Special Models def SSderivative(ds): """ Given a time-step ds, and an single input time history u, this SS model returns the output y=[u,du/ds], where du/dt is computed with second order accuracy. """ A = np.array([[0]]) Bm1 = np.array([0.5 / ds]) B0 = np.array([[-2 / ds]]) B1 = np.array([[1.5 / ds]]) C = np.array([[0], [1]]) D = np.array([[1], [0]]) # change state Aout, Bout, Cout, Dout = SSconv(A, B0, B1, C, D, Bm1) return Aout, Bout, Cout, Dout def SSintegr(ds, method='trap'): """ Builds a state-space model of an integrator. - method: Numerical scheme. Available options are: - 1tay: 1st order Taylor (fwd) I[ii+1,:]=I[ii,:] + ds*F[ii,:] - trap: I[ii+1,:]=I[ii,:] + 0.5*dx*(F[ii,:]+F[ii+1,:]) Note: other option can be constructured if information on derivative of F is available (for e.g.) """ A = np.array([[1]]) C = np.array([[1.]]) D = np.array([[0.]]) if method == '1tay': Bm1 = np.array([0.]) B0 = np.array([[ds]]) B1 = np.array([[0.]]) Aout, Bout, Cout, Dout = A, B0, C, D elif method == 'trap': Bm1 = np.array([0.]) B0 = np.array([[.5 * ds]]) B1 = np.array([[.5 * ds]]) Aout, Bout, Cout, Dout = SSconv(A, B0, B1, C, D, Bm1=None) else: raise NameError('Method %s not available!' % method) # change state return Aout, Bout, Cout, Dout def build_SS_poly(Acf, ds, negative=False): """ Builds a discrete-time state-space representation of a polynomial system whose frequency response has from: Ypoly[oo,ii](k) = -A2[oo,ii] D2(k) - A1[oo,ii] D1(k) - A0[oo,ii] where C1,D2 are discrete-time models of first and second derivatives, ds is the time-step and the coefficient matrices are such that: A{nn}=Acf[oo,ii,nn] """ Nout, Nin, Ncf = Acf.shape assert Ncf == 3, 'Acf input last dimension must be equal to 3!' Ader, Bder, Cder, Dder = SSderivative(ds) SSder = scsig.dlti(Ader, Bder, Cder, Dder, dt=ds) SSder02 = series(SSder, join2(np.array([[1]]), SSder)) SSder_all = copy.deepcopy(SSder02) for ii in range(Nin - 1): SSder_all = join2(SSder_all, SSder02) # Build polynomial forcing terms sign = 1.0 if negative == True: sign = -1.0 A0 = Acf[:, :, 0] A1 = Acf[:, :, 1] A2 = Acf[:, :, 2] Kforce = np.zeros((Nout, 3 * Nin)) for ii in range(Nin): Kforce[:, 3 * ii] = sign * (A0[:, ii]) Kforce[:, 3 * ii + 1] = sign * (A1[:, ii]) Kforce[:, 3 * ii + 2] = sign * (A2[:, ii]) SSpoly_neg = addGain(SSder_all, Kforce, where='out') return SSpoly_neg def butter(order, Wn, N=1, btype='lowpass'): """ build MIMO butterworth filter of order ord and cut-off freq over Nyquist freq ratio Wn. The filter will have N input and N output and N*ord states. Note: the state-space form of the digital filter does not depend on the sampling time, but only on the Wn ratio. As a result, this function only returns the A,B,C,D matrices of the filter state-space form. """ # build DLTI SISO num, den = scsig.butter(order, Wn, btype=btype, analog=False, output='ba') Af, Bf, Cf, Df = scsig.tf2ss(num, den) SSf = scsig.dlti(Af, Bf, Cf, Df, dt=1.0) SStot = SSf for ii in range(1, N): SStot = join2(SStot, SSf) return SStot.A, SStot.B, SStot.C, SStot.D # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Utils def get_freq_from_eigs(eigs, dlti=True): """ Compute natural freq corresponding to eigenvalues, eigs, of a continuous or discrete-time (dlti=True) systems. Note: if dlti=True, the frequency is normalised by (1./dt), where dt is the DLTI time-step - i.e. the frequency in Hertz is obtained by multiplying fn by (1./dt). """ if dlti: fn = 0.5 * np.angle(eigs) / np.pi else: fn = np.abs(eigs.imag) return fn def eigvals(a, dlti=False): """ Ordered eigenvalaues of a matrix. Args: a (np.ndarray): Matrix. dlti (bool): If true, the eigenvalues are ordered by modulus, else by real part. Returns: np.ndarray: ordered set of eigenvalues. """ eigs = np.linalg.eigvals(a) if dlti: order = np.argsort(np.abs(eigs)) else: order = np.argsort(eigs.real) return eigs[order] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- Testing def random_ss(Nx, Nu, Ny, dt=None, use_sparse=False, stable=True): """ Define random system from number of states (Nx), inputs (Nu) and output (Ny). Args: Nx (int): Number of states Nu (int): Number of inputs Ny (int): Number of outputs dt (float (optional)): Time step for discrete systems use_sparse (bool): Use sparse matrices stable (bool): Ensure the system is stable Returns: StateSpace: State space object """ A = np.random.rand(Nx, Nx) if stable: ev, U = np.linalg.eig(A) evabs = np.abs(ev) for ee in range(len(ev)): if evabs[ee] > 0.99: ev[ee] /= 1.1 * evabs[ee] A = * ev, np.linalg.inv(U)).real B = np.random.rand(Nx, Nu) C = np.random.rand(Ny, Nx) D = np.random.rand(Ny, Nu) if use_sparse: ss = StateSpace(libsp.csc_matrix(A), libsp.csc_matrix(B), libsp.csc_matrix(C), libsp.csc_matrix(D), dt=dt) else: ss = StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt=dt) ss.initialise_variables(({'name': 'input_variable', 'size': Nu}), var_type='in') ss.initialise_variables(({'name': 'output_variable', 'size': Ny}), var_type='out') ss.initialise_variables(({'name': 'state_variable', 'size': Nx}), var_type='state') return ss def compare_ss(SS1, SS2, tol=1e-10, Print=False): """ Assert matrices of state-space models are identical """ era = np.max(np.abs(libsp.dense(SS1.A) - libsp.dense(SS2.A))) if Print: print('Max. error A: %.3e' % era) erb = np.max(np.abs(libsp.dense(SS1.B) - libsp.dense(SS2.B))) if Print: print('Max. error B: %.3e' % erb) erc = np.max(np.abs(libsp.dense(SS1.C) - libsp.dense(SS2.C))) if Print: print('Max. error C: %.3e' % erc) erd = np.max(np.abs(libsp.dense(SS1.D) - libsp.dense(SS2.D))) if Print: print('Max. error D: %.3e' % erd) assert era < tol, 'Error A matrix %.2e>%.2e' % (era, tol) assert erb < tol, 'Error B matrix %.2e>%.2e' % (erb, tol) assert erc < tol, 'Error C matrix %.2e>%.2e' % (erc, tol) assert erd < tol, 'Error D matrix %.2e>%.2e' % (erd, tol) # print('System matrices identical within tolerance %.2e'%tol) return (era, erb, erc, erd) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ss_to_scipy(ss): """ Converts to a scipy.signal linear time invariant system Args: ss (libss.StateSpace): SHARPy state space object Returns: scipy.signal.dlti """ if ss.dt == None: sys = scsig.lti(ss.A, ss.B, ss.C, ss.D) else: sys = scsig.dlti(ss.A, ss.B, ss.C, ss.D, dt=ss.dt) return sys