Geometrical methods for bound surfaces
S. Maraniello, 20 May 2018
import numpy as np
import itertools
import sharpy.aero.utils.uvlmlib as uvlmlib # SHARPy's main uvlm interface with cpp
import sharpy.linear.src.uvlmutils as uvlmutils # library with UVLM solution methods
from sharpy.aero.utils.uvlmlib import get_aic3_cpp
import sharpy.utils.cout_utils as cout
dmver = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]) # delta to go from (m,n) panel to (m,n) vertices
dnver = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
[docs]class AeroGridGeo():
Allows retrieving geometrical information of a surface. Requires a
gridmapping.AeroGridMap mapping structure in input and the surface vertices
Indices convention: each panel is characterised through the following
- m,n: chord/span-wise indices
- get_*: retrieve information of a panel (e.g. normal, surface area)
- generate_*: apply get_* method to each panel and store info into array.
Interpolation matrices, W:
- these are labelled as 'Wba', where 'a' defines the initial format, b the
final. Hence, given the array vb, it holds va=Wab*vb
def __init__(self,
Map: 'gridmapping.AeroGridMap instance',
zeta: 'Array of vertex coordinates at each surface',
aM: 'chord-wise position of collocation point in panel' = 0.5,
aN: 'span-wise position of collocation point in panel' = 0.5):
self.maps = Map
self.zeta = zeta
self.aM = aM
self.aN = aN
### Mapping coefficients
# self.wvc=self.get_panel_wcv(self.aM,self.aN)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_panel_vertices_coords(self, m, n):
Retrieves coordinates of panel (m,n) vertices.
# mpv=self.maps.from_panel_to_vertices(m,n)
# mpv=self.maps.Mpv[m,n,:,:]
# zetav_here_ref=np.zeros((4,3),order='C')
# for ii in range(4):
# zetav_here_ref[ii,:]=self.zeta[:,mpv[ii,0],mpv[ii,1]]
# zetav_here=self.zeta[:,dmver+m,dnver+n].T
# assert np.max(np.abs(zetav_here-zetav_here_ref))<1e-16, embed()
# return zetav_here
# return self.zeta[:,dmver+m,dnver+n].T
return self.zeta[:, [m + 0, m + 1, m + 1, m + 0], [n + 0, n + 0, n + 1, n + 1]].T
# ------------------------------------------------------- get panel normals
def generate_normals(self):
M, N = self.maps.M, self.maps.N
self.normals = np.zeros((3, M, N))
for mm in range(M):
for nn in range(N):
zetav_here = self.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
self.normals[:, mm, nn] = uvlmutils.panel_normal(zetav_here)
# -------------------------------------------------- get panel surface area
def generate_areas(self):
M, N = self.maps.M, self.maps.N
self.areas = np.zeros((M, N))
for mm in range(M):
for nn in range(N):
zetav_here = self.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
self.areas[mm, nn] = uvlmutils.panel_area(zetav_here)
# -------------------------------------------------- get collocation points
[docs] def get_panel_wcv(self):
Produces a compact array with weights for bilinear interpolation, where
aN,aM in [0,1] are distances in the chordwise and spanwise directions
such that:
- (aM,aN)=(0,0) --> quantity at vertex 0
- (aM,aN)=(1,0) --> quantity at vertex 1
- (aM,aN)=(1,1) --> quantity at vertex 2
- (aM,aN)=(0,1) --> quantity at vertex 3
aM = self.aM
aN = self.aN
wcv = np.array([(1 - aM) * (1 - aN), aM * (1 - aN), aM * aN, aN * (1 - aM)])
return wcv
[docs] def get_panel_collocation(self, zetav_here):
Using bilinear interpolation, retrieves panel collocation point, where
aN,aM in [0,1] are distances in the chordwise and spanwise directions
such that:
- (aM,aN)=(0,0) --> quantity at vertex 0
- (aM,aN)=(1,0) --> quantity at vertex 1
- (aM,aN)=(1,1) --> quantity at vertex 2
- (aM,aN)=(0,1) --> quantity at vertex 3
wcv = self.get_panel_wcv()
zetac_here = np.dot(wcv, zetav_here)
return zetac_here
def generate_collocations(self):
M, N = self.maps.M, self.maps.N
self.zetac = np.zeros((3, M, N), order='F') # F order avoids the need to copy
# when passing self.zetac[:,x,x] to
# C written libraries.
for mm in range(M):
for nn in range(N):
zetav_here = self.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
self.zetac[:, mm, nn] = self.get_panel_collocation(zetav_here)
# -------------------------------------------------- get mid-segment points
def get_panel_wsv(self):
def get_panel_midsegments(self, zetav_here):
def generate_midsegments():
def generate_Wsv():
# ----------------------------------------------- Interpolations/Projection
[docs] def interp_vertex_to_coll(self, q_vert):
Project a quantity q_vert (scalar or vector) defined at vertices to
collocation points.
M, N = self.maps.M, self.maps.N
# embed()
inshape = q_vert.shape
assert inshape[-2] == M + 1 and inshape[-1] == N + 1, 'Unexpected shape of q_vert'
# determine weights
wcv = self.get_panel_wcv()
if len(inshape) == 2:
q_coll = np.zeros((M, N))
for mm in range(M):
for nn in range(N):
# get q_vert at panel corners
mpv = self.maps.from_panel_to_vertices(mm, nn)
for vv in range(4):
q_coll[mm, nn] = q_coll[mm, nn] + \
wcv[vv] * q_vert[mpv[vv, 0], mpv[vv, 1]]
elif len(inshape) == 3:
q_coll = np.zeros((3, M, N))
for mm in range(M):
for nn in range(N):
# get q_vert at panel corners
mpv = self.maps.from_panel_to_vertices(mm, nn)
for vv in range(4):
q_coll[:, mm, nn] = q_coll[:, mm, nn] + \
wcv[vv] * q_vert[:, mpv[vv, 0], mpv[vv, 1]]
raise NameError('Unexpected shape of q_vert')
return q_coll
[docs] def project_coll_to_normal(self, q_coll):
Project a vector quantity q_coll defined at collocation points to normal.
M, N = self.maps.M, self.maps.N
assert q_coll.shape == (3, M, N), 'Unexpected shape of q_coll'
if not hasattr(self, 'normals'):
q_proj = np.zeros((M, N))
for mm in range(M):
for nn in range(N):
q_proj[mm, nn] = np.dot(self.normals[:, mm, nn], q_coll[:, mm, nn])
return q_proj
# ------------------------------------------------------- visualise surface
def plot(self, plot_normals=False):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot vertices grid
ax.plot_wireframe(self.zeta[0], self.zeta[1], self.zeta[2])
# rstride=10, cstride=10)
# Plot collocation points
ax.scatter(self.zetac[0], self.zetac[1], self.zetac[2], zdir='z', s=3, c='r')
if plot_normals:
ax.quiver(self.zetac[0], self.zetac[1], self.zetac[2],
self.normals[0], self.normals[1], self.normals[2],
length=0.01 * np.max(self.zeta), ) # normalize=True)
self.ax = ax
except ModuleNotFoundError:
import warnings
warnings.warn('Unable to import matplotlib, skipping plots')
[docs]class AeroGridSurface(AeroGridGeo):
Contains geometric and aerodynamic information about bound/wake surface.
Compulsory input are those that apply to both bound and wake surfaces:
- ``zeta``: defines geometry
- ``gamma``: circulation
With respect to :class:`.AeroGridGeo`, the class contains methods to:
- project prescribed input velocity at nodes (``u_ext``, ``zeta_dot``) over
collocation points.
- compute induced velocity over ANOTHER surface.
- compute AIC induced over ANOTHER surface
Map (gridmapping.AeroGridMap): Map of grid.
zeta (list(np.ndarray)): Grid vertices coordinates in inertial (G) frame.
zeta_dot (list(np.ndarray)): Grid vertices velocities in inertial (G) frame. Default is ``None``.
vortex_radius (np.float): Distance below which induction is not computed
u_ext (list(np.ndarray)): Grid external velocities in inertial (G) frame. Default is ``None``.
gamma_dot (list(np.ndarray)): Panel circulation derivative. Default is ``None``.
rho (float): Air density. Default is ``1.``
aM (float): Chordwise position in panel of collocation point. Default is ``0.5``
aN (float): Spanwise position in panel of collocation point. Default is ``0.5``
for_vel (np.ndarray): Frame of reference velocity (including rotational velocity) in the inertial frame.
To add:
- project prescribed input velocity at nodes (u_ext, zeta_dot) over
mid-point segments
def __init__(self, Map, zeta, gamma,
for_vel=np.zeros((6, ))):
super().__init__(Map, zeta, aM, aN)
self.gamma = gamma
self.vortex_radius = vortex_radius
self.zeta_dot = zeta_dot
self.u_ext = u_ext
self.gamma_dot = gamma_dot
self.rho = rho
self.omega = for_vel[3:]
self.for_vel_tra = for_vel[:3]
msg_out = 'wrong input shape!'
assert self.gamma.shape == (self.maps.M, self.maps.N), \
'Gamma shape %s not equal to M, N %s' % (str(self.gamma.shape), str((self.maps.M, self.maps.N)))
assert self.zeta.shape == (3, self.maps.M + 1, self.maps.N + 1), \
'Zeta shape %s not equal to 3, M+1, N+1 %s' % (str(self.zeta.shape), str((3, self.maps.M, self.maps.N)))
if self.zeta_dot is not None:
assert self.zeta_dot.shape == (3, self.maps.M + 1, self.maps.N + 1), \
'zeta_dot shape %s not equal to 3, M+1, N+1 %s' % (str(self.zeta_dot.shape), str((3, self.maps.M, self.maps.N)))
if self.u_ext is not None:
assert self.u_ext.shape == (3, self.maps.M + 1, self.maps.N + 1), \
'u_ext shape %s not equal to 3, M+1, N+1 %s' % (str(self.u_ext.shape), str((3, self.maps.M, self.maps.N)))
assert for_vel.shape == (6, ), msg_out
assert self.omega.shape == (3, ), msg_out
assert self.for_vel_tra.shape == (3, ), msg_out
self.u_input_coll = None # input velocities at the collocation points
self.u_input_coll_norm = None # normal input velocities at the collocation points
self.u_input_seg = None # input velocities at segments
# -------------------------------------------------------- input velocities
# ------------------------------------------------------ induced velocities
[docs] def get_induced_velocity(self, zeta_target):
Computes induced velocity at a point zeta_target.
M, N = self.maps.M, self.maps.N
uind_target = np.zeros((3,), order='C')
# uind_ref=np.zeros((3,),order='C')
for mm in range(M):
for nn in range(N):
# panel info
zetav_here = self.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
uind_target += uvlmlib.biot_panel_cpp(zeta_target,
self.gamma[mm, nn])
return uind_target
[docs] def get_aic3(self, zeta_target):
Produces influence coefficinet matrix to calculate the induced velocity
at a target point. The aic3 matrix has shape (3,K)
K = self.maps.K
aic3 = np.zeros((3, K))
for cc in range(K):
# define panel
mm = self.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[0][cc]
nn = self.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[1][cc]
# get panel coordinates
zetav_here = self.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
aic3[:, cc] = uvlmlib.biot_panel_cpp(zeta_target, zetav_here,
return aic3
[docs] def get_induced_velocity_over_surface(self, Surf_target,
target='collocation', Project=False):
Computes induced velocity over an instance of AeroGridSurface, where
target specifies the target grid (collocation or segments). If Project
is True, velocities are projected onver panel normal (only available at
collocation points).
Note: for state-equation, both projected and non-projected velocities at
the collocation points are required. Hence, it is suggested to use this
method with Projection=False, and project afterwards.
Warning: induced velocities at grid segments are stored in a redundant
where the element
is the induced velocity over the ss-th segment of panel (mm,nn). A fast
looping is implemented to re-use previously computed velocities
M_trg = Surf_target.maps.M
N_trg = Surf_target.maps.N
if target == 'collocation':
if not hasattr(Surf_target, 'zetac'):
ZetaTarget = Surf_target.zetac
if Project:
if not hasattr(Surf_target, 'normals'):
Uind = np.empty((M_trg, N_trg))
Uind = np.empty((3, M_trg, N_trg))
# loop target points
for pp in itertools.product(range(M_trg), range(N_trg)):
mm, nn = pp
uind = uvlmlib.get_induced_velocity_cpp(self.maps, self.zeta,
self.gamma, ZetaTarget[:, mm, nn], self.vortex_radius)
if Project:
Uind[mm, nn] = np.dot(uind, Surf_target.normals[:, mm, nn])
Uind[:, mm, nn] = uind
if target == 'segments':
if Project:
raise NameError('Normal not defined for segment')
Uind = np.zeros((3, 4, M_trg, N_trg))
##### panel (0,0): compute all
mm, nn = 0, 0
svec = [0, 1, 2, 3] # seg. number
avec = [0, 1, 2, 3] # 1st vertex of seg.
bvec = [1, 2, 3, 0] # 2nd vertex of seg.
zetav_here = Surf_target.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
zeta_mid = 0.5 * (zetav_here[aa, :] + zetav_here[bb, :])
Uind[:, ss, mm, nn] = uvlmlib.get_induced_velocity_cpp(self.maps,
self.zeta, self.gamma, zeta_mid, self.vortex_radius)
##### panels n=0: copy seg.3
nn = 0
svec = [0, 1, 2] # seg. number
avec = [0, 1, 2] # 1st vertex of seg.
bvec = [1, 2, 3] # 2nd vertex of seg.
for mm in range(1, M_trg):
zetav_here = Surf_target.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
zeta_mid = 0.5 * (zetav_here[aa, :] + zetav_here[bb, :])
Uind[:, ss, mm, nn] = uvlmlib.get_induced_velocity_cpp(self.maps,
self.zeta, self.gamma, zeta_mid, self.vortex_radius)
Uind[:, 3, mm, nn] = Uind[:, 1, mm - 1, nn]
##### panels m=0: copy seg.0
mm = 0
svec = [1, 2, 3] # seg. number
avec = [1, 2, 3] # 1st vertex of seg.
bvec = [2, 3, 0] # 2nd vertex of seg.
for nn in range(1, N_trg):
zetav_here = Surf_target.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
zeta_mid = 0.5 * (zetav_here[aa, :] + zetav_here[bb, :])
Uind[:, ss, mm, nn] = uvlmlib.get_induced_velocity_cpp(self.maps,
self.zeta, self.gamma, zeta_mid, self.vortex_radius)
Uind[:, 0, mm, nn] = Uind[:, 2, mm, nn - 1]
##### all others: copy seg. 0 and 3
svec = [1, 2] # seg. number
avec = [1, 2] # 1st vertex of seg.
bvec = [2, 3] # 2nd vertex of seg.
for pp in itertools.product(range(1, M_trg), range(1, N_trg)):
mm, nn = pp
zetav_here = Surf_target.get_panel_vertices_coords(*pp)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
zeta_mid = 0.5 * (zetav_here[aa, :] + zetav_here[bb, :])
Uind[:, ss, mm, nn] = uvlmlib.get_induced_velocity_cpp(self.maps,
self.zeta, self.gamma, zeta_mid, self.vortex_radius)
Uind[:, 0, mm, nn] = Uind[:, 2, mm, nn - 1]
Uind[:, 3, mm, nn] = Uind[:, 1, mm - 1, nn]
return Uind
[docs] def get_aic_over_surface(self, Surf_target,
target='collocation', Project=True):
Produces influence coefficient matrices such that the velocity induced
over the Surface_target is given by the product:
.. code-block:: python
if target=='collocation':
if Project:
where ``ii=0,1,2``.
For the case where ``if target=='segments'``:
- AIC has shape (3,self.maps.K,4,Mout,Nout), such that
is the influence coefficient matrix associated to the induced
velocity at segment ss of panel (mm,nn).
K_in = self.maps.K
if target == 'collocation':
K_out = Surf_target.maps.K
if not hasattr(Surf_target, 'zetac'):
ZetaTarget = Surf_target.zetac
if Project:
if not hasattr(Surf_target, 'normals'):
AIC = np.empty((K_out, K_in))
AIC = np.empty((3, K_out, K_in))
# loop target points
for cc in range(K_out):
# retrieve panel coords
mm = Surf_target.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[0][cc]
nn = Surf_target.maps.ind_2d_pan_scal[1][cc]
# retrieve influence coefficients
# ref_aic3=self.get_aic3(ZetaTarget[:,mm,nn])
aic3 = get_aic3_cpp(self.maps, self.zeta, ZetaTarget[:, mm, nn],
# assert np.max(np.abs(aic3-ref_aic3))<1e-13, embed()
if Project:
AIC[cc, :] = np.dot(Surf_target.normals[:, mm, nn], aic3)
AIC[:, cc, :] = aic3
if target == 'segments':
if Project:
raise NameError('Normal not defined at collocation points')
M_trg, N_trg = Surf_target.maps.M, Surf_target.maps.N
AIC = np.zeros((3, K_in, 4, M_trg, N_trg))
##### panel (0,0): compute all
mm, nn = 0, 0
svec = [0, 1, 2, 3] # seg. number
avec = [0, 1, 2, 3] # 1st vertex of seg.
bvec = [1, 2, 3, 0] # 2nd vertex of seg.
zetav_here = Surf_target.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
zeta_mid = 0.5 * (zetav_here[aa, :] + zetav_here[bb, :])
AIC[:, :, ss, mm, nn] = get_aic3_cpp(self.maps, self.zeta,
zeta_mid, self.vortex_radius)
##### panels n=0: copy seg.3
nn = 0
svec = [0, 1, 2] # seg. number
avec = [0, 1, 2] # 1st vertex of seg.
bvec = [1, 2, 3] # 2nd vertex of seg.
for mm in range(1, M_trg):
zetav_here = Surf_target.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
zeta_mid = 0.5 * (zetav_here[aa, :] + zetav_here[bb, :])
AIC[:, :, ss, mm, nn] = get_aic3_cpp(self.maps, self.zeta,
zeta_mid, self.vortex_radius)
AIC[:, :, 3, mm, nn] = AIC[:, :, 1, mm - 1, nn]
##### panels m=0: copy seg.0
mm = 0
svec = [1, 2, 3] # seg. number
avec = [1, 2, 3] # 1st vertex of seg.
bvec = [2, 3, 0] # 2nd vertex of seg.
for nn in range(1, N_trg):
zetav_here = Surf_target.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
zeta_mid = 0.5 * (zetav_here[aa, :] + zetav_here[bb, :])
AIC[:, :, ss, mm, nn] = get_aic3_cpp(self.maps, self.zeta,
zeta_mid, self.vortex_radius)
AIC[:, :, 0, mm, nn] = AIC[:, :, 2, mm, nn - 1]
##### all others: copy seg. 0 and 3
svec = [1, 2] # seg. number
avec = [1, 2] # 1st vertex of seg.
bvec = [2, 3] # 2nd vertex of seg.
for pp in itertools.product(range(1, M_trg), range(1, N_trg)):
mm, nn = pp
zetav_here = Surf_target.get_panel_vertices_coords(*pp)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
zeta_mid = 0.5 * (zetav_here[aa, :] + zetav_here[bb, :])
AIC[:, :, ss, mm, nn] = get_aic3_cpp(self.maps, self.zeta,
zeta_mid, self.vortex_radius)
AIC[:, :, 3, mm, nn] = AIC[:, :, 1, mm - 1, nn]
AIC[:, :, 0, mm, nn] = AIC[:, :, 2, mm, nn - 1]
return AIC
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ forces
[docs] def get_joukovski_qs(self, gammaw_TE=None, recompute_velocities=True):
Returns quasi-steady forces evaluated at mid-segment points over the
Important: the circulation at the first row of wake panel is required!
Hence all
Warning: forces are stored in a NON-redundant format:
where the element
is the contribution to the force over the ss-th segment due to the
circulation of panel (mm,nn).
if self.u_input_seg is None:
if not recompute_velocities:
print("WARNING: recomputing velocities")
if not hasattr(self, 'u_ind_seg'):
raise NameError('u_ind_seg not available!')
M, N = self.maps.M, self.maps.N
self.fqs_seg_unit = np.zeros((3, 4, M, N))
self.fqs = np.zeros((3, M + 1, N + 1))
# indiced as per self.maps
dmver = [0, 1, 1, 0] # delta to go from (m,n) panel to (m,n) vertices
dnver = [0, 0, 1, 1]
svec = [0, 1, 2, 3] # seg. no.
avec = [0, 1, 2, 3] # 1st vertex no.
bvec = [1, 2, 3, 0] # 2nd vertex no.
### force produced by BOUND panels
for pp in itertools.product(range(0, M), range(0, N)):
mm, nn = pp
zetav_here = self.get_panel_vertices_coords(mm, nn)
for ss, aa, bb in zip(svec, avec, bvec):
df = uvlmutils.joukovski_qs_segment(
zetaA=zetav_here[aa, :], zetaB=zetav_here[bb, :],
v_mid=self.u_ind_seg[:, ss, mm, nn] + self.u_input_seg[:, ss, mm, nn],
gamma=1.0, fact=self.rho)
self.fqs_seg_unit[:, ss, mm, nn] = df
# project on vertices
self.fqs[:, mm + dmver[aa], nn + dnver[aa]] += 0.5 * self.gamma[mm, nn] * df
self.fqs[:, mm + dmver[bb], nn + dnver[bb]] += 0.5 * self.gamma[mm, nn] * df
### force produced by wake T.E. segments
# Note:
# 1. zetaA & zetaB are ordered such that the wake circulation is
# subtracts to the bound circulation over TE segment
# 2. the TE segment corresponds to seg.1 of the last row of BOUND panels
if gammaw_TE is None:
raise NameError('Enter gammaw_TE - option disabled for debugging')
gammaw_TE = self.gamma[M - 1, :]
self.fqs_wTE_unit = np.zeros((3, N))
for nn in range(N):
df = uvlmutils.joukovski_qs_segment(
zetaA=self.zeta[:, M, nn + 1],
zetaB=self.zeta[:, M, nn],
v_mid=self.u_input_seg[:, 1, M - 1, nn] + self.u_ind_seg[:, 1, M - 1, nn],
# record force on TE due to wake and project
self.fqs_wTE_unit[:, nn] = df
self.fqs[:, M, nn + 1] += 0.5 * gammaw_TE[nn] * df
self.fqs[:, M, nn] += 0.5 * gammaw_TE[nn] * df
return self
[docs] def get_joukovski_unsteady(self):
Returns added mass effects over lattive grid
if self.gamma_dot is None:
raise NameError('circulation derivative not specified!')
if not hasattr(self, 'areas'):
M, N = self.maps.M, self.maps.N
self.funst = np.zeros((3, M + 1, N + 1))
wcv = self.get_panel_wcv()
for pp in itertools.product(range(0, M), range(0, N)):
mm, nn = pp
# force at collocation point
fcoll = -self.rho * self.areas[mm, nn] * self.normals[:, mm, nn] * self.gamma_dot[mm, nn]
# project at vertices
for vv in range(4):
self.funst[:, mm + dmver[vv], nn + dnver[vv]] += wcv[vv] * fcoll