# Alfonso del Carre
import numpy as np
import sharpy.utils.algebra as algebra
[docs]class Element(object):
This class stores all the required data for the definition of
a linear or quadratic beam element.
ordering = [0, 2, 1]
max_nodes_elem = 3
def __init__(self,
# store info in instance
# global element number
self.ielem = ielem
# number of nodes per elem
self.n_nodes = n_nodes
if self.max_nodes_elem < self.n_nodes:
raise AttributeError('Elements with more than 3 nodes are not allowed')
# global connectivities (global node numbers)
self.global_connectivities = global_connectivities
self.reordered_global_connectivities = global_connectivities[self.ordering]
# coordinates of the nodes in a-frame (body-fixed frame)
self.coordinates_def = coordinates.copy()
# frame of reference points
self.frame_of_reference_delta = frame_of_reference_delta
# structural twist
self.structural_twist = structural_twist
# number in memory (for fortran routines)
self.num_mem = num_mem
# stiffness and mass matrices indices (stored in parent beam class)
self.stiff_index = stiff_index
self.mass_index = mass_index
# placeholder for RBMass
self.rbmass = None # np.zeros((self.max_nodes_elem, 6, 6))
def update(self, coordinates_def, psi_def=None):
self.coordinates_def = coordinates_def.copy()
if psi_def is not None:
# element orientation
self.psi_def = psi_def.copy()
# element length
if psi_def is None: # ini conditions, initial crv has to be calculated
# we need to define the FoR z direction for every beam element
v1, v2, v3 = self.get_triad()
self.psi_ini = algebra.triad2crv_vec(v1, v2, v3)
self.psi_def = self.psi_ini.copy()
# copy all the info to _ini fields
self.coordinates_ini = self.coordinates_def.copy()
def calculate_length(self):
# TODO implement length based on integration
self.length = np.linalg.norm(self.coordinates_def[0, :] - self.coordinates_def[1, :])
def add_attributes(self, dictionary):
for key, value in dictionary.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def generate_curve(self, n_elem_curve, defor=False):
curve = np.zeros((n_elem_curve, 3))
t_vec = np.linspace(0, 2, n_elem_curve)
for i in range(n_elem_curve):
t = t_vec[i]
for idim in range(3):
if defor:
polyfit, _, _ = algebra.get_polyfit(self.coordinates_def, self.ordering)
polyfit, _, _ = algebra.get_polyfit(self.coordinates_ini, self.ordering)
polyf = np.poly1d(polyfit[idim])
curve[i, idim] = (polyf(t))
return curve
[docs] def get_triad(self):
Generates two unit vectors in body FoR that define the local FoR for
a beam element. These vectors are calculated using `frame_of_reference_delta`
# now, calculate tangent vector (and coefficients of the polynomial
# fit just in case)
tangent, polyfit = algebra.tangent_vector(
normal = np.zeros_like(tangent)
binormal = np.zeros_like(tangent)
# v_vector is the vector with origin the FoR node and delta
# equals frame_of_reference_delta
for inode in range(self.n_nodes):
v_vector = self.frame_of_reference_delta[inode, :]
normal[inode, :] = algebra.unit_vector(np.cross(
tangent[inode, :],
binormal[inode, :] = -algebra.unit_vector(np.cross(
tangent[inode, :],
normal[inode, :]
# we apply twist now
for inode in range(self.n_nodes):
if not self.structural_twist[inode] == 0.0:
rotation_mat = algebra.rotation_matrix_around_axis(tangent[inode, :],
normal[inode, :] = np.dot(rotation_mat, normal[inode, :])
binormal[inode, :] = np.dot(rotation_mat, binormal[inode, :])
return tangent, binormal, normal
def deformed_triad(self, psi=None):
if psi is None:
return algebra.crv2triad_vec(self.psi_def)
return algebra.crv2triad_vec(psi)