LagrangeConstraints library
Library used to create the matrices associated to boundary conditions through
the method of Lagrange Multipliers. The source code includes four different sections.
* Basic structures: basic functions and variables needed to organise the library with different Lagrange Constraints to enhance the interaction with this library.
* Auxiliar functions: basic queries that are performed repeatedly.
* Equations: functions that generate the equations associated to the constraint of basic degrees of freedom.
* Lagrange Constraints: different available Lagrange Constraints. They tipically use the basic functions in "Equations" to assembly the required set of equations.
dict_of_lc (dict): Dictionary including the available Lagrange Contraint identifier
(``_lc_id``) and the associated ``BaseLagrangeConstraint`` class
To use this library: import sharpy.structure.utils.lagrangeconstraints as lagrangeconstraints
lc_list (list): list of all the defined contraints
MBdict (dict): dictionary with the MultiBody and LagrangeMultipliers information
MB_beam (list): list of :class:`~sharpy.structure.models.beam.Beam` of each of the bodies that form the system
MB_tstep (list): list of :class:`~sharpy.utils.datastructures.StructTimeStepInfo` of each of the bodies that form the system
num_LM_eq (int): number of new equations needed to define the boundary boundary conditions
sys_size (int): total number of degrees of freedom of the multibody system
dt (float): time step
Lambda (np.ndarray): list of Lagrange multipliers values
Lambda_dot (np.ndarray): list of the first derivative of the Lagrange multipliers values
dynamic_or_static (str): string defining if the computation is dynamic or static
LM_C (np.ndarray): Damping matrix associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations
LM_K (np.ndarray): Stiffness matrix associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations
LM_Q (np.ndarray): Vector of independent terms associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import sharpy.utils.cout_utils as cout
import os
import ctypes as ct
import numpy as np
import sharpy.utils.algebra as ag
from sharpy.utils.settings import set_value_or_default
# Basic structures
dict_of_lc = {}
lc = {} # for internal working
# decorator
def lagrangeconstraint(arg):
Decorator used to create the dictionary (``dict_of_lc``) that links constraints id (``_lc_id``) to the associated ``BaseLagrangeConstraint`` class
global dict_of_lc
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError('Class defined as lagrange constraint has no _lc_id attribute')
dict_of_lc[arg._lc_id] = arg
return arg
def print_available_lc():
Prints the available Lagrange Constraints
cout.cout_wrap('The available lagrange constraints on this session are:', 2)
for name, i_lc in dict_of_lc.items():
cout.cout_wrap('%s ' % i_lc._lc_id, 2)
def lc_from_string(string):
Returns the ``BaseLagrangeConstraint`` class associated to a constraint id (``_lc_id``)
return dict_of_lc[string]
def lc_list_from_path(cwd):
onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(cwd) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(cwd, f))]
for i_file in range(len(onlyfiles)):
if ".py" in onlyfiles[i_file]:
if onlyfiles[i_file] == "__init__.py":
onlyfiles[i_file] = ""
onlyfiles[i_file] = onlyfiles[i_file].replace('.py', '')
onlyfiles[i_file] = ""
files = [file for file in onlyfiles if not file == ""]
return files
def initialise_lc(lc_name, print_info=True):
Initialises the Lagrange Constraints
if print_info:
cout.cout_wrap('Generating an instance of %s' % lc_name, 2)
cls_type = lc_from_string(lc_name)
lc = cls_type()
return lc
[docs]class BaseLagrangeConstraint(metaclass=ABCMeta):
__doc__ = """
Base class for LagrangeConstraints showing the methods required. They will
be inherited by all the Lagrange Constraints
_n_eq (int): Number of equations required by a LagrangeConstraint
_ieq (int): Number of the first equation associated to the Lagrange Constraint in the whole set of Lagrange equations
_lc_id = 'BaseLagrangeConstraint'
def __init__(self):
self._n_eq = None
self._ieq = None
[docs] @abstractmethod
def get_n_eq(self):
Returns the number of equations required by the Lagrange Constraint
return self._n_eq
[docs] @abstractmethod
# def initialise(self, **kwargs):
def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq):
self._ieq = ieq
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] @abstractmethod
# def staticmat(self, **kwargs):
def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
Generates the structural matrices (damping, stiffness) and the independent vector
associated to the LagrangeConstraint in a static simulation
return np.zeros((6, 6))
[docs] @abstractmethod
# def dynamicmat(self, **kwargs):
def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
Generates the structural matrices (damping, stiffness) and the independent vector
associated to the LagrangeConstraint in a dynamic simulation
return np.zeros((10, 10))
[docs] @abstractmethod
# def staticpost(self, **kwargs):
def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
Postprocess operations needed by the LagrangeConstraint in a static simulation
[docs] @abstractmethod
# def dynamicpost(self, **kwargs):
def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
Postprocess operations needed by the LagrangeConstraint in a dynamic simulation
# Auxiliar functions
def define_node_dof(MB_beam, node_body, num_node):
Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to a certain node
MB_beam(list): list of :class:`~sharpy.structure.models.beam.Beam`
node_body(int): body to which the node belongs
num_node(int): number os the node within the body
node_dof(int): first degree of freedom associated to the node
node_dof = 0
for ibody in range(node_body):
node_dof += MB_beam[ibody].num_dof.value
if MB_beam[ibody].FoR_movement == 'free':
node_dof += 10
node_dof += 6*MB_beam[node_body].vdof[num_node]
return node_dof
def define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, FoR_body):
Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to a certain frame of reference
MB_beam(list): list of :class:`~sharpy.structure.models.beam.Beam`
node_body(int): body to which the node belongs
num_node(int): number os the node within the body
node_dof(int): first degree of freedom associated to the node
FoR_dof = 0
for ibody in range(FoR_body):
FoR_dof += MB_beam[ibody].num_dof.value
if MB_beam[ibody].FoR_movement == 'free':
FoR_dof += 10
FoR_dof += MB_beam[FoR_body].num_dof.value
return FoR_dof
# Equations
def equal_pos_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, FoR_body, node_body, inode_in_body, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda, scalingFactor, penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q):
This function generates the stiffness and damping matrices and the independent vector associated to a constraint that
imposes equal positions between a node and a frame of reference
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom of the FoR to which the "node" belongs
node_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "FoR"
Note: this equation constitutes a holonomic constraint which is not currently supported. Check ``equal_lin_vel_node_FoR``
cout.cout_wrap("WARNING: this equation constitutes a holonomic constraint which is not currently supported. Check ``equal_lin_vel_node_FoR``", 3)
num_LM_eq_specific = 3
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Simplify notation
node_cga = MB_tstep[node_body].cga()
node_pos = MB_tstep[node_body].pos[inode_in_body, :]
node_FoR_pos = MB_tstep[node_body].for_pos[0:3]
FoR_pos = MB_tstep[FoR_body].for_pos[0:3]
# if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
B[:, node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3] = np.eye(3)
B[:, node_dof:node_dof+3] = node_cga
B[:, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] = -np.eye(3)
LM_K[sys_size + ieq : sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific, :sys_size] += scalingFactor*B
LM_K[:sys_size, sys_size + ieq : sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*np.transpose(B)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(B), Lambda[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*(node_FoR_pos +
np.dot(node_cga, node_pos) -
LM_C[node_dof:node_dof+3, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, Lambda[ieq : ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
if penaltyFactor:
q = np.zeros((sys_size, ))
q[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3] = node_FoR_pos
q[node_dof:node_dof+3] = node_pos
q[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] = FoR_pos
LM_Q[:sys_size] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(B.T, np.dot(B, q))
LM_K[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3, node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3] += penaltyFactor*np.eye(3)
LM_K[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3, node_dof:node_dof+3] += penaltyFactor*node_cga
LM_K[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] += -penaltyFactor*np.eye(3)
LM_C[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, node_pos)
LM_K[node_dof:node_dof+3, node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3] += penaltyFactor*node_cga.T
LM_K[node_dof:node_dof+3, node_dof:node_dof+3] += penaltyFactor*np.eye(3)
LM_K[node_dof:node_dof+3, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] += -penaltyFactor*node_cga.T
LM_C[node_dof:node_dof+3, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*(ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, node_FoR_pos - FoR_pos))
LM_K[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3] += -penaltyFactor*np.eye(3)
LM_K[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, node_dof:node_dof+3] += -penaltyFactor*node_cga.T
LM_K[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] += penaltyFactor*np.eye(3)
LM_C[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += -penaltyFactor*ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, node_pos)
ieq += 3
return ieq
def equal_lin_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, FoR_body, node_body, node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, scalingFactor, penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, rel_posB = np.zeros((3))):
This function generates the stiffness and damping matrices and the independent vector associated to a constraint that
imposes equal linear velocities between a node and a frame of reference
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
node_FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom of the FoR to which the "node" belongs
node_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "FoR"
rel_posB (float np.array): relative position between the node and the FoR (in the node B FoR)
num_LM_eq_specific = 3
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Simplify notation
node_cga = MB_tstep[node_body].cga()
node_FoR_va = MB_tstep[node_body].for_vel[0:3]
node_FoR_wa = MB_tstep[node_body].for_vel[3:6]
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[node_body].node_master_elem[node_number]
psi = MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem, inode_in_elem, :]
node_cab = ag.crv2rotation(psi)
node_Ra = MB_tstep[node_body].pos[node_number,:] + np.dot(node_cab, rel_posB)
node_dot_Ra = MB_tstep[node_body].pos_dot[node_number,:]
FoR_cga = MB_tstep[FoR_body].cga()
FoR_va = MB_tstep[FoR_body].for_vel[0:3]
Bnh[:, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] = FoR_cga
Bnh[:, node_dof:node_dof+3] = -1.0*node_cga
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
Bnh[:, node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3] = -1.0*node_cga
Bnh[:, node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6] = np.dot(node_cga,ag.skew(node_Ra))
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*(np.dot(FoR_cga, FoR_va) +
node_dot_Ra +
node_FoR_va +
-1.0*np.dot(ag.skew(node_Ra), node_FoR_wa)))
LM_C[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
LM_C[node_dof:node_dof+3,node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] -= scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_C[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3,node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] -= scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat,Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_C[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6,node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*np.dot(ag.skew(node_Ra).T,
LM_K[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6,node_dof:node_dof+3] += scalingFactor*ag.skew(np.dot(node_cga.T,Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific]))
if penaltyFactor:
q = np.zeros((sys_size))
q[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] = FoR_va
q[node_dof:node_dof+3] = node_dot_Ra
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
q[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3] = node_FoR_va
q[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6] = node_FoR_wa
LM_Q[:sys_size] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(np.dot(Bnh.T, Bnh), q)
LM_C[:sys_size, :sys_size] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(Bnh.T, Bnh)
# Derivatives wrt the FoR quaterion
LM_C[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] -= penaltyFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat,
np.dot(node_cga, node_dot_Ra + node_FoR_va +
np.dot(ag.skew(node_Ra), node_FoR_wa)))
LM_C[node_dof:node_dof+3, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] -= penaltyFactor*np.dot(node_cga.T, ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat,
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
LM_C[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] -= penaltyFactor*np.dot(node_cga.T, ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat,
mat = ag.multiply_matrices(ag.skew(node_Ra).T, node_cga.T)
LM_C[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat,
# Derivatives wrt the node quaternion
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
vec = -node_dot_Ra - node_FoR_va + np.dot(ag.skew(node_Ra), node_FoR_wa)
LM_C[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(FoR_cga.T, ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, vec))
derivative = -ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, np.dot(FoR_cga, FoR_va))
LM_C[node_dof:node_dof+3, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*derivative
LM_C[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*derivative
LM_C[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] -= penaltyFactor*np.dot(ag.skew(node_Ra), derivative)
# Derivatives wrt the node Ra
LM_K[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, node_dof:node_dof+3] -= penaltyFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T, node_cga, ag.skew(node_FoR_wa))
LM_K[node_dof:node_dof+3, node_dof:node_dof+3] += penaltyFactor*ag.skew(node_FoR_wa)
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
LM_K[node_FoR_dof:node_FoR_dof+3, node_dof:node_dof+3] += penaltyFactor*ag.skew(node_FoR_wa)
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga.T, FoR_cga, FoR_va) - node_dot_Ra - node_FoR_va
LM_K[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6, node_dof:node_dof+3] += penaltyFactor*ag.skew(vec)
LM_K[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6, node_dof:node_dof+3] -= penaltyFactor*ag.der_skewp_skewp_v(node_Ra, node_FoR_wa)
ieq += 3
return ieq
def rel_rot_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, FoR_body, node_body, node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, scalingFactor, penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, rel_vel=np.zeros((3))):
This function generates the stiffness and damping matrices and the independent vector associated to a constraint that
imposes equal rotation velocities between a node and a frame of reference
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
node_FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom of the FoR to which the "node" belongs
node_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "FoR"
rel_vel (np.array): relative velocity FoR-node
num_LM_eq_specific = 3
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Simplify notation
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[node_body].node_master_elem[node_number]
node_cga = MB_tstep[node_body].cga()
node_FoR_wa = MB_tstep[node_body].for_vel[3:6]
psi = MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:]
cab = ag.crv2rotation(psi)
tan = ag.crv2tan(psi)
FoR_cga = MB_tstep[FoR_body].cga()
FoR_wa = MB_tstep[FoR_body].for_vel[3:6]
Bnh[:, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += tan.copy()
Bnh[:, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] -= ag.multiply_matrices(cab.T, node_cga.T, FoR_cga)
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
Bnh[:, node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6] += cab.T
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*(np.dot(tan, MB_tstep[node_body].psi_dot[ielem, inode_in_elem, :]) +
np.dot(cab.T, node_FoR_wa) -
ag.multiply_matrices(cab.T, node_cga.T, FoR_cga, FoR_wa) + rel_vel)
LM_K[node_dof+3:node_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += scalingFactor*ag.der_TanT_by_xv(psi, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
LM_K[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += scalingFactor*ag.der_Ccrv_by_v(psi, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] -= scalingFactor*ag.der_Ccrv_by_v(psi,
ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga, FoR_cga.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific]))
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] -= scalingFactor*np.dot(cab, ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat,
np.dot(FoR_cga.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])))
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] -= scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(cab, node_cga, ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat,
ieq += 3
return ieq
def def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node_general(MB_tstep, MB_beam, FoR_body, node_body, node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, rot_axisB, scalingFactor, penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, indep):
This function generates the stiffness and damping matrices and the independent vector associated to a joint that
forces the rotation axis of a FoR to be parallel to a certain direction. This direction is defined in the
B FoR of a node and, thus, might change along the simulation.
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
rot_axisB (np.ndarray): Rotation axis with respect to the node B FoR
indep (np.ndarray): Number of the equations that are used as independent
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
node_FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom of the FoR to which the "node" belongs
node_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "FoR"
Notes: this function is missing the contribution of the rotation velocity of the reference node. See ``def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node_general``
cout.cout_wrap("WARNING: this function is missing the contribution of the rotation velocity of the reference node. See ``def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node_general``", 3)
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[node_body].node_master_elem[node_number]
# Simplify notation
cab = ag.crv2rotation(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:])
node_cga = MB_tstep[node_body].cga()
FoR_cga = MB_tstep[FoR_body].cga()
FoR_wa = MB_tstep[FoR_body].for_vel[3:6]
if not indep:
aux_Bnh = ag.multiply_matrices(ag.skew(rot_axisB),
# indep = None
n0 = np.linalg.norm(aux_Bnh[0,:])
n1 = np.linalg.norm(aux_Bnh[1,:])
n2 = np.linalg.norm(aux_Bnh[2,:])
if ((n0 < n1) and (n0 < n2)):
indep[:] = [1, 2]
elif ((n1 < n0) and (n1 < n2)):
indep[:] = [0, 2]
elif ((n2 < n0) and (n2 < n1)):
indep[:] = [0, 1]
new_Lambda_dot = np.zeros(3)
new_Lambda_dot[indep[0]] = Lambda_dot[ieq]
new_Lambda_dot[indep[1]] = Lambda_dot[ieq+1]
num_LM_eq_specific = 2
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
Bnh[:, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = ag.multiply_matrices(ag.skew(rot_axisB),
# Constrain angular velocities
LM_Q[:sys_size] += scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(ag.skew(rot_axisB),
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6,node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*np.dot(FoR_cga.T,
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6,FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat,
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6,node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T,
if penaltyFactor:
q = np.zeros((sys_size,))
q[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = MB_tstep[FoR_body].for_vel[3:6]
LM_Q[:sys_size] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(Bnh.T, np.dot(Bnh, q))
LM_C[:sys_size, :sys_size] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(Bnh.T, Bnh)
sq_rot_axisB = np.dot(ag.skew(rot_axisB).T, ag.skew(rot_axisB))
# Derivatives with the quaternion of the FoR
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga,
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat, vec)
mat = ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T,
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat, FoR_wa))
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
# Derivatives with the quaternion of the FoR of the node
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(cab,
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(FoR_cga.T,
ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, vec))
mat = ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T,
vec = np.dot(FoR_cga, FoR_wa)
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, vec))
# Derivatives with the CRV
mat = np.dot(FoR_cga.T, node_cga)
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(sq_rot_axisB,
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_Ccrv_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:], vec))
mat = ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T,
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga.T,
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_CcrvT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:], vec))
ieq += 2
return ieq
def def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node_xyz(MB_tstep, MB_beam, FoR_body, node_body, node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, rot_axisB, scalingFactor, penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, zero_comp):
This function generates the stiffness and damping matrices and the independent vector associated to a joint that
forces the rotation axis of a FoR to be parallel to a certain direction. This direction is defined in the
B FoR of a node and parallel to x, y or z
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
rot_axisB (np.ndarray): Rotation axis with respect to the node B FoR
indep (np.ndarray): Number of the equations that are used as independent
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
node_FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom of the FoR to which the "node" belongs
node_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "FoR"
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[node_body].node_master_elem[node_number]
num_LM_eq_specific = 2
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Simplify notation
cab = ag.crv2rotation(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:])
node_cga = MB_tstep[node_body].cga()
FoR_cga = MB_tstep[FoR_body].cga()
FoR_wa = MB_tstep[FoR_body].for_vel[3:6]
psi = MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:]
psi_dot = MB_tstep[node_body].psi_dot[ielem,inode_in_elem,:]
# Components to be zero
Z = np.zeros((2,3))
Z[:, zero_comp] = np.eye(2)
Bnh[:, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] += ag.multiply_matrices(Z, cab.T, node_cga.T, FoR_cga)
Bnh[:, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] -= ag.multiply_matrices(Z, ag.crv2tan(psi))
Bnh[:, node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6] -= ag.multiply_matrices(Z, cab.T)
# Constrain angular velocities
LM_Q[:sys_size] += scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(Z, cab.T, node_cga.T, FoR_cga, FoR_wa)
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] -= scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(Z, ag.crv2tan(psi), psi_dot)
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] -= scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(Z, cab.T, MB_tstep[node_body].for_vel[3:6])
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga, cab, Z.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat, vec)
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(cab, Z.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T, ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, vec))
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T, node_cga, ag.der_Ccrv_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:],
np.dot(Z.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])))
LM_K[node_dof+3:node_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] -= scalingFactor*ag.der_TanT_by_xv(psi, ag.multiply_matrices(Z.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific]))
LM_K[node_FoR_dof+3:node_FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] -= scalingFactor*ag.der_Ccrv_by_v(psi, ag.multiply_matrices(Z.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific]))
if penaltyFactor:
q = np.zeros((sys_size,))
q[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = FoR_wa
LM_Q[:sys_size] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(Bnh.T, np.dot(Bnh, q))
LM_C[:sys_size, :sys_size] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(Bnh.T, Bnh)
ZTZ = np.dot(Z.T, Z)
# Derivatives with the quaternion of the FoR
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga,
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat, vec)
mat = ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T,
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat, FoR_wa))
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
# Derivatives with the quaternion of the FoR of the node
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(cab,
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(FoR_cga.T,
ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, vec))
mat = ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T,
vec = np.dot(FoR_cga, FoR_wa)
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, vec))
# Derivatives with the CRV
mat = np.dot(FoR_cga.T, node_cga)
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(ZTZ,
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_Ccrv_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:], vec))
mat = ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T,
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga.T,
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(mat, ag.der_CcrvT_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:], vec))
ieq += 2
return ieq
def def_rot_vel_mod_FoR_wrt_node(MB_tstep, MB_beam, FoR_body, node_body, node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, nonzero_comp, rot_vel, scalingFactor, penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q):
This function generates the stiffness and damping matrices and the independent vector associated to a joint that
forces the rotation velocity of a FoR with respect to a node
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
nonzero_comp (int): Component of the rotation axis with respect to the node B FoR which is non-zero
rot_vel (float): Rotation velocity
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
node_FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom of the FoR to which the "node" belongs
node_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
FoR_dof (int): position of the first degree of freedom associated to the "FoR"
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[node_body].node_master_elem[node_number]
num_LM_eq_specific = 1
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Simplify notation
cab = ag.crv2rotation(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:])
node_cga = MB_tstep[node_body].cga()
FoR_cga = MB_tstep[FoR_body].cga()
FoR_wa = MB_tstep[FoR_body].for_vel[3:6]
# Components to be zero
Znon = np.zeros((1,3))
Znon[:, nonzero_comp] = 1
Bnh[:, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] += ag.multiply_matrices(Znon, cab.T, node_cga.T, FoR_cga)
# Constrain angular velocities
LM_Q[:sys_size] += scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(Znon, cab.T, node_cga.T, FoR_cga, FoR_wa)
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] -= scalingFactor*rot_vel
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga, cab, Znon.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat, vec)
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
vec = ag.multiply_matrices(cab, Znon.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T, ag.der_Cquat_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].quat, vec))
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T, node_cga, ag.der_Ccrv_by_v(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:],
np.dot(Znon.T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])))
ieq += 1
return ieq
def def_rot_vect_FoR_wrt_node(MB_tstep, MB_beam, FoR_body, node_body, node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, rot_vect, scalingFactor, penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q):
This function fixes the rotation velocity VECTOR of a FOR equal to a velocity vector defined in the B FoR of a node
This function is a new implementation that combines and simplifies the use of 'def_rot_vel_mod_FoR_wrt_node' and 'def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node' together
num_LM_eq_specific = 3
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Simplify notation
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[node_body].node_master_elem[node_number]
node_cga = MB_tstep[node_body].cga()
cab = ag.crv2rotation(MB_tstep[node_body].psi[ielem,inode_in_elem,:])
FoR_cga = MB_tstep[FoR_body].cga()
FoR_wa = MB_tstep[FoR_body].for_vel[3:6]
Bnh[:, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = ag.multiply_matrices(cab.T,
# Constrain angular velocities
LM_Q[:sys_size] += scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*(np.dot(Bnh[:, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6], FoR_wa) -
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
if MB_beam[node_body].FoR_movement == 'free':
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6,node_FoR_dof+6:node_FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*np.dot(FoR_cga.T,
np.dot(cab, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])))
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6,FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[FoR_body].quat,
ag.multiply_matrices(node_cga, cab, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific]))
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6,node_dof+3:node_dof+6] += scalingFactor*ag.multiply_matrices(FoR_cga.T,
if penaltyFactor:
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] += penaltyFactor*np.eye(3)
q = np.zeros((sys_size))
q[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = FoR_wa
LM_Q[:sys_size] += penaltyFactor*np.dot(np.dot(Bnh.T, Bnh), q)
ieq += 3
return ieq
# Lagrange constraints
class hinge_node_FoR(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a hinge behaviour between a node and a FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
rot_axisB (np.ndarray): Rotation axis with respect to the node B FoR
_lc_id = 'hinge_node_FoR'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['node_in_body', 'body', 'body_FoR', 'rot_axisB']
self._n_eq = 5
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.node_number = MBdict_entry['node_in_body']
self.node_body = MBdict_entry['body']
self.FoR_body = MBdict_entry['body_FoR']
self.rot_axisB = MBdict_entry['rot_axisB']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
if (self.rot_axisB[[1, 2]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'x'
self.zero_comp = np.array([1, 2], dtype=int)
elif (self.rot_axisB[[0, 2]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'y'
self.zero_comp = np.array([0, 2], dtype=int)
elif (self.rot_axisB[[0, 1]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'z'
self.zero_comp = np.array([0, 1], dtype=int)
raise NotImplementedError("Hinges should be parallel to the xB, yB or zB of the reference node")
#self.rot_dir = 'general'
#self.indep = []
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the node
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body, self.node_number)
node_FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body)
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.FoR_body)
ieq = self._ieq
# Define the equations
# ieq = equal_pos_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q)
ieq = equal_lin_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q)
if self.rot_dir == 'general':
ieq = def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node_general(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.rot_axisB, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, self.indep)
ieq = def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node_xyz(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.rot_axisB, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, self.zero_comp)
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].for_pos[0:3] = np.dot(MB_tstep[self.node_body].cga(), MB_tstep[self.node_body].pos[self.node_number,:]) + MB_tstep[self.node_body].for_pos[0:3]
class hinge_node_FoR_constant_vel(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a hinge behaviour between a node and a FoR and
a constant rotation velocity at the join
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
rot_vect (np.ndarray): Rotation velocity vector in the node B FoR
rel_posB (np.ndarray): Relative position between the node and the frame of reference in the node B FoR
_lc_id = 'hinge_node_FoR_constant_vel'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['node_in_body', 'body', 'body_FoR', 'rot_vect', 'rel_posB']
self._n_eq = 6
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.node_number = MBdict_entry['node_in_body']
self.node_body = MBdict_entry['body']
self.FoR_body = MBdict_entry['body_FoR']
self.rel_posB = MBdict_entry['rel_posB']
self._ieq = ieq
self.indep = []
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
self.rot_axisB = ag.unit_vector(MBdict_entry['rot_vect'])
if (self.rot_axisB[[1, 2]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'x'
self.zero_comp = np.array([1, 2], dtype=int)
self.nonzero_comp = 0
elif (self.rot_axisB[[0, 2]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'y'
self.zero_comp = np.array([0, 2], dtype=int)
self.nonzero_comp = 1
elif (self.rot_axisB[[0, 1]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'z'
self.zero_comp = np.array([0, 1], dtype=int)
self.nonzero_comp = 2
raise NotImplementedError("Hinges should be parallel to the xB, yB or zB of the reference node")
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
def set_rot_vel(self, rot_vel):
self.rot_vel = rot_vel
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the node
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body, self.node_number)
node_FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body)
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.FoR_body)
ieq = self._ieq
# Define the equations
# ieq = equal_pos_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q)
ieq = equal_lin_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, rel_posB=self.rel_posB)
# ieq = def_rot_vect_FoR_wrt_node(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.rot_vect, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q)
ieq = def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node_xyz(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.rot_axisB, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, self.zero_comp)
ieq = def_rot_vel_mod_FoR_wrt_node(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.nonzero_comp, self.rot_vel, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q)
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[self.node_body].node_master_elem[self.node_number]
node_cga = MB_tstep[self.node_body].cga()
cab = ag.crv2rotation(MB_tstep[self.node_body].psi[ielem, inode_in_elem, :])
MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].for_pos[0:3] = (np.dot(node_cga,
MB_tstep[self.node_body].pos[self.node_number,:] + np.dot(cab, self.rel_posB)) +
class hinge_node_FoR_pitch(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a hinge behaviour between a node and a FoR and
a rotation velocity at the joint
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
rot_vect (np.ndarray): Rotation velocity vector in the node B FoR
rel_posB (np.ndarray): Relative position between the node and the frame of reference in the node B FoR
_lc_id = 'hinge_node_FoR_pitch'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['node_in_body', 'body', 'body_FoR', 'rotor_vel', 'rel_posB']
self._n_eq = 6
def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.node_number = MBdict_entry['node_in_body']
self.node_body = MBdict_entry['body']
self.FoR_body = MBdict_entry['body_FoR']
self.rel_posB = MBdict_entry['rel_posB']
self._ieq = ieq
self.indep = []
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
pitch_vel = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "pitch_vel", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
def set_rotor_vel(self, rotor_vel):
self.rotor_vel = rotor_vel
def set_pitch_vel(self, pitch_vel):
self.pitch_vel = pitch_vel
def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the node
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body, self.node_number)
node_FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body)
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.FoR_body)
ieq = self._ieq
# Compute relative velocity
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[self.node_body].node_master_elem[self.node_number]
node_cga = MB_tstep[self.node_body].cga()
cab = ag.crv2rotation(MB_tstep[self.node_body].psi[ielem, inode_in_elem, :])
FoR_cga = MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].cga()
# rel_vel in B FoR
rel_vel = np.array([0., 0., self.rotor_vel])
rel_vel += ag.multiply_matrices(cab.T, node_cga.T, FoR_cga,
np.array([self.pitch_vel, 0., 0.]))
# Define the equations
ieq = equal_lin_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, rel_posB=self.rel_posB)
ieq = rel_rot_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, rel_vel=rel_vel)
def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[self.node_body].node_master_elem[self.node_number]
node_cga = MB_tstep[self.node_body].cga()
cab = ag.crv2rotation(MB_tstep[self.node_body].psi[ielem, inode_in_elem, :])
MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].for_pos[0:3] = (np.dot(node_cga,
MB_tstep[self.node_body].pos[self.node_number,:] + np.dot(cab, self.rel_posB)) +
class spherical_node_FoR(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a spherical join between a node and a FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
_lc_id = 'spherical_node_FoR'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['node_in_body', 'body', 'body_FoR']
self._n_eq = 3
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.node_number = MBdict_entry['node_in_body']
self.node_body = MBdict_entry['body']
self.FoR_body = MBdict_entry['body_FoR']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the node
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body, self.node_number)
node_FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body)
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.FoR_body)
ieq = self._ieq
# Define the equations
ieq = equal_lin_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q)
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].for_pos[0:3] = np.dot(MB_tstep[self.node_body].cga(), MB_tstep[self.node_body].pos[self.node_number,:]) + MB_tstep[self.node_body].for_pos[0:3]
class free(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
_lc_id = 'free'
__doc__ = _lc_id
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = []
self._n_eq = 0
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self._ieq = ieq
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
class spherical_FoR(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a spherical join at a FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
body_FoR (int): body number of the "FoR"
_lc_id = 'spherical_FoR'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['body_FoR']
self._n_eq = 3
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.body_FoR = MBdict_entry['body_FoR']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.body_FoR)
ieq = self._ieq
Bnh[:3, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] = 1.0*np.eye(3)
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh),Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+3] += self.scalingFactor*MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[0:3].astype(dtype=ct.c_double, copy=True, order='F')
ieq += 3
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
class hinge_FoR(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a hinge at a FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
body_FoR (int): body number of the "FoR"
rot_axis_AFoR (np.ndarray): Rotation axis with respect to the node A FoR
_lc_id = 'hinge_FoR'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['body_FoR', 'rot_axis_AFoR']
self._n_eq = 5
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.body_FoR = MBdict_entry['body_FoR']
self.rot_axis = MBdict_entry['rot_axis_AFoR']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
if (self.rot_axis[[1, 2]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'x'
self.zero_comp = np.array([1, 2], dtype=int)
elif (self.rot_axis[[0, 2]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'y'
self.zero_comp = np.array([0, 2], dtype=int)
elif (self.rot_axis[[0, 1]] == 0).all():
self.rot_dir = 'z'
self.zero_comp = np.array([0, 1], dtype=int)
self.rot_dir = 'general'
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.body_FoR)
ieq = self._ieq
Bnh[:3, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] = 1.0*np.eye(3)
if self.rot_dir == 'general':
# Only two of these equations are linearly independent
skew_rot_axis = ag.skew(self.rot_axis)
n0 = np.linalg.norm(skew_rot_axis[0,:])
n1 = np.linalg.norm(skew_rot_axis[1,:])
n2 = np.linalg.norm(skew_rot_axis[2,:])
if ((n0 < n1) and (n0 < n2)):
row0 = 1
row1 = 2
elif ((n1 < n0) and (n1 < n2)):
row0 = 0
row1 = 2
elif ((n2 < n0) and (n2 < n1)):
row0 = 0
row1 = 1
Bnh[3:5, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = skew_rot_axis[[row0,row1],:]
Bnh[3:5, FoR_dof+3+self.zero_comp] = np.eye(2)
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh),Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+3] += self.scalingFactor*MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[0:3].astype(dtype=ct.c_double, copy=True, order='F')
if self.rot_dir == 'general':
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq+3:sys_size+ieq+5] += self.scalingFactor*np.dot(skew_rot_axis[[row0,row1],:], MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[3:6])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq+3:sys_size+ieq+5] += self.scalingFactor*MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[3 + self.zero_comp]
if self.penaltyFactor:
LM_Q[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] += self.penaltyFactor*MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[0:3]
LM_C[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] += self.penaltyFactor*np.eye(3)
if self.rot_dir == 'general':
sq_rot_axis = np.dot(ag.skew(self.rot_axis).T, ag.skew(self.rot_axis))
LM_Q[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] += self.penaltyFactor*np.dot(sq_rot_axis, MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[3:6])
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] += self.penaltyFactor*sq_rot_axis
LM_Q[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] += self.penaltyFactor*MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[3:6]
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] += self.penaltyFactor*np.eye(3)
ieq += 5
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
class hinge_FoR_wrtG(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a hinge at a FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
body_FoR (int): body number of the "FoR"
rot_axis_AFoR (np.ndarray): Rotation axis with respect to the node G FoR
_lc_id = 'hinge_FoR_wrtG'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['body_FoR', 'rot_axis_AFoR']
self._n_eq = 5
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.body_FoR = MBdict_entry['body_FoR']
self.rot_axis = MBdict_entry['rot_axis_AFoR']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.body_FoR)
ieq = self._ieq
Bnh[:3, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] = MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].cga()
# Only two of these equations are linearly independent
skew_rot_axis = ag.skew(self.rot_axis)
n0 = np.linalg.norm(skew_rot_axis[0,:])
n1 = np.linalg.norm(skew_rot_axis[1,:])
n2 = np.linalg.norm(skew_rot_axis[2,:])
if ((n0 < n1) and (n0 < n2)):
row0 = 1
row1 = 2
elif ((n1 < n0) and (n1 < n2)):
row0 = 0
row1 = 2
elif ((n2 < n0) and (n2 < n1)):
row0 = 0
row1 = 1
Bnh[3:5, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = skew_rot_axis[[row0,row1],:]
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_C[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3,FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += self.scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].quat,Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+3])
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh),Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+3] += self.scalingFactor*np.dot(MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].cga(),MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[0:3])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq+3:sys_size+ieq+5] += self.scalingFactor*np.dot(skew_rot_axis[[row0,row1],:], MB_tstep[self.body_FoR].for_vel[3:6])
ieq += 5
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
class fully_constrained_node_FoR(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces linear and angular displacements between a node
and a FoR to be the same
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
node_body (int): body number of the "node"
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
_lc_id = 'fully_constrained_node_FoR'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['node_in_body', 'body', 'body_FoR', 'rel_posB']
self._n_eq = 6
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
# cout.cout_wrap("WARNING: do not use fully_constrained_node_FoR. It is outdated. Definetly not working if 'body' has velocity", 3)
self.node_number = MBdict_entry['node_in_body']
self.node_body = MBdict_entry['body']
self.FoR_body = MBdict_entry['body_FoR']
self.rel_posB = MBdict_entry['rel_posB']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the node
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body, self.node_number)
node_FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.node_body)
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.FoR_body)
ieq = self._ieq
# Define the equations
ieq = equal_lin_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, rel_posB=self.rel_posB)
ieq = rel_rot_vel_node_FoR(MB_tstep, MB_beam, self.FoR_body, self.node_body, self.node_number, node_FoR_dof, node_dof, FoR_dof, sys_size, Lambda_dot, self.scalingFactor, self.penaltyFactor, ieq, LM_K, LM_C, LM_Q, rel_vel=np.zeros((3)))
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
ielem, inode_in_elem = MB_beam[self.node_body].node_master_elem[self.node_number]
node_cga = MB_tstep[self.node_body].cga()
cab = ag.crv2rotation(MB_tstep[self.node_body].psi[ielem, inode_in_elem, :])
MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].for_pos[0:3] = (np.dot(node_cga,
MB_tstep[self.node_body].pos[self.node_number,:] + np.dot(cab, self.rel_posB)) +
class constant_rot_vel_FoR(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a constant rotation velocity of a FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
_lc_id = 'constant_rot_vel_FoR'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['FoR_body', 'rot_vel']
self._n_eq = 3
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.rot_vel = MBdict_entry['rot_vel']
self.FoR_body = MBdict_entry['FoR_body']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.FoR_body)
ieq = self._ieq
Bnh[:3,FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = np.eye(3)
LM_C[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific,:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor*Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size,sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor*np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh),Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq+num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size+ieq:sys_size+ieq+num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*(MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].for_vel[3:6] - self.rot_vel)
ieq += 3
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
class constant_vel_FoR(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces a constant velocity of a FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
vel (np.ndarray): 6 components of the desired velocity
_lc_id = 'constant_vel_FoR'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['FoR_body', 'vel']
self._n_eq = 6
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.vel = MBdict_entry['vel']
self.FoR_body = MBdict_entry['FoR_body']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.FoR_body)
ieq = self._ieq
Bnh[:num_LM_eq_specific, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+6] = np.eye(6)
LM_C[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific, :sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size, sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor * np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*(MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].for_vel - self.vel)
ieq += 6
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
class zero_lin_vel_sine_rot_vel_FoR(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
Zero linear velocity and sinusoidal rotation velocity FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
FoR_body (int): body number of the "FoR"
vel_amp (float): Rotation velocity amplitude
omega (float): Frequency of the sinusoidally-varying rotation velocity
xyz (string): Axis with the sine velocity
_lc_id = 'zero_lin_vel_sine_rot_vel_FoR'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['FoR_body', 'vel_amp', 'omega', 'xyz']
self._n_eq = 6
def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.FoR_body = MBdict_entry['FoR_body']
self.vel_amp = MBdict_entry['vel_amp']
self.omega = MBdict_entry['omega']
if MBdict_entry['xyz'] == 'x':
self.xyz_index = 0
elif MBdict_entry['xyz'] == 'y':
self.xyz_index = 1
elif MBdict_entry['xyz'] == 'z':
self.xyz_index = 2
raise NotImplementedError("FoR rotation velocity shouldd be parallel to x, y or z")
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.FoR_body)
ieq = self._ieq
vel = np.zeros((6))
vel[3 + self.xyz_index] = self.vel_amp*np.sin(self.omega*ts*dt)
Bnh[:num_LM_eq_specific, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+6] = np.eye(6)
LM_C[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific, :sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size, sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor * np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*(MB_tstep[self.FoR_body].for_vel - vel)
ieq += 6
def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
class lin_vel_node_wrtA(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces the linear velocity of a node to have a
certain value with respect to the A FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
body_number (int): body number of the "node"
vel (np.ndarray): 6 components of the desired velocity with respect to the A FoR
_lc_id = 'lin_vel_node_wrtA'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['velocity', 'body_number', 'node_number']
self._n_eq = 3
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.vel = MBdict_entry['velocity']
self.body_number = MBdict_entry['body_number']
self.node_number = MBdict_entry['node_number']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.body_number, self.node_number)
ieq = self._ieq
B[:num_LM_eq_specific, node_dof:node_dof+3] = np.eye(3)
LM_K[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific, :sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * B
LM_K[:sys_size, sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor * np.transpose(B)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * np.dot(np.transpose(B), Lambda[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*(MB_tstep[self.body_number].pos[self.node_number,:] -
ieq += 3
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
if len(self.vel.shape) > 1:
current_vel = self.vel[ts-1, :]
current_vel = self.vel
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.body_number, self.node_number)
ieq = self._ieq
Bnh[:num_LM_eq_specific, node_dof:node_dof+3] = np.eye(3)
LM_C[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific, :sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size, sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor * np.transpose(Bnh)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*(MB_tstep[self.body_number].pos_dot[self.node_number,:] - current_vel)
ieq += 3
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
class lin_vel_node_wrtG(BaseLagrangeConstraint):
__doc__ = """
This constraint forces the linear velocity of a node to have a
certain value with respect to the G FoR
See ``LagrangeConstraints`` for the description of variables
node_number (int): number of the "node" within its own body
body_number (int): body number of the "node"
vel (np.ndarray): 6 components of the desired velocity with respect to the G FoR
_lc_id = 'lin_vel_node_wrtG'
def __init__(self):
self.required_parameters = ['velocity', 'body_number', 'node_number']
self._n_eq = 3
[docs] def get_n_eq(self):
return self._n_eq
[docs] def initialise(self, MBdict_entry, ieq, print_info=True):
self.vel = MBdict_entry['velocity']
self.body_number = MBdict_entry['body_number']
self.node_number = MBdict_entry['node_number']
self._ieq = ieq
self.scalingFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "scalingFactor", 1.)
self.penaltyFactor = set_value_or_default(MBdict_entry, "penaltyFactor", 0.)
return self._ieq + self._n_eq
[docs] def staticmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.body_number, self.node_number)
ieq = self._ieq
B[:num_LM_eq_specific, node_dof:node_dof+3] = MB_tstep[self.body_number].cga()
LM_K[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific, :sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * B
LM_K[:sys_size, sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor * np.transpose(B)
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * np.dot(np.transpose(B), Lambda[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*(np.dot(MB_tstep[self.body_number].cga(), MB_tstep[self.body_number].pos[self.node_number,:]) +
LM_Q[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] -= self.scalingFactor*(np.dot(MB_beam[self.body_number].ini_info.cga(), MB_beam[self.body_number].ini_info.pos[self.node_number,:]) +
ieq += 3
[docs] def dynamicmat(self, LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq,
sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot):
if len(self.vel.shape) > 1:
current_vel = self.vel[ts-1, :]
current_vel = self.vel
num_LM_eq_specific = self._n_eq
Bnh = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
B = np.zeros((num_LM_eq_specific, sys_size), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
# Define the position of the first degree of freedom associated to the FoR
FoR_dof = define_FoR_dof(MB_beam, self.body_number)
node_dof = define_node_dof(MB_beam, self.body_number, self.node_number)
ieq = self._ieq
if MB_beam[self.body_number].FoR_movement == 'free':
Bnh[:num_LM_eq_specific, FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3] = MB_tstep[self.body_number].cga()
Bnh[:num_LM_eq_specific, FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6] = -np.dot(MB_tstep[self.body_number].cga(), ag.skew(MB_tstep[self.body_number].pos[self.node_number,:]))
Bnh[:num_LM_eq_specific, node_dof:node_dof+3] = MB_tstep[self.body_number].cga()
LM_C[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific, :sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * Bnh
LM_C[:sys_size, sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor * np.transpose(Bnh)
if MB_beam[self.body_number].FoR_movement == 'free':
LM_C[FoR_dof:FoR_dof+3, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += self.scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[self.body_number].quat,Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_C[node_dof:node_dof+3, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += self.scalingFactor*ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[self.body_number].quat,Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_C[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, FoR_dof+6:FoR_dof+10] += self.scalingFactor*np.dot(ag.skew(MB_tstep[self.body_number].pos[self.node_number,:]), ag.der_CquatT_by_v(MB_tstep[self.body_number].quat,Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific]))
LM_K[FoR_dof+3:FoR_dof+6, node_dof:node_dof+3] -= self.scalingFactor*ag.skew(np.dot(MB_tstep[self.body_number].cga().T, Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific]))
LM_Q[:sys_size] += self.scalingFactor * np.dot(np.transpose(Bnh), Lambda_dot[ieq:ieq + num_LM_eq_specific])
LM_Q[sys_size + ieq:sys_size + ieq + num_LM_eq_specific] += self.scalingFactor*(np.dot( MB_tstep[self.body_number].cga(), (
MB_tstep[self.body_number].for_vel[0:3] +
np.dot(ag.skew(MB_tstep[self.body_number].for_vel[3:6]), MB_tstep[self.body_number].pos[self.node_number,:]) +
MB_tstep[self.body_number].pos_dot[self.node_number,:])) -
ieq += 3
[docs] def staticpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
[docs] def dynamicpost(self, lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep):
# Funtions to interact with this Library
def initialize_constraints(MBdict):
index_eq = 0
num_constraints = MBdict['num_constraints']
lc_list = list()
# Read the dictionary and create the constraints
for iconstraint in range(num_constraints):
lc_list.append(lc_from_string(MBdict["constraint_%02d" % iconstraint]['behaviour'])())
MBdict_entry = MBdict["constraint_%02d" % iconstraint]
if "penaltyFactor" in MBdict_entry.keys():
if not MBdict_entry['penaltyFactor'] == 0.:
raise NotImplementedError("Penalty method not completely implemented for Lagrange Constraints")
index_eq = lc_list[-1].initialise(MBdict_entry, index_eq)
return lc_list
def define_num_LM_eq(lc_list):
Define the number of equations needed to define the boundary boundary conditions
lc_list(): list of all the defined contraints
num_LM_eq(int): number of new equations needed to define the boundary boundary conditions
num_LM_eq = lagrangeconstraints.define_num_LM_eq(lc_list)
num_LM_eq = 0
# Compute the number of equations
for lc in lc_list:
num_LM_eq += lc.get_n_eq()
return num_LM_eq
def generate_lagrange_matrix(lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep, ts, num_LM_eq, sys_size, dt, Lambda, Lambda_dot, dynamic_or_static):
Generates the matrices associated to the Lagrange multipliers boundary conditions
lc_list(): list of all the defined contraints
MBdict(dict): dictionary with the MultiBody and LagrangeMultipliers information
MB_beam(list): list of 'beams' of each of the bodies that form the system
MB_tstep(list): list of 'StructTimeStepInfo' of each of the bodies that form the system
num_LM_eq(int): number of new equations needed to define the boundary boundary conditions
sys_size(int): total number of degrees of freedom of the multibody system
dt(float): time step
Lambda(np.ndarray): list of Lagrange multipliers values
Lambda_dot(np.ndarray): list of the first derivative of the Lagrange multipliers values
dynamic_or_static (str): string defining if the computation is dynamic or static
LM_C (np.ndarray): Damping matrix associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations
LM_K (np.ndarray): Stiffness matrix associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations
LM_Q (np.ndarray): Vector of independent terms associated to the Lagrange Multipliers equations
# Initialize matrices
LM_C = np.zeros((sys_size + num_LM_eq,sys_size + num_LM_eq), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
LM_K = np.zeros((sys_size + num_LM_eq,sys_size + num_LM_eq), dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
LM_Q = np.zeros((sys_size + num_LM_eq,),dtype=ct.c_double, order = 'F')
# Define the matrices associated to the constratints
# TODO: Is there a better way to deal with ieq?
# ieq = 0
for lc in lc_list:
if dynamic_or_static.lower() == "static":
elif dynamic_or_static.lower() == "dynamic":
return LM_C, LM_K, LM_Q
def postprocess(lc_list, MB_beam, MB_tstep, dynamic_or_static):
Run the postprocess of all the Lagrange Constraints in the system
for lc in lc_list:
if dynamic_or_static.lower() == "static":
lc.staticpost(lc_list = lc_list,
MB_beam = MB_beam,
MB_tstep = MB_tstep)
elif dynamic_or_static.lower() == "dynamic":
lc.dynamicpost(lc_list = lc_list,
MB_beam = MB_beam,
MB_tstep = MB_tstep)
def remove_constraint(MBdict, constraint):
Removes a constraint from the list.
This function is thought to release constraints at some point during
a dynamic simulation
MBdict['num_constraints'] -= 1
except KeyError:
# The entry did not exist in the dict, pass without substracting 1 to
# num_constraints