
Connects two state-space blocks in series. If these are instances of DLTI state-space systems, they need to have the same type and time-step. If the input systems are sparse, they are converted to dense.

The connection is such that:

\[u \rightarrow \mathsf{SS01} \rightarrow \mathsf{SS02} \rightarrow y \Longrightarrow u \rightarrow \mathsf{SStot} \rightarrow y\]

where the state vector \(x\) is \([x_1, x_2]\).

param SS01:

State Space 1 instance. Can be DLTI/CLTI, dense or sparse.

type SS01:


param SS02:

State Space 2 instance. Can be DLTI/CLTI, dense or sparse.

type SS02:



libss.StateSpace: Combined state space system in series in dense format.