
Computes the analytical frequency response of a plat plate for the input output sequences in input_seq and output_seq over the frequency points kv, if available.

The output complex values array Yan has shape (Nout, Nin, Nk); if an analytical solution is not available, the response is assumed to be zero.

If plunge_deriv is True, the plunge response is expressed in terms of first derivative dh.

param kv:

Frequency range of length Nk.

type kv:


param x_ea_perc:

Elastic axis location along the chord as chord length percentage.

type x_ea_perc:


param x_fh_perc:

Flap hinge location along the chord as chord length percentage.

type x_fh_perc:


param input_seq:

List of Nin number of inputs. Supported inputs include:

  • gust_sears: Response to a continuous sinusoidal gust.

  • pitch: Response to an oscillatory pitching motion.

  • plunge: Response to an oscillatory plunging motion.

type input_seq:


param output_seq:

List of Nout number of outputs. Supported outputs include:

  • Fy: Vertical force.

  • Mz: Pitching moment.

type output_seq:


param output_scal:

Array of factors by which to divide the desired outputs. Dimensions of Nout.

type output_scal:


param plunge_deriv:

If True expresses the plunge response in terms of the first derivative, i.e. the

type plunge_deriv:


:param rate of change of plunge \(d\dot{h}\).:


A (Nout, Nin, Nk) array containing the scaled frequency response for the inputs and outputs specified.



See also

The lift coefficient due to pitch and plunging motions is calculated using sharpy.utils.analytical.theo_CL_freq_resp(). In turn, the pitching moment is found using sharpy.utils.analytical.theo_CM_freq_resp().

The response to the continuous sinusoidal gust is calculated using sharpy.utils.analytical.sears_CL_freq_resp().