- class sharpy.utils.generate_cases.StructuralInformation[source]
Structural information needed to build a case
- add_lumped_mass(node, mass=None, inertia=None, pos=None, mat=None)[source]
Add lumped mass to structure
node(int): Node where the lumped mass is to be placed
For lumped masses: mass(float): Mass inertia(np.array): 3x3 inertia matrix pos(np.array): 3 coordinates of the mass position
For lumped masses described as a 6x6 matrix: mat(np.array): 6x6 mass and inertia matrix
- assembly_structures(*args)[source]
This function concatenates structures to be writen in the same h5 File
- Parameters:
*args – list of StructuralInformation() to be meged into ‘self’
The structures does NOT merge any node (even if nodes are defined at the same coordinates)
- check_StructuralInformation()[source]
Check some properties of the StructuralInformation()
These conditions have to be to correctly define a case but they are not the only ones
- compute_basic_num_elem()[source]
It computes the number of elements when no nodes are shared between beams
- compute_basic_num_node()[source]
It computes the number of nodes when no nodes are shared between beams
- copy()[source]
Returns a copy of the object
- Returns:
new object with the same properties
- Return type:
- create_frame_of_reference_delta(y_BFoR='y_AFoR')[source]
Define the coordinates of the yB axis in the AFoR
- Parameters:
y_BFoR (string) – Direction of the yB axis
- create_mass_db_from_vector(vec_mass_per_unit_length, vec_mass_iner_x, vec_mass_iner_y, vec_mass_iner_z, vec_pos_cg_B, vec_mass_iner_yz=None)[source]
Create the mass matrices from the vectors of properties
- Parameters:
vec_mass_per_unit_length (np.array) – masses per unit length
vec_mass_iner_x (np.array) – inertias around the x axis
vec_mass_iner_y (np.array) – inertias around the y axis
vec_mass_iner_z (np.array) – inertias around the z axis
vec_pos_cg_B (np.array) – position of the masses
vec_mass_iner_yz (np.array) – inertias around the yz axis
- create_simple_connectivities()[source]
Create the matrix of connectivities for one single beam with the nodes ordered in increasing xB direction
- create_stiff_db_from_vector(vec_EA, vec_GAy, vec_GAz, vec_GJ, vec_EIy, vec_EIz, vec_EIyz=None)[source]
Create the stiffness matrices from the vectors of properties
- Parameters:
vec_EA (np.array) – Axial stiffness
vec_GAy (np.array) – Shear stiffness in the y direction
vec_GAz (np.array) – Shear stiffness in the z direction
vec_GJ (np.array) – Torsional stiffness
vec_EIy (np.array) – Bending stiffness in the y direction
vec_EIz (np.array) – Bending stiffness in the z direction
vec_EIyz (np.array) – Bending stiffness in the yz direction
- generate_fem_file(route, case_name)[source]
Writes the h5 file with the structural information
- Parameters:
route (string) – path of the case
case_name (string) – name of the case
- generate_full_structure(num_node_elem, num_node, num_elem, coordinates, connectivities, elem_stiffness, stiffness_db, elem_mass, mass_db, frame_of_reference_delta, structural_twist, boundary_conditions, beam_number, app_forces, lumped_mass_nodes=None, lumped_mass=None, lumped_mass_inertia=None, lumped_mass_position=None, lumped_mass_mat_nodes=None, lumped_mass_mat=None)[source]
Defines the whole case from the appropiated variables
- Parameters:
num_node_elem (int) – number of nodes per element
num_node (int) – number of nodes
num_elem (int) – number of elements
coordinates (np.array) – nodes coordinates
connectivities (np.array) – element connectivities
elem_stiffness (np.array) – element stiffness index
stiffness_db (np.array) – Stiffness matrices
elem_mass (np.array) – element mass index
mass_db (np.array) – Mass matrices
frame_of_reference_delta (np.array) – element direction of the y axis in the BFoR wrt the AFoR
structural_twist (np.array) – element based twist
boundary_conditions (np.array) – node boundary condition
beam_number (np.array) – node beam number
app_forces (np.array) – steady applied follower forces at the nodes
lumped_mass_nodes (np.array) – nodes with lumped masses
lumped_mass (np.array) – value of the lumped masses
lumped_mass_inertia (np.array) – inertia of the lumped masses
lumped_mass_position (np.array) – position of the lumped masses
lumped_mass_mat_nodes (np.array) – nodes with lumped masses given by matrices
lumped_mass_mat (np.array) – value of the lumped masses given by matrices
- generate_uniform_beam(node_pos, mass_per_unit_length, mass_iner_x, mass_iner_y, mass_iner_z, pos_cg_B, EA, GAy, GAz, GJ, EIy, EIz, num_node_elem=3, y_BFoR='y_AFoR', num_lumped_mass=0, num_lumped_mass_mat=0)[source]
Generates the input data for SHARPy of a uniform beam
- Parameters:
node_pos (np.array) – coordinates of the nodes
mass_per_unit_length (float) – mass per unit length
mass_iner_x (float) – Inertia of the mass in the x direction
mass_iner_y (float) – Inertia of the mass in the y direction
mass_iner_z (float) – Inertia of the mass in the z direction
pos_cg_B (np.array) – position of the masses
EA (np.array) – Axial stiffness
GAy (np.array) – Shear stiffness in the y direction
GAz (np.array) – Shear stiffness in the z direction
GJ (np.array) – Torsional stiffness
EIy (np.array) – Bending stiffness in the y direction
EIz (np.array) – Bending stiffness in the z direction
num_node_elem (int) – number of nodes per element
y_BFoR (str) – orientation of the yB axis
num_lumped_mass (int) – number of lumped masses
num_lumped_mass_mat (int) – number of lumped masses given as matrices
- generate_uniform_sym_beam(node_pos, mass_per_unit_length, mass_iner, EA, GA, GJ, EI, num_node_elem=3, y_BFoR='y_AFoR', num_lumped_mass=0, num_lumped_mass_mat=0)[source]
Generates the input data for SHARPy of a uniform symmetric beam
- Parameters:
node_pos (np.array) – coordinates of the nodes
mass_per_unit_length (float) – mass per unit length
mass_iner (float) – Inertia of the mass
EA (float) – Axial stiffness
GA (float) – Shear stiffness
GJ (float) – Torsional stiffness
EI (float) – Bending stiffness
num_node_elem (int) – number of nodes per element
y_BFoR (str) – orientation of the yB axis
num_lumped_mass (int) – number of lumped masses
- rotate_around_origin(axis, angle)[source]
Rotates a structure
- Parameters:
axis (np.array) – axis of rotation
angle (float) – angle of rotation in radians
- set_to_zero(num_node_elem, num_node, num_elem, num_mass_db=None, num_stiffness_db=None, num_lumped_mass=0, num_lumped_mass_mat=0)[source]
Sets to zero all the variables
- Parameters:
num_node_elem (int) – number of nodes per element
num_node (int) – number of nodes
num_elem (int) – number of elements
num_mass_db (int) – number of different mass matrices in the case
num_stiffness_db (int) – number of different stiffness matrices in the case
num_lumped_mass (int) – number of lumped masses in the case
num_lumped_mass_mat (int) – number of lumped masses given as matrices