This function generates the stiffness and damping matrices and the independent vector associated to a joint that forces the rotation axis of a FoR to be parallel to a certain direction. This direction is defined in the B FoR of a node and, thus, might change along the simulation.
See LagrangeConstraints
for the description of variables
- param rot_axisB:
Rotation axis with respect to the node B FoR
- type rot_axisB:
- param indep:
Number of the equations that are used as independent
- type indep:
- param node_number:
number of the “node” within its own body
- type node_number:
- param node_body:
body number of the “node”
- type node_body:
- param node_FoR_dof:
position of the first degree of freedom of the FoR to which the “node” belongs
- type node_FoR_dof:
- param node_dof:
position of the first degree of freedom associated to the “node”
- type node_dof:
- param FoR_body:
body number of the “FoR”
- type FoR_body:
- param FoR_dof:
position of the first degree of freedom associated to the “FoR”
- type FoR_dof:
Notes: this function is missing the contribution of the rotation velocity of the reference node. See def_rot_axis_FoR_wrt_node_general