
Relative error between a reference signal and a second signal.

The error metric is defined as in [1] to be:

\[\varepsilon_{rel}[\mathbf{Y}_1, \mathbf{Y}_2] = \frac{\max_{i,j} (\sup_{w\in[0, \bar{w}]}[\mathbf{Y}_2 - \mathbf{Y}_1]_{i, j})}{\max_{i,j}(\sup_{w\in[0, \bar{w}]}[\mathbf{Y}_1]_{i,j})}.\]
param y1:Reference signal frequency response.
type y1:np.ndarray
param y2:Frequency response matrix.
type y2:np.ndarray
param wv:Array of frequencies. Required when specifying a max and min value
type wv:Optional [np.ndarray]
param **kwargs:Key word arguments for max and min frequencies. See below.
Keyword Args
vmin (float): Lower bound value to find index in wv. vmax (float): Upper bound value to find index in wv.
returns:Maximum relative error between frequency responses.


Maraniello, S. and Palacios, R. Parametric Reduced Order Modelling of the Unsteady Vortex Lattice Method. AIAA Journal. 2020