
Computes the L-2 norm of a complex valued function.

\[\mathcal{L}_2 = \left(\int_{-\infty}^\infty ||\mathbf{F}(i\omega)||^2_{F2}\,d\omega\right)^{0.5}\]

where \(||\mathbf{F}(i\omega)||_{F2}\) refers to teh Frobenius norm calculated by sharpy.utils.frequencyutils.frobenius_norm().

param y_freq:Complex valued function.
type y_freq:np.ndarray
param wv:Frequency array.
type wv:np.ndarray
param **kwargs:Key word arguments for max and min frequencies. See below.
Keyword Args
vmin (float): Lower bound value to find index in wv. vmax (float): Upper bound value to find index in wv.
returns:L-2 norm of y_freq.


Antoulas, A. Approximation to Large Scale Dynamical Systems. SIAM 2005. Ch 5, Eq 5.10, pg 126